Top HireVue Interview Questions and Tips for Winning Answers
Gal Jacobi

Gal, HireVue Expert at JobTestPrep.

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What Is the HireVue Interview?

The HireVue interview is a leading global pre-screening tool used by top companies and organizations, including major investment banks, such as Morgan Stanley, Boeing, State Farm, and JP Morgan, as well as other blue-chip companies, such as Coca-Cola, Point72, and Delta Airlines. It helps reduce the resources required for regular interviews by using AI technologies to pre-screen unsuitable candidates rather than just scanning your content.

During the HireVue interview, you will be asked pre-recorded questions, and you will need to record your answers.

How Does the HireVue Interview Works?

HireVue's on-demand interview utilizes AI technology. This system analyzes various nonverbal elements such as body language, eye contact, facial expressions, tone of voice, inflection, and overall mood. These aspects complement the data from your CV and application and allow for a more comprehensive assessment. This approach streamlines the selection process and saves time and effort for both recruiters and applicants.

The interview usually consists of 5 to 8 questions. For each question, you have 30 seconds to prepare and up to 3 minutes to record your answer.

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The interview questions are custom-tailored for the specific role you're applying for and fall into three categories:

1. Questions about Past Experience: Here, you'll discuss your professional background and challenges you've encountered in previous positions.
2. Situational Judgment Questions: You'll be given hypothetical work scenarios and asked to explain your potential reactions and actions.
3. Scenario-Based Simulations: Similar to situational questions, you're required to act out your response to a given work scenario.

You can take the interview via computer, smartphone, or tablet at any place and time convenient for you within the specified completion period.

You have the option to pause the interview and resume recording later. However, once a response is submitted, you cannot revisit the question. Upon completion, your responses are uploaded and analyzed by HireVue's AI, and the results and the interview itself are forwarded to the recruiters.

Like a face-to-face interview, the exact questions are unknown until the interview begins. Common themes include experience, motivation, prioritization, integrity, and teamwork. Below, we will look at the most common HireVue interview questions and how to answer them.

Before that, let's look at different factors that should be emphasized for pre-recorded video interviews.

How to Stand out in a HireVue Interview?


Delivering eye-catching responses to the HireVue interview requires attention to the same factors that play a role in regular interviews, with 2 major differences.

  1. The human element: In face-to-face interviews, interpersonal dynamics play a big part. You may have a mediocre answer, but be successful at impressing the interviewers with the way you make them feel — an element hard to copy through a camera. 
  2. You don't get a second chance: You only get one chance to record an impressive enough response to each HireVue interview question. The fact that you cannot correct an ill-made statement or impression doesn't improve an already stress-inducing assessment.

Worrying as it may, remaining minded to the following factors will enhance your responses:

  • Your answer's content: Your responses must be professional, precise, and relevant, along with a character that matches the company's expectations and values.
  • Communication skills: The HireVue interview demands verbal fluidity, which is vital for clearly articulating yourself. Additionally, you must consider the recruiter's reaction to everything you say, which is essential for creating a human connection through your responses.
  • The tone of Voice: Pay extra attention to how you speak. High-quality responses are not enough if your voice sends the wrong message.
  • Body language: Your posture, eye and hand gestures, and eye contact with the camera are as important as responding with a clear and assertive tone. Slouching in your chair sends the same message as speaking with an unmotivated voice.
  • Overall presentation: Combine the previous elements with your attire, lack of background visual noise, and proper engagement to give the appearance of a top candidate.

JobTestPrep HireVue Interview Preparation

Enhance your confidence and performance in the HireVue pre-recorded video interview with our unprecedented and exclusive preparation:

  • Video Interview Practice: Familiarize yourself with a platform that's similar to HireVue's and experience the complete interview process.
  • Recording Practice: Simulate recording responses to top HireVue questions, review your performance, and adjust your delivery.
  • Analysis and Feedback by Occupational Psychologists: Learn best with detailed feedback from our professional occupational psychologists on key metrics of your performance.

Common HireVue Interview Questions — How Should You Answer?

The following are questions that appear most often in the HireVue interview.

Start your preparation by responding to them and consider all the comments mentioned within the boxes in your answers. 

To start, we would like to learn more about you. What can you tell me about yourself?

  • Speak chronologically about your professional experience. Starting with the most recent experience, invest several words in explaining each role you had and possibly an achievement or a skill you learned.
  • Connect to the role. Sum by illustrating how your experience contributes to the responsibilities of this potential role.
  • Be enthusiastic. Answer with assertive and positive energy.

