EIAT Practice Test Free Questions and Answers 2024

This page offers an EIAT practice test with free questions and answers for 2024, with 12 sample questions, (4 for each section), including detailed explanations, and insider test tips for acing the test.

The EIAT Test, also known as the Elevator Union test or the Elevator Industry Aptitude test, is an initial screening stage for becoming an elevator mechanic and joining the elevator industry. It comprises 75-105 multiple-choice questions in 3 sections – Numerical Reasoning (Math), Mechanical Aptitude, and Verbal Reasoning. The EIAT test is followed by an additional Tool Recognition test.


Click to see the most up-to-date accurately tailored prep for the Elevator Industry Aptitude Test (EIAT), and start your preparation.

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Free EIAT Practice Test Questions

Numerical Reasoning (Math) Sample Questions

The EIAT math section has 25-35 questions on Basic math, Fractions, and Decimals. You will not be allowed to use a calculator, meaning your math skills will need to be on point.

1. Elevator Industry Aptitude Test Practice Sample Question #1 (Basic Math).

5732 x 0.001 = ?

A. 573.2

B. 57.32

C. 5.732

D. 0.5732

E. 0.05732


A quick and simple trick to follow - the decimal point moves an equal amount of places on each side of the product in the opposite direction:

5732 x 0.001 =

= 573.2 x 0.01

= 57.32 x 0.1

= 5.732 x 1

= 5.732 - The answer is C

2. Elevator Industry Aptitude Test Practice Sample Question #2 (Basic Math)
142 x 37 = ?

A. 3,742

B. 5,180

C. 5,254

D. 2,744

E. 4,211


A straightforward calculation is going to take quite a lot of time here. So, let's use shortcut methods instead.

2 x 7 = 14 → The last digit is 4.

Therefore, the answer should be either C (5,244) or D (2,744).

Now, let’s combine this method with the “first digit method”.

In our case:

1(00) x 3(0) = 3(000) = 3,000

Since 142 x 37 > 100 x 30, the result should be larger than 3,000 → C (5,254)

3. Elevator Industry Aptitude Test Practice Sample Question #3 (Fractions and Decimals)

0.55 - 2/10 = ?

A. 3/10

B. 7/20

C. 35/55

D. 53/100

E. 2/5


0.55 - 2/10 = 55/100 - 20/100

= 35/100

Simplify by dividing 35/100 by 5

= 7/20 - The answer is B.

4. Elevator Industry Aptitude Test Practice Sample Question #4 (Fractions and Decimals)

13/4 x 26/7 = ?

A. 2.87

B. 3.25

C. 3.28

D. 4.5

E. 5


This is a classic question for the estimation method.

13/4 x 26/7 ~ 1.75 x 3 = 5.25

Since 26/7 < 3, the final result will be a little less than 5.25, namely 5.

This final result may surprise you at first glance, but you may calculate this and see it for yourself.

To fully master such methods, you must be practiced and experienced with them.


Tips Numerical Reasoning Tip

Under time pressure, as illustrated in question 1, it's advisable to use shortcuts when working without a calculator. For instance, when handling decimals and fractions, it's simpler to convert them to whole numbers for easier calculations. Afterward, return the decimal point to its original position to obtain the correct answer.

The EIAT Test Practice Pack is full of calculation tips and solving shortcuts specifically designed to address the challenges of the numerical reasoning section of the test and elevate the numerical abilities you will need as an elevator mechanic. With more than 70 Numerical Reasoning Questions, You are sure to improve your skills and be on your way to passing the test.

See What People Say About Our Prep Pack

Click the following page if you're looking for a comprehensive guide to kick-start your career and become an elevator mechanic.

Mechanical Aptitude Practice Questions

Mechanical Aptitude - Gears

5. In which direction will the swings tilt?

A. A – Up; B – Down

B. A – Down; B – Up

C. Both Up

D. Both Down

EIAT Free Test


In order to determine in which direction the swings tilt, we will need to determine the rotation direction of each gear that comes in contact with the swing. They are marked in the picture below as gears A and B.

