Amazon Virtual Interview: What to Expect & How to Prepare

Amazon Virtual Interviews are becoming the new norm and are an integral part of the Amazon hiring process.

In the course of this article, we will discuss the following and more.

  • What Is the Amazon Virtual Interview?
  • How Long Does It Last?
  • How Many Rounds Are There in Amazon’s Virtual Interview?
  • What to Wear to the Virtual Interview?
  • What Types of Virtual Interviews to Expect? Etc.

Let’s get started.

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What Is the Amazon Virtual Interview?

This online video interview via Amazon Chime is an upgrade from the old-style phone interviews. The online video interviewing platform allows candidates to complete an interview from the comfort of their own homes. This type of Amazon interview has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it offers a convenient and flexible way for employers to connect with job seekers.

However, there's no significant difference between a normal and a virtual Interview. Therefore, even if you're unfamiliar with the idea of a virtual interview, there's nothing to worry about. You can approach it the same way as any other Amazon interview.

One-way pre-recorded interviews are becoming an increasingly influential trend in recruitment. Many companies use third-party interview platforms like HireVue, while others like Amazon use their own platforms. Ultimately, the idea is the same regardless. Let's go over it:

How Long Does It Last?

The Amazon virtual interview usually lasts between 45 minutes to 1 hour. However, in some cases, the interview may be shorter or longer, depending on the employer's specific needs.

How Many Rounds Are There in Amazon’s Virtual Interview?

The standard Amazon virtual interview consists of 2 or 4 rounds in total, with the virtual interview taking 45 minutes to one hour. First, the recruiter is expected to determine your passion and suitability to be a good fit for the position. They'll also ask you to answer questions regarding your qualifications and experiences. The following two rounds are usually with the hiring manager and/or the team leader.

What to Wear to the Virtual Interview?

It is advisable to dress as you would for an in-person interview, even though the interviewer will not be able to see you from the waist down.

In physical interviews, it's essential to dress appropriately, but what about online ones? Even in a virtual interview, it is crucial to look presentable and well-groomed. Even if you weren't there, the employer would still be able to see you.

Therefore, it's crucial to have a favorable impression rather than a negative one of your employer. Wearing appropriate attire is required for the Amazon Virtual Interview.

What Types of Virtual Interviews to Expect?

One-on-One interviews

There are many types of virtual interviews, but the most common are one-on-one interviews. In a one-on-one interview, you will typically be talking to the hiring manager or someone else in a leadership role.

They may ask questions about your experience, skills, and goals. It's important to be prepared for these types of questions and to have examples of how you have excelled in the past.

Panel Interview

In a panel interview, you will be interviewed by a group of people, typically 3-5. This type of interview can be more intimidating but is often used for high-level or executive positions. The panel will likely ask similar questions to a one-on-one interview but may also probe deeper into your qualifications and experiences.

Bar Raiser

This interview is carried out by a pro. This interview is carried out by a member from a different team, to respect consistent standards across the company. This person is called a bar raiser.

A bar raiser is an interviewer whose job is to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are hired. They may ask tough questions like behavioral questions and expect you to provide detailed answers. They try to trip you up to see how you react under pressure. It's important to stay calm and be able to think on your feet if you encounter a bar raiser during your interview process.

How to Prepare for the Virtual Interview?

The process of preparing for your Amazon Virtual Interview may seem to be a daunting task. Particularly if you're participating in an interview via a virtual platform for the first time, you might feel confused about where to start.

Therefore, we've compiled some helpful tips and tricks for you to help you understand and prepare for your meet-up with Amazon. Even though the interview is conducted remotely, you can influence your prospective employer.

Prepare for behavioral-based interview questions

The most common type of interview questions is behavioral-based questions. These are the types of questions that ask you to recount a time when you faced a particular challenge at work and how you coped with it.

It's important to be prepared for these types of questions because they will give your interviewer insight into how you operate under pressure and how you handle challenges.

Some examples of behavioral-based questions are:

  • Can you recount a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer?
  • What was the most challenging project you worked on?
  • Can you think of a time when you had to go above and beyond your job duties?

Format responses using the STAR method

When answering behavioral-based questions in an Amazon Virtual Interview, it's important to use the STAR method. This is a way of structuring your answers to be clear and concise.

The STAR method stands for:

  • Situation: describe the situation you were in or the task you had to do.
  • Tasks: what did you have to do?
  • Action: what action did you take?
  • Results: what were the results of your actions?

For example, if you're asked a question about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer, you might want to say something like:

"I was working the cash register when a customer came up and started yelling at me because they were unhappy with the wait time. I remained calm and apologized for the wait. I then offered them a discount on their purchase. The customer ended up leaving happy."

This answer is clear and concise, and it uses the STAR method to describe the situation, the tasks, the action, and the results.

Provide details and examples

When using the STAR method to answer behavioral-based questions, it's important to provide examples and details. This will help your interviewer understand your thinking process and how you coped with the challenge.

Focus on "I" not "we"

When recounting a story from your past work experience, it's important to use the pronoun "I." For example, "I dealt with the customer" not "we dealt with the customer."

Using "I" shows that you took initiative and were responsible for your actions. This is an important trait that Amazon looks for in its employees.

Be honest and authentic

The most important thing to remember when preparing for your Amazon Virtual Interview is to be yourself. The interviewers are looking to get to know you as a person and assess whether you would be a good fit for the company. Therefore, it's important to be honest and authentic in your answers.

Know why you want to work at Amazon

One of the most common questions asked in an Amazon Virtual Interview is "Why do you want to work at Amazon?"

When preparing your answer to this question, it's important to do your research on the company. Consider what you like about the company and how it aligns with your own values.

Additional Tips for Making an Excellent Impression

In addition to preparing for behavioral-based questions, there are a few other things you can do to make an excellent impression in your Amazon Virtual Interview.

Dress the part

Even though the interview is conducted virtually, it's important to dress as if you're meeting your interviewer in person. This shows that you respect the interviewer and are taking the interview seriously.

Be on time

It's important to be on time for your Amazon Virtual Interview, just as you would for an in-person interview. This shows that you're reliable and punctual.

Test your technology in advance

Before your interview, it's important to test your technology to ensure that there are no technical issues. This includes your internet connection, webcam, and microphone.

By following these tips, you'll be well-prepared for your Amazon Virtual Interview and ready to make a great impression.

Be very receptive to any feedback or hints the interviewer might give you; they're trying to help.

Be careful not to move your head too much while talking; it makes you look shifty.

Don't begin answering the question until the interviewer is finished asking it; this ensures you don't miss any important information. Show that you respect the interviewer's time.

What Happens After You Finish the Remote Interviews?

After you have completed the Virtual Job interview, you'll be attending an in-person, 20-minute Office Hours appointment. If you attend the appointment, you must bring evidence of your identity and your employment eligibility. You don't get paid to go to Office Hours, it is an element of the application process.

When Do You Get the Results?

Generally speaking, you should hear back within five working days. However, if after the entire interview process you don't, it is fine to follow up after a week. After an additional week, you can try again if you don't hear back. However, it's best to keep the radio silent if you still don't hear anything after a second week.