Credit Suisse Online Assessment [2024]: Get Accurate Practice & Secure an Internship or a Full-Time Offer

Getting a Credit Suisse internship or full-time job is not an easy task

Whether you are applying for a Credit Suisse internship or graduate program, you have to go through the Credit Suisse online assessment (Including the infamous ChatAssess). Each program is different, however, as you will see when you read this page.

But the preparation pack on this page will help you pass every Credit Suisse test, even the Credit Suisse chatAssess, with ease.

With our preparation pack you will get:

  • Accurate practice questions – Familiarize yourself with the specific way the actual questions in the test will look like.
  • Tips & Strategies – Improve your performance with thorough explanations for EVERY question, including solving tips and strategies.
  • Extra practice – Make sure your weak spots are no longer so, with a bank of extra questions.

Start practicing now for the Credit Suisse online assessment, relevant for any position you apply to, and secure a Credit Suisse offer.



Credit Suisse Online Assessment
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Full preparation for the unique Credit Suisse online assessment:

  • Numerical Reasoning Test
  • Verbal Reasoning Test
  • Credit Suisse ChatAssess - 
    SJT Prep + ChatAssess study guide



  • Most accurate & efficient practice
  • Realistic questions that simulate the actual test
  • Full explanations for every question
  • Solving tips & strategies for ALL question types


Created by our experts, experienced in pre-employment tests since 1992


Shir, Finance Sector Expert at JobTestPrep
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All You Need to Know About the Credit Suisse Online Assessment

For ANY undergraduate or graduate program you apply to, you will be asked to take the Credit Suisse online assessment, administered by Cut-e (AON).

For you to even be considered by HR, you first have to hit the benchmark score in the assessment.

The assessment includes:

If you are applying for an analyst position, you will be asked to take an additional test:

Note: These tests will be sent to you immediately after applying for every position in EMEA and APAC locations.

Although you are not given a specific deadline to complete the assessments, you probably should do so as soon after receiving the email as possible.

In Switzerland, your application will be first reviewed, and ONLY if you are invited for an interview you will be asked to take the tests beforehand.

Credit Suisse Numerical Reasoning Test

The numerical reasoning test is designed to test your ability to extract and evaluate data presented in tables and diagrams.

During the test you will be given six sheets of data, that you can return to and examine at any point.

You will be asked to review 18 statements, each relates to only one of the sheets, and determine whether they are true, false or that you cannot say.

Let’s try a numerical reasoning sample question (We've made this one easier by only focusing on one tab):

Credit Suisse Numerical Reasoning Sample Question

Together, the kids' and underwear departments were responsible for just about 20% of Flying Colours' total profit in fiscal years 6-8.




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The correct answer is True.

The graph presents the varying share in profit for each of the different departments across a three-year period.

Let's look at the kids' and underwear departments in FYs 6-8:

FY 6:
Kids: 8%
Underwear: 12%
Total: 8%+12% = 20%

FY 7:
Kids: 9%
Underwear: 10%
Total: 9%+10% = 19%

FY 8:
Kids: 10%
Underwear: 9%
Total: 10%+9% = 19%

In FYs 6-8, the kids' and underwear departments were responsible for 19-20% of the profit.

Therefore, the above statement is true.

 Note that on the real test, not only will you have to decide if the statement is true based on such sheets, but you will also need to decide which of the six tabs is the one with the information you need.

What Makes the Credit Suisse Numerical Reasoning Test So Hard?

  • Pressing time limit – 18 questions in 6 minutes, which means about 20 seconds per question.
  • A lot of data – each sheet is FILLED with many different details you need to find your way around. With only 20 seconds per question, this is not an easy thing to do.
  • For every question, you first have to determine which sheet is relevant. Again, not so simple with the clock ticking away in the corner of the screen.
  • The “cannot say” statements are especially hard, as you need to exclude the “true” and “false” answers to be sure.
  • Points are deducted for wrong answers – which means guessing is not the best approach here.

It seems like a difficult task, but you are more than capable of overcoming these obstacles. Yes, even answering a question in under 20 seconds.

All you need to do is practice, so you’ll know the test inside-out and will be able to solve it in your sleep.

Get accurate practice now and ace the Credit Suisse numerical reasoning test.

Credit Suisse Verbal Reasoning Test

The verbal reasoning test is designed to test your ability to evaluate data from written information.

You will be given six sheets of verbal data, offering information about a company, such as structure, products & services, locations etc.

Your task is to review 18 statements, and for each determine if it is true, false or you cannot say. Note that every statement relates to only one sheet of data.

Test yourself with this verbal reasoning sample question:

Credit Suisse Verbal Reasoning Sample Question


Statement: The executive team must inform the Board of Directors of both significant and insignificant changes, as well as provide them with regular updates, according to the corporate principles.




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According to the verbal data, "The executive team must inform the Board of Directors of major and significant changes, as well as provide regular updates."

Insignificant changes are thus not something the executive team must inform the Board of, in contrast with the above statement.

Therefore, the statement is FALSE.