Describe a major event currently happening in the world. How might it affect the role you've applied for?

  • Offer an overview of your response. Communicate your understanding of all relevant key points for answering thoroughly.
  • Research your company. Come prepared with an understanding of your potential employer and the markets that it is part of. Make predictions backed by data points, demonstrating your research, analytic abilities, and critical thinking. 
  • Offer solutions. Briefly outline potential strategies for dealing with the situation to showcase your skills, previous work experience, and the information you have researched.

Describe your approach to dealing with failure.

  • Demonstrate a mindset for development and learning. This calls for explaining how every failure is an opportunity for growth. 
  • Emphasize willingness to adapt. Explain your desire to adapt according to the feedback you get or the reflection you make on your actions post-failure.
  • Use examples that show problem-solving and resilience. We all make mistakes. Examples that demonstrate adaptability with different skill sets will enhance your response to this question.

Share your interest in this position

  • Research the company. While answering this question, include information that showcases prior research and understanding of the company. 
  • Show how you align. Find the company's activities or values and explain how they fit your values. Provide an example.
  • Fitting the role. Demonstrate parts of previous roles that you appreciated and that are an integral part of the current potential position.

Think of something you do or see every day. How could you improve the way you currently do this?

  • Choose a relevant activity. The most suitable activities are those that are connected to your professional endeavors. Showing potential growth in such a field holds promise for professional enhancement. Activities that are not related to work but can be connected to work values and activities are also good.
  • Improving through external resources. Learning can be done in multiple ways, such as professional classes, books, and videos online. Showing interest in improving a skill, work-related or not, will make a great response and show resourcefulness.
  • Improving through internal resources. Reflect on your daily activities and find small changes that can be made. This will show you your self-learning capabilities and will to self-improve.

Discuss your most significant professional accomplishment.

  • Relevance to the position at hand. Showcasing an accomplishment relevant to the requirements and expectations of the potential role will help show your understanding of what you will be required to do while illustrating fitness for the new position.
  • Explain the achievement. Explaining the context, the actions you took, and the outcomes will provide a comprehensive understanding of your achievement.
  • Impact. Elaborate on the lasting impact your accomplishment has on different factors of the organization, team, or project.

Which key challenges do you think you would face when working in your chosen position?

  • Research the position's complexities. By naming multiple key challenges, you will illustrate a deep understanding of the position.
  • Demonstrate problem-solving. Pick the challenges that fit your top skills to highlight your capabilities in this field.
  • Potential effects of the key challenges. Make sure to speak about challenges relevant to different fields, such as communication, project management, team collaboration, etc. This will further showcase your deep understanding and your skills in problem-solving challenges from different sources.

Tell me about a time when you were unable to complete a task or project as planned. What did you do?

  • Offering Context. Explain the project you were working on and the role you had. By properly drawing the picture, you demonstrate your communication skills.
  • The obstacle. It is important to provide an example that shows your responsibility and the course of action you took to handle the situation. Giving an example that doesn't relate to your responsibilities is not a good idea, as it looks evasive.
  • Communicating the error. Explaining the measures you took to inform everyone about the error shows a team-oriented point of view and a responsible and collaborative character.

Describe a time you had to take a risk to get something done. What did you do?

  • Describe the potential outcomes. Show the recruiters you are aware of all possible effects of your actions.
  • Choosing the risk. Every company views risk-taking differently. Thus, when choosing your example, make sure that it fits the company's views on how risk-taking its employees should be.
  • Explain your reasoning. Besides possible positive outcomes, taking risks should be done after serious consideration. Outlining your reasoning shows that you consider not only the possible victories but also the overall impact your risk may have.

Describe a time you used your judgment or expertise to find a better way of doing something. What did you do specifically?

  • Illustrate critical thinking and expertise. This is an excellent opportunity to highlight relevant knowledge and expertise. Pick an example that matches your skills and experience that is relevant to the role.
  • Seeing the bigger picture. The incident should highlight your ability to consider multiple factors and integrate them into an idea that will benefit the whole.
  • Demonstrating the positive impacts. Emphasize impacts that may be relevant to your potential new role, showcasing your potential contribution.

While HireVue uses different variations for each question and personalizes them to fit the company's and role's expectations and values, all HireVue questions share common key points you should consider when answering:

  • Be concise. Start by providing an overview of the topics you will cover in your response.
  • Do the research. This is vital for finding relevant information that may be crucial for your answers.
  • Use relevant examples. There may be several examples for each question. Search for ones that best fit what you will be expected, according to your research and the job description.