Counting the gears from the red gear to gear A, we see there are 8 gears. Therefore, the red gear and gear A rotate in the same direction – counterclockwise. That rotation will cause the right arm of swing A to tilt downwards (blue arrow), and therefore the opposite side will tilt upwards.

In the same manner, there are 7 gears between the red gear and gear B, and therefore it will rotate in the opposite direction – clockwise. That will tilt the right arm of the swing upwards, causing the left side to tilt downwards. Therefore, the correct answer is A.

Mechanical Aptitude- Force and Torque

6. Which cyclist has to pedal harder in order to go up the ramp?

EIAT Free Test

A. a

B. b

C. The same


In this question, we are asked which rider would need to pedal harder in order to climb the ramp.

We can see that though the ramps are of different lengths, the height of the logs in both cases is the same. For this reason, we should understand that the shorter ramp will be steeper. As is known from daily life, it is harder to pedal up a steeper incline.

Since in Figure B, the length is shorter and the incline is greater, it would be harder to pedal up the ramp. Therefore, choice B is the correct answer.

Mechanical Aptitude - Wheels and Pulleys

7. Which tractor has to drive farther in order to bring the boat to shore?

A. 1

B. 2

C. The same

EIAT Free Test


Tractor 2 will drive in a straight horizontal heading, in the same direction as the boat is from the shore. This is the shortest line possible.

Tractor 1 will also drive in a horizontal line, but as it is tied to the boat diagonally it will therefore pull the boat over a larger distance. However, tractor 1 will have to apply less force due to the mechanical help from the rock (the same as in a movable pulley).

Mechanical Aptitude - Cogwheels

8. Which way will the bottom cogwheel rotate?

A. a

B. b

C. c

Mechanical Aptitude Test


When contact is made between the rack (toothed belt) and the cogwheels, a conversion from a linear velocity to an angular velocity occurs. The location of the point of contact is critical.

The point of contact between the red cogwheel and the rack is in the lower part of the red cogwheel. The counterclockwise angular velocity induces a linear velocity to the right.

The point of contact between the grey cogwheel and the rack is in the grey cogwheel's upper part. The linear velocity to the right (determined by the rack) induces an angular velocity in a clockwise direction. The process can be exemplified by the blue arrows, which show where each part of the wheel is moving under the rotation conditions:

Remember the physical principle: When converting the linear velocity of a rack to the angular velocity, “translate” the rotation into arrows and follow the directions.

The correct answer is A.

Tips Mechanical Aptitude Tip

The mechanical reasoning questions in the Elevator Aptitude Test are often worded in a way that can be confusing and ambiguous, making even simple questions challenging. Therefore, it's crucial to base your answers on mechanical principles rather than relying on intuition.

Take question #6 as an example. One might think that answer A is correct because riding a bike for 15 feet seems more challenging than 12 feet. However, the primary focus of this question is actually on understanding the concept of slope.

The JobTestPrep EIAT PrepPack includes practice tests that simulate the actual EIAT test rules and intentions and can help you avoid these pitfalls. 

For more mechanical questions, check out our IBEW Test Prep and practice your skills!

Verbal Reasoning Sample Questions

The Elevator Aptitude Test Verbal Reasoning section has 25-35 questions on vocabulary, sentence completion, and reading comprehension.

Sentence Completion

9. "Since each person is ___________, collaborating as a team can bring __________ results."

A. talent … better

B. unique … superior

C. identical … inferior

D. different … continuous


Since every person is unique (special), collaborating (working together) as a team can bring superior (better) results.

The first pair of words is not a good match because "talent" is a noun while the sentence calls for an adjective describing the person.

The third pair is incorrect because all people are not identical.

The fourth pair is incorrect because the adjective "continuous" does not make sense in the context of the sentence.

The last pair is incorrect because the word "diversity" is a noun and not an adjective.

Therefore, the correct answer is B - unique ... superior.

Sentence Completion

10. "The boy was filled with _______ when he saw that his sister broke his favorite toy."