  • Tip: Sometimes the test will be misleading on purpose.
  • In the sample question, you might have a sheet of data titled “Executive team”. As the statement talks about the executive team, you might be lured to choose this sheet.
  • But in reality, the sheet you are looking for is titled “Objectives”. This phrase is synonymous with the phrase “corporate principals” which only comes in the end of the statement.
  • This confusing nature is to be avoided by reading the statement carefully, and NOT jumping to early conclusions.


What Makes the Credit Suisse Verbal Reasoning Test So Hard?

  • You have only 6 minutes to review 18 statements. That is about 20 seconds per statement.
  • Ambiguous statements – Unlike the numerical data, the verbal data tends to be ambiguous with a lot of grey areas. Candidates specifically find it hard to distinguish between the “false” and “cannot say” answers.
  • You can’t skim through written information like you would in a numerical chart. You have to read every word, and that takes time. A lot of time.

To master the verbal test, you have to develop a solving strategy, and an efficient system to analyse a large amount of data.

This can be achieved with proper practice.

Get accurate preparation with test-like questions and ace the Credit Suisse verbal reasoning test.

Credit Suisse ChatAssess Analysts

The chatAssess is actually a form of situational judgment test, built on a chat-like interactive platform.

During the test, you will receive messages from virtual Credit Suisse colleagues, represented by avatars.

Every avatar you click on will give you more information, a sort of an ID that will help you determine how to respond properly.

Chatassess Avatar Sample

For each message, you will have to choose one response out of three to four options.

Like a real chat, your chosen response will trigger a new message from the colleague, for which you will have to choose a new response. You will go back and forth with several avatars until you finish responding to all messages.

The idea here is to simulate a real Credit Suisse work environment for you. Your responses are supposed to paint HR a picture of your suitability to the firm values.

Try it out with a sample question:

Credit Suisse ChatAssess Analysts Sample Question

Two days ago, you were asked by your supervisor to gather important information from the internet, analyse it, and type up a summary report.

The report is due two days from now, and your supervisor has emphasised its importance to the team’s project. Yesterday, while cooking dinner, you accidently hurt your left hand.

The injury is nothing serious, but your typing speed has decreased and you are afraid you might not finish the report on time.

Hannah is known at the office for her excellent typing skills. During lunch, she mentions that she has just finished an important part of the project she is working on.

What would you do?





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Primary competencies: Organisational skills; Working under authority

Secondary competencies: Result orientation; Problem-solving skills

The Best response is 1.

Due to the circumstances, it is reasonable that you would face difficulty finishing your task on time. This answer demonstrates your ability to manage resources to meet deadlines, thus indicating your organisational skills.

It also shows your ability to communicate with your supervisor effectively and openly when necessary.

In this scenario, your supervisor needs to be made aware of your physical limitations due to your injury so that he can prepare accordingly.

For instance, he may need other similar tasks completed that are beyond your current capability.

Informing your supervisor and suggesting an alternate solution shows your ability to work under authority and demonstrates your problem-solving skills.


This question tests your ability to manage resources and meet deadlines when faced with difficult situations.

This question deals with meeting deadlines and recognising useful resources. It also deals with involving others and the level of autonomy you have in decision-making.

The correct response must balance all of the above.

Answer #2- This response shows that you understand you have a problem meeting the deadline due to your injury.

It also shows your ability to recognise the need for help from Hannah, who is a great resource for completing the task on time due to her excellent typing skills.

It is justified to ask for help in this case, as well as to believe that Hannah is free to help with your work.

However, it is important to inform your supervisor about the potential deadline issue and to have him assign Hannah to help meet it on time.

It is not within your authority to ask Hannah, as your supervisor may have other tasks for her to complete once she is done.

In this situation, it is best to approach the supervisor for guidance as he has a more informed understanding of the team’s work schedule.

While here you are showing proactivity, you also display a lack of recognition for working under authority.

Answer #3- This response appears to be motivated by the need to achieve results independently.

This is not a good response, as it does not recognize the need for help.

Although this response may show a drive towards achievement, it fails to show your organisational and problem-solving skills.

This response does not recognise the importance of meeting the deadline emphasised by your supervisor. It shows a lack of organisation and problem-solving skills and indicates a poor understanding of your supervisor's needs.

Answer #4- This response shows a lack of understanding or appreciation of deadlines and utilisation of available resources.

This response is a very poor response that demonstrates a lack of organisational and problem-solving skills.

  • Tip: In addition to the answer you choose, every action that you take is part of the assessment.
  • This may include the order of the messages you respond to and the time it took you to respond to each of your colleagues.
  • However, remember that once you choose your answer, you cannot change it, so dedicate enough time to every question.
  • This information and much more is available in the full study guide, included in our preparation pack.


What Makes the Credit Suisse ChatAssess So Hard?

  • Every action counts – ALL messages are exposed to you right from the get-go, and every move you make is monitored. This is intimidating.
  • Are there right and wrong answers? – Even though it doesn’t seem so, there IS a right way to respond. Distinguishing between right and wrong is confusing and frustrating.
  • The test is not timed, which is supposed to be good news. The truth is it only makes it harder, as Credit Suisse will know how long you spent on every question.

To properly deal with this confusing test, you need to know what stands behind each and every situation presented to you. Once you got that figured out, it will be much easier to choose the right response.

