FST Exam Practice Test: Free Fightfighter Online Questions

The questions on this free firefighter online test practice are a true representation of the questions you'll face on the actual IOS Firefighter Selection Tool (FST) Exam.

These FST practice questions were specifically chosen from our full Firefighter FST Exam practice pack to help improve your score and ace your pre-employment process.

Good Luck!

Free Firefighter FST Exam Practice Questions

Spatial Aptitude - Spatial Orientation 1

1. The map below is a scheme of subway lines in the city.

Each line is marked by a different color and is associated with a different letter. Stations are numbered by their location on the line(s). The numbering of the stations progresses from the beginning of the line to its end. Lines always begin at the northernmost station, except for lines G and M which begin at the westernmost station. Codes associated with some of the stations have been written below them.

A station can have more than one code associated with it, as some stations have more than one line passing through them.

Question: How many lines intersect the C line?

A. 5.

B. 6.

C. 3.

D. 4.



The answer is choice B.

The lines that intersect with the C line are:

The B line at C1 = B5.
The P line at C1 = P7.
The O line at C2 = O3.
The R line at C3 = R5.
The M line at C4 = M4.
The G line at C5 = G5.

Calculating Areas and Perimeters

2. Please choose the correct answer.

If none of the options is the correct answer, please choose answer choice, "N".

Jamie, a contestant on "America's got gumbo" cooking show, wants to prepare a chocolate pyramid dessert. If Jamie chooses a pyramid mold with a volume of 1/8 cubed feet and a height of 0.5 feet, what would be its base area?

A. 4.

B. 0.25.

C. 1.333

D. 0.75

E. N.


The correct answer is (D) - 0.75

The formula for calculating a pyramid's volume is:
Volume of a pyramid = 1/3*base area*height = (base area*height)/3

Isolate the 'base area' in the formula:
1. Multiply both sides of the formula by 3:
3*Volume of a pyramid = 3*1/3*base area*height
3*Volume of a pyramid = base area*height
2. Divide both sides of the formula by 'height':
3*Volume of a pyramid/height = base area*height/height
3*Volume of a pyramid/height = base area
=> Base area = 3*volume of the pyramid / height

Insert the given data:
Pyramid's volume = 1/8 cubed feet
Pyramid's height = 0.5 feet
Base area = (3*1/8) / (1/2) / re-arrange the equation (*see solving tip)
=> Base area = (3*1/8)*(2/1) = (3/8)*(2/1) = (3*2) / (8*1) = (3*2) / 8 = 6/8 = 3/4 = 0.75
=> Base area = 0.75

💡Solving tip: When dividing one fraction by another fraction, it is the same as multiplying the first fraction by the inverse second fraction:

(a/b) / (c/d) = (a/b) * (d/c)
In this question, we applied it as follows:
(3*1/8) / (1/2) = (3/8) / (1/2) = (3/8) * (2/1) = (3*2) / (8*1)

You can find more sample questions and answers on our Free Firefighter Test Practice page or learn about other open Civil Service positions. 

How to Practice For the FST Exam?

Passing this entry-level firefighter exam can vary challenging because it presents you with a combination of cognitive and behavioral ability assessments, has a tight time limit and a lot of competition among other candidates.

JobTestPrep offers FST PrepPack that includes 20+ practice tests, study guides, and a full personality test that will help you prepare both for the question types and the time constraint of the test. This way you will be ready and confident when you take the test — being one step ahead of the competition! Get full access starting at $79!

3. Please choose the correct answer. If none of the options is the correct answer please choose answer choice e, "N".

A triangle with a base of 60 inches and a height of 15 inches is placed on a surface. If the triangle covers half of the surface, how much of it will be covered by another triangle, with a base of 50 inches and height of 12 inches?
A. 1.5.

B. 2/3.

C. 0.75.

D. 1/3.

E.  N.


The correct answer is (D) - 1/3

The formula for calculating the area of a triangle is:
Area of a triangle = 1/2(base*height)

First, calculate the area of the first triangle:
Triangle's base = 60 inches
Triangle's height = 15 inches
Area of the first triangle = 1/2(60*15) = 1/2(60*10 + 60*5) = 1/2(600 + 300) = (1/2)*900 = 900/2 = 450 square inches

According to the question the first triangle whose area calculated above, covers half the surface. Therefore, 450 square inches is half the whole area's surface:
450 = (1/2)*whole area surface
Therefore, to find the whole area surface multiply both sides of the equation by 2:
2*450 = 2*(1/2)*whole area surface
The whole area surface = 900 square inches
To find how much of the whole surface's area will be covered by a triangle whose base = 50 inches and height = 12 inches, first, calculate this second triangle's area:
Area of the second triangle = 1/2(50*12) = 1/2(50*10 + 50*2) = 1/2(500 + 100) = (1/2)*600 = 600/2 = 300 square inches

Finally, calculate how much is the second triangle's area (300 square inches) from the whole surface's area (900 square inches):
300/900 = 3/9 = 1/3

The second triangle covers 1/3 of the surface.