💡 See more HireVue interview questions

How Can You Pass a HireVue Interview?

While exercising the tips on this page in advance is a great start at improving your competency for the HireVue interview, there's so much you can improve by practicing with yourself or a friend. A deep understanding of the nuances and subtleties of how and what you communicate demands years of experience, as well as being mindful of your facial positioning and body, your tone of voice, the content of your answers, and your verbal fluidity.

This is why professional assistance is the best way to get the most out of your HireVue digital interview, and this is exactly what we at JobTestPrep excel at. Building on more than 30 years of experience with candidates from different industries, we have created an unprecedented Pre-Recorded Video Preparation, offering personalized and detailed feedback from an occupational psychologist

Here's what it includes:

  • Video Interview Practice: Before your actual interview, familiarize yourself with the entire interview process and gain comfort with the recording platform.
  • Recording Practice: Simulate responses to critical HireVue questions, review your performance, and make necessary adaptations to improve your presentation.
  • Analysis and Feedback by Occupational Psychologists: The sole preparation in the market that will have your responses analyzed by an expert psychologist and give you detailed feedback on every metric relevant to your performance.

Key Areas of Psychologist Analysis

  • Content Quality: Clarity, relevance, and coherence of your answers.
  • Body Language: Posture, facial expressions, eye contact, and gestures.
  • Tone of Voice: Intonation, pace, and modulation.
  • Communication Skills: Ability to convey your message effectively and confidently.
  • Overall Presentation: Professionalism, demeanor, and engagement.


HireVue Interview Assessments Tips

Though Video interviews may initially feel awkward and unfamiliar, they play a crucial role in the contemporary job market, providing you with the chance to establish a favorable initial impression. Embracing the novelty of this situation and concentrating on optimizing your interview performance will give you a distinct advantage over your competitors. To help you begin, here are some valuable tips:

    1. Prepare Like You Would for Any Interview
      Conduct thorough research to understand the company and role you are applying for. Review the role description, read about the company and its values, and understand the expectations for the role and compatibilities that should be emphasized.
    2. Dress for An interview
      While you will not interact directly with the recruiter, your overall appearance will be examined. Therefore, it's vital to dress similar to how you would for a face-to-face interview.
    3. Sit in an Organize Environment
      Make sure you have no background disturbance and have sufficient lighting.
    4. Be Equipment Ready
      In advance, ensure that your internet connection is strong and that you have a fully charged laptop, tablet, phone, microphone, and camera.
    5. Be Aware of Your Tone and Body Language
      Sit up straight, make proper eye contact with your camera, maintain an enthusiastic facial expression, and speak clearly with a warm and professional tone. 
    6. Practice Your Responses
      Prior to interviewing, you better simulate responses to key interview questions. Make sure to consider all the aforementioned metrics, including your content, verbal fluidity, tone of speech, and body language. Feeling prepared for every scenario will decrease the stress of the actual interview.
    7. Prepare Main Points, Not Entire Answers
      Don't count on remembering all the key points that you wish to convey. Think about key associations and have them written down. This will further help the fluidity of your responses.
    8. Utilize Your PrepTime
      Jot down notes and organize your key talking points to make the most of the time you have to prepare for each question. This will enhance your fluency and coherence and boost your confidence when delivering your response.


What Are Occupational Psychologists 

Occupational Psychologists specialize in understanding workplace behavior and dynamics, dedicating their careers to improving environments for both employers and employees. With extensive experience in assessing individual skills and job compatibility, they are the most suitable professionals to tell you how to adapt yourself into getting your desired role.

We at JobTestPrep are ambitious about helping you get that job, and this is why we have created something unseen anywhere else — a platform perfectly simulating the HireVue digital interview platform, allowing you to record yourself and get professional and tailored feedback from occupational psychologists. By analyzing a variety of metrics that affect your overall delivery, your performance will substantially improve!



Which Companies Use the HireVue Interview? 


  Royal Bank of Canada • UnileverBank of America • JP Morgan ChaseGoldman SachsBPNike • Morgan StanleyDeloitte • BlackRock • Deutsche Bank



HireVue and all other trademarks mentioned on this page are the property of their respective trademark owners. Use of their name here is done for instructional purposes and not to suggest affiliation or endorsement.
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