Get accurate practice and full explanations for each situation and learn how to respond correctly.

Credit Suisse Programmes

Credit Suisse Spring Week

A 5-day insight programme for 1st-year students in a 3-year course, or 2nd-year students in a 4-year course.

This is actually a short internship that is designed to give you a glimpse of a real investment bank experience and work environment. During the internship you will be work-shadowing analysts and participate in workshops and networking events.

But more than that, spring week is actually an important first step towards a career in finance. Look at it as a 5-day job interview, as Credit Suisse will fast track the top spring interns to a summer internship. And a summer internship leads to a full-time role.

Credit Suisse Summer Internship (Summer Analyst)

A Credit Suisse internship is THE best way to get a full-time job. Credit Suisse doesn’t disguise this fact at all.

Take a look at this statement from their official website:

“The majority of our full-time hires are selected from our internship programs.”

This is the way it goes in most banks, and the trend will be stronger every year.

Note: Although summer internships are the most common, they are not the only possible internships.

You can try a Credit Suisse off-cycle internship, which might have a timeline more suited for you, and still enjoy all the benefits of a summer internship. It could last anywhere between 3 to 6 months.

Another option is a Credit Suisse industrial placement, which is a longer internship usually taken as a break from school, or as a part of a university programme that requires it.

The Credit Suisse summer internship is offered to students in their penultimate year ONLY, and it lasts around 3 months.

Notice that the recruitment is on a rolling basis, done in several waves. This means that if they have filled up all their spots by the second wave, there will not be a third.

So, apply as early as possible!

The internship is in a specific business area you need to apply to in advance.

Team NameResponsibilities
Asset ManagementLearn about this growing area of asset management from Credit Suisse industry-leading Alternative Investments team. The Private Fund Group raises capital from investors (or limited partners) worldwide, including public and private pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowments, foundations, financial institutions, insurance companies, family offices and ultra-high net worth individuals.
Global Markets: ResearchProvide in-depth research and creative insights to help guide the decisions of both senior management and clients.
Global Markets: Sales, Trading and StructuringYou will learn from experienced colleagues and work with some of the company’s most valued clients in a range of product areas, from simple financing to liability management, structured finance, hedging and derivatives.
Investment Banking and Capital MarketsThe investment Banking and Capital Markets (IBCM) Programs put you in the middle of some of the most challenging mergers and acquisitions, restructurings, and transactions in the world.
Australia: EquitiesAccelerate your career, while gaining valuable insight into Global Markets during an internship with Credit Suisse Australia Equities team.
Australia: Private BankingLearn from one of the world’s leading wealth managers. You’ll develop your advisory skills and create a business plan to help launch your wealth management career.
APAC Markets: Equity ResearchJoin Credit Suisse Asia Pacific Equity Research team and contribute to research that guides decisions and provides critical insights to clients.
RiskThe Risk Division acts as guardian of the bank's risk appetite and provides effective independent risk oversight in the areas of regulatory and risk related systems and infrastructure. As well as maintaining a comprehensive bank wide risk appetite framework including market risk, credit risk, operational risk and reputational risk.

Note: Credit Suisse allows you to apply to up to 2 programmes, so choose your application wisely.

Credit Suisse Graduate Programmes (Full-Time Analyst)

To be eligible for this position you need to be in your last year of studies, or that you just recently graduated.

As a full-time analyst, you will work in a specific team in the bank.
By now you probably know your way around the bank and what team you are best suited for.

Team NameResponsibilities
Asset ManagementYou’ll gain expertise in the sophisticated area of alternative investments and understand how to help clients’ meet their investment objectives. You’ll work within private equity, hedge strategies, credit investments or diverse strategies.
Global Markets: HOLTYou will create research, data and insights that help guide investment decisions around the world.
Global Markets: ResearchProvide in-depth research and creative insights to help guide the decisions of both senior management and clients.
Global Markets: Sales, Trading and StructuringYou’ll gain valuable insight into different asset classes and the broader markets.
Investment Banking and Capital MarketsYou will work alongside professionals who execute the large, innovative deals that are transforming today’s corporate landscape.
Quantitative ProgramsYou will collaborate with highly experienced professionals who are working at the leading edge of the industry.
APAC Corporate FunctionsCover a range of specialist business disciplines that support Credit Suisse client operations around the globe such as finance, risk, compliance, operations, human resources, branding and corporate communications.
Private BankingYou’ll work along experienced wealth managers, providing comprehensive advice and investment products and services to meet the complex needs of our high-net-worth clients.

Note: Not all programmes are open for outside hire. You should check the Credit Suisse website for further information about positions open for candidates who have not been a Credit Suisse interns.


For any program you apply to you have to take the Credit Suisse online assessments.

No, you do not. Your scores are valid throughout the recruitment cycle.

Credit Suisse do not specify a deadline, so we can’t be sure. But they do say that you have to complete it immediately after the online application, which suggests that they expect it as soon as possible.

Credit Suisse offers an associate program, which is designed for candidates with advanced degrees.

Not necessarily. Some programmes accept candidates from all disciplines. The specific requirements can be found in their official website.