The purpose of these questions is to evaluate your ability to solve geometric problems, based on the provided information. For more Calculating Areas and Perimeters questions, go to the following page.


Deductive Reasoning


Child Abuse – The crime of child abuse is committed when:

Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death of, serious physical or emotional harm to, sexual abuse of, or exploitation of their child; or
An act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which presents an imminent risk of serious harm to his or her child.

 Which of the following best constitutes a case of child abuse?

A. Rachel's babysitter enjoys making Rachel cry by convincing her that her parents hate her.

B. Melllissa spanked Donny

The correct answer is A.

Rachel's babysitter is "a […] caretaker" of Rachel's, and what she is doing clearly "results in [serious] emotional harm." Therefore, the scenario satisfies clause (a) of the definition of the crime. Since satisfying one clause suffices (notice the "or" between the clauses), Rachel's babysitter is committing child abuse.

Answer (B) is incorrect because Melissa is not causing "serious physical harm."

Answer (C) is incorrect because there is no "imminent risk" to Andrews's child.

Answer (D) is incorrect because Sean is neither a parent nor a caretaker of his younger brother.

Inductive Reasoning

5. Please use the following line charts to answer the question

During which period in 2015 did both Arson incidents and Electrical Fire incidents have steadily decreased?

A. April-June.

B. March-May.

C. February-April.

D. January-March.



The correct answer is (C).

Both the blue and red lines' slope decrease from February to March and from March to April, therefore, Arson and Electric Fire incidents are steadily decreasing from February to April.

💡When you are asked about upward trends or downward trends of a line chart, there is no need to extract the numerical data from the chart, because we can infer the trends by looking at the slope.


Deductive Reasoning questions are designed to assess your ability to apply general rules to specific situations and come to logical conclusions. Inductive Reasoning questions will require you to identify a rule or concept which fits a given situation. You can find more Inductive and Deductive practice tests in our online FST Firefighter PrepPack.



Written Communication - Information Presentation

6. The following notes represent part of a working outline for a report for funding to launch a new Measles Vaccine campaign.


  • Highly contagious.
  • Measles cases have decreased by 99.9% in the US.
  • Still endemic in places around the world.
  • All Americans are encouraged to be vaccinated against measles.
  • In 2013, 27 cases of measles were reported, the highest amount of cases in 20 years.
  • Unvaccinated communities are at high risk if they interact with someone who has been exposed to measles.

QUESTION: Which one of the following choices most clearly and accurately expresses the facts presented in the notes?

A. There is a need for a new Measles Vaccine campaign because measles is highly contagious, and in 2013 more cases were reported than in the past 20 years.

B. Unvaccinated communities are at high risk of contracting measles because it is still endemic in the US.

C. In 2013, there were more cases reported than in the past 20 years. With measles being highly contagious, Americans need to be encouraged to be vaccinated, so they do not die from this deadly disease.

D. Responding to the spreading endemic of measles worldwide, Americans no longer need to be vaccinated, as someone who has been exposed is already immune to the disease.

Answer A: Correct. The answer provided correct information that was in the notes. Measles is highly contagious and there were more cases reported in the past 20 years.

Answer B: This answer is incorrect because it provides false information, the notes states that measles are endemic in places around the world; it does not say it is endemic in the US.

Answer C: This answer is incorrect because it provides additional information that could be inferred, but was not stated in the notes. The notes do not state that people "will die from this deadly disease." When writing these reports you must stick to the facts: who, what and where.

Answer D: This answer is incorrect because it provides contradictory information for the purpose of the question. These are notes to launch a new Measles Vaccine campaign, so by saying "Americans no longer need to be vaccinated" contradicts the purpose of the report. In addition it provides information not in the notes, "as someone who has been exposed is already immune to the disease."


Information presentation questions are designed to assess your ability to choose the sentence that best expresses the ideas in the sentences provided.


Written Communication - Sentence Completion

7. After completing the last of their final exams, _________ went to a party to celebrate the end of the semester.

Which of the following options correctly completes the sentence above?

A. I.

B. John and I.

C. John and Kelly.

D. Kelly.

The correct answer is (C).