A. Wrath

B. Joy

C. Confusion

D. Doubt

E. Ambition 


The correct answer is A - wrath, which means anger.

According to the sentence, the boy’s sister broke his favorite toy. We can therefore assume that the boy was filled with a negative emotion. Wrath is a negative emotion, and it fits the context of the sentence.

In case we do not know the word wrath, we can eliminate joy and ambition, which are both positive words. Confusion is not necessarily a negative emotion, and does not fit the sentence as much as wrath. Doubt means uncertainty, which is can also be marked as incorrect. 

Grammar & Spelling

11. "Touch ID is ____ quite an elegant solution to an ever more ____ problem."

A. actually, singnificant

B. actully, signifikant

C. achtually, sigmificant

D. actually, significant

E. None of these


The correct answer is D. Touch ID is actually quite an elegant solution to an ever more significant problem.

Incorrect Answers:

B and C can be eliminated because of the misspelling of 'actually'.
A has 'significant' misspelled.

Sentence Completion

12. "____ say this is causing ____ damage to the population".

A. experts, profound

B. Experts, profound

C. Expert, profaund

D. Excerpts, profount

E. None of these


Experts say this is causing profound damage to the population. 

Tips Verbal Reasoning Tip

In the verbal reasoning section, if you're unsure about the correct answer for a sentence completion question, it's helpful to use the process of elimination.

Take question 9 as an example: Answer A 'talent… better' can be ruled out due to grammatical errors, while answer C 'Identical… Inferior' can be dismissed because it doesn't make logical sense. The bottom line, begin by assessing the grammar of each option and then determine if its logic aligns with the question.

You can find more tips and strategies to solve verbal reasoning questions in the JobTestPrep EIAT preparation. The verbal section includes a total of 5 practice tests and 90 detailed questions, answers, and explanations.

See What People Say About Our Prep Pack

EIAT Tools Practice Questions

The EIAT has a separate tool assessment that's not part of the main EIAT score. This tool assessment will be given immediately after the aptitude test. It contains questions about the names and uses of tools like diagonal cutters, tape measures, and lineman's pliers, as well as topics on meter reading. Your performance on this tool assessment will influence your interview score.

13.  Which of the items below is used for determining whether an item is horizontal?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 1

D. 5

EIAT Free Sample


The object presented in image 1 is a level. A level is a device designed to indicate whether an object is horizontal or vertical. It consists of a vial filled with a liquid that leaves an air bubble; the vial slightly curves upwards so that the bubble naturally rests in the middle, the highest point. When the device is slightly inclined, the bubble shifts to the side and away from the marked center.

The tool presented in image 4 is a square, which measures whether an object has a right angle but Isn't able to test whether it is leveled.

The tool presented in image 5 is a C-clamp, which is used for holding objects in place.

The object presented in image 2 is a wrench, which is used for tightening and loosening bolts.

The level is the only device that incorporates a gravity-dependent feature: the air bubble, which changes its position in the tube according to the highest point.

The correct answer is (C).

Auto and Shop

14.  A "Phillips" and a "flathead" refer to types of what tool?

A. Wrenches

B. Pliers

C. Screwdrivers

D. Hammers


These are types of screwdriver heads. Phillips has a cross shape, while flathead is a straight line.


The correct answer is C. 

Get Instant Access to the Top Elevator Industry Aptitude Test Preparation


Our learning experience includes a combination of study guides, detailed answers and explanations, and a strict time limit. Your learning progress is broken down into the following steps:

Step 1: You start with a full EIAT diagnostic test that examines your current solving ability and provides a clear picture of your current strengths and weaknesses.

Step 2: After that, you undertake practice tests provided in the mechanical, verbal, and numerical sections. The idea is that you tailor your study strategy based on your diagnostic scores beginning with areas needing the most improvement and gradually moving to more difficult subjects.

Step 3: Once confident, attempt one of our simulation tests (75 questions each) to fine-tune your performance.

Bonus Materials Include 6 "Tools and Measurements" practice tests and the NEIEP - Personality Prep to assist you in preparing for the personality assessment segment of the hiring process.