The word "their" implies that the subject of the sentence should refer to a third-person plural noun.

Answer (A) is first-person singular; answer (B) is first-person plural; and answer (D) is third-person singular.

Numerical Reasoning

8. Convert 7/8 to a decimal

A. 0.75.

B. 0.78.

C. 0.875.

D. 0.8.

E. 0.785.

The correct answer is C. 

1/8 = 0.125

7/8 = 7 times 0.125

x 7

An alternative solution:

1 equals 8/8.
7/8 = 1 - 1/8 = 1 - 0.125

- 0.125



Numerical Reasoning Questions test of your ability to work with fractions, decimals, and formulas. You can find more Numerical Reasoning type questions in JobTestPrep's FST Firefighter Prep


Reading Comprehension

9. In 1988, Baltic States were in open defiance of the Kremlin. On August 1989 half the adult population of the Baltics formed a human chain stretching the entire length of the three republics to protest against the fiftieth anniversary of Soviet rule. In the parliamentary elections, they gave Sajudis the power to be elected to the Supreme Soviet in Moscow, allowing their voices to be heard nationwide through televised coverage. On 11 March 1990 by 124 votes to zero the Lithuanian parliament passed the Act of the Supreme Council on the Restoration of the Independent Lithuanian State.

What did the entrance to Moscow's Soviet allow?

A. A democratic reign.

B. Sajudis thus became president.

C. Wide media coverage.

D. The defeat of the kremlin.

The correct answer is C. "In the parliamentary elections, they gave Sajudis the power to be elected to the Supreme Soviet in Moscow, allowing their voices to be heard nationwide through televised coverage."


Spatial Aptitude - Spatial Orientation 2

10. The map below is a scheme of subway lines in the city.

Each line is marked by a different color and is associated with a different letter. Stations are numbered by their location on the line(s). The numbering of the stations progresses from the beginning of the line to its end. Lines always begin at the northernmost station, except for lines G and M which begin at the westernmost station. Codes associated with some of the stations have been written below them.

A station can have more than one code associated with it, as some stations have more than one line passing through them.

Question: How many lines intersect the C line?

A. 5.

B. 6.

C. 3.

D. 4.


The answer is choice B.

The lines that intersect with the C line are:

The B line at C1 = B5.
The P line at C1 = P7.
The O line at C2 = O3.
The R line at C3 = R5.
The M line at C4 = M4.
The G line at C5 = G5.



These practice tests are designed to increase your spatial orientation abilities, including map reading, following relative (left-right) and absolute (north-south) directions, and solving problems related to firefighting using a map. JobTestPrep's preparation includes more Spatial Orientation Firefighter questions.


Spatial Aptitude - Spatial Orientation 3

11. An arrow on a street indicates that, unless otherwise specified, along the entire street, traffic is only allowed to travel in the direction in which the arrow is pointing.

Question: You are located at Kelly Lane and 2nd Street. You receive a call to respond to Wendy Boulevard and Eve Road. Which is the most direct route you can take, making sure you obey all traffic regulations?

A. South on 2nd St., west on Pamela Ave, south on 1st ST. and west on Wendy Blvd.

B. North on 2nd St., west on Bart St., south on 1st ST., and west on Wendy Blvd.

C. West on Kelly Ln, south on 1st ST. and west on Wendy Blvd.

D. West on Kelly Ln and south on Eve Rd.

The correct answer is C.
In this question it’s important to check all the choices to find out which route is the most direct.
Answer A is wrong because 2nd St. is one way.
Answer B is wrong because it isn’t the most direct route that can be taken.
Answer D is wrong because Eve Rd is one way.

Understanding Information

12. Keeping safe in a shop
There have been significant fires in retail premises in displays of white spirit and similar products. The plastic containers readily melt in the fire, spilling their contents, fueling very rapid fire growth.

To minimize this risk, you need to ensure that the stock is kept to the minimum necessary for business needs, especially in areas to which the public have access. Storage areas should be carefully chosen, so that they are away from sources of ignition and heating in the building. This will also enable your staff to readily see any incidents, such as spillages and leaks.

Your staff should be trained in what do in an emergency and the necessary equipment and arrangements need to be put in place to enable them to do this safely.

Which of the following reasons mentioned in the article may lead to a fire developing?

A. Allowing your staff to smoke.

B. Having untrained staff.

C. Having a fire-proof suit.

D. Having dangerous chemicals near a source of ignition.


The correct answer is (D), as dangerous chemicals are the only topic mentioned as possibly being a cause of fire.

FST Exam Answer Index


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