EEI Practice Test Free Questions and Answers 2024

The EEI (Edison Electric Institute Tests) are a series of pre-employment assessments designed to measure a candidate’s aptitude, skills, and knowledge through math, reading comprehension, mechanical aptitude, and problem-solving questions. 

EEI's employment test batteries are commonly used by the energy industry for maintenance and craft positions, power dispatching positions, customer service representatives, and more. They help companies identify the candidates that will be the best fit and perform the best in these critical jobs.

There are many different versions of EEI Tests the most common ones include: CAST, SOPD, SASS, CSR, POSS, TECH, MRAB, and MASS

To improve your chances of success, it's important to practice and prepare for these tests in advance.

On this page, you'll find EEI practice test free questions and answers along with detailed information about the test provider and its different exams.

For Construction and Skilled Trades Selection questions, check out this CAST practice test.

Let's get started.

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EEI Practice Test Free Questions and Answers

Graphic Arithmetic - EEI CAST Test Question

1. According to the floor plan below, what is the distance ("C") between the top edge of the property and the supplies closet?

graphic arithmetic q1

*All measurements are in feet.

A. 33'

B. 72'

C. 90'

D. 60'

E. None of the above


To find C, subtract the length (top to bottom) of the supplies room (18') from the total length of the property (90'):

The correct answer is B.


This question is taken from The Edison Electric Institute CAST (Construction And Skilled Trades) examination. The test takes 90 minutes and consists of 110 questions. It is divided into four sections, which are Graphic Arithmetic, Mathematical Usage, Mechanical Concepts, and Reading Comprehension. Click to see more free CAST sample questions, the CAST EEI Test PrepPack or a Complete Mechanical Aptitude Practice Test.

Note: IBEW uses a very similar test to the CAST test, you can also try out the Free IBEW Practice Test.

Analytical Thinking Skills - Free SOPD Practice Test Question

2. Answer the question below with the following information.

Five bears – Jinan🐻, Knot🐻, Lee🐻, Mushu🐻, and Nee-Hau🐻 – are kept in three adjacent rooms numbered 1-3 from left to right.

Important Facts:

  1. There is at least one bear in each room.
  2. Knot is in a room to the left of Lee's.
  3. Mushu and Nee-Hau are not kept in the same room.
  4. Either Mushu or Jinan, but not both, are kept in room 2.
  5. Nee-Hau is kept in room 3.

Which of the following pairs is a possible combination for two occupants in one of the rooms?

A. Jinan, Knot

B. Knot, Nee-Hau

C. Mushu, Jinan

D. Lee, Knot

E. Mushu, Nee-Hau


The correct answer is A.

In order to find the pair which could occupy one room, we need to go over the answer choices one by one.

Answer choice A – let's see if we can put J and K together in one room. N is in room 3. K has to be to the left of L (second condition), so we may only put him in either room 1 or 2. We could put K and J in room 1. M would then have to be in room 2, because either M or J must occupy room 2 (fourth condition). L can be in either room 2 or 3:

Analytic Thinking skills A2

This is a possible scenario. J and K may be the two occupants of one room. Therefore, this is the correct answer.

Note: J and K may occupy room 2 as well; this is not the only option, just the one we picked to demonstrate.

The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) designed the EEI SOPD II as a selection test for energy control center positions. This assessment evaluates your mathematical, verbal, and logical capabilities. Click to see more information about the SOPD II Test.

Coding - EEI SASS Sample Question

Also used in MRAB Test.

3. Read the following scenario to answer the question below.

A prison gives a code to each inmate according to the following guidelines:

First Digit- Gender

Second and Third Digit- Age
Two digits represent the inmate's age.

Note: This prison does not have any inmates under the age of 18 or older the age of 85.

Fourth Digit- Length of Sentence
1: 0 – 2 years
2: 2 – 6 years
3: 6 – 12 years
4: 12 – 20 years
5: 20 years – life

The ranges above do not include top values. For example, if someone was given a 6 year sentence, they would be coded with the number 3.

Fifth Digit- Number of prior imprisonments

Note: This prison does not have any inmates who have more than 6 prior imprisonments.

Keep in mind that this number does not include the current imprisonment. Thus, someone who is being imprisoned for the first time will be coded with ‘0’.

The codes are recorded in the same order as they appear above.

Amy is 36 years old and is serving a 12 year sentence. This is her third time being imprisoned. What is her code?

A. 23642

B. 23122

C. 23643

D. 36243


Length of sentence412<12<19.9
Number of
prior imprisonments

The correct code is 23642.

This question can also be solved without writing out the entire code. Notice that the third digit has the greatest level of variance among the answer choices. If we refer back to the coding chart we will notice that the second and third digits represent the inmate's age. Since Amy is 36 years old the third digit must be ‘6’. We can therefore eliminate answers B and D.

If we compare the remaining answer choices, A and C, we will notice that the only difference between them is the last digit. Since the last digit represents the number of prior imprisonments (not including the current one), the last digit must be ‘2’. We can therefore conclude that A is the correct answer.

SASS, developed by EEI, is a battery of three tests aimed at streamlining the selection process for clerical and administrative support roles. The three distinct tests included in SASS are the Basic Competency Assessment Battery (BCAB), the Basic Keyboard Skills Battery (BKSB), and the Advanced Competency Assessment Batteries (ACAB). Click to see more information about the EEI SASS exam.


EEI Customer Service Representative Test Question

4. Read the following scenario to answe the question below.

You are working at the register on a very busy day. Your colleague is on sick leave, so the team is understaffed and there is a long line at the check-out. The next customer in line is very upset, accusing you of being inefficient and working slowly, thus causing the long wait and his missing his lunch break at work.

Which of the following would most likely help calm him down?

A. Smiling at him.

B. Working and speaking quickly so that he will be on his way as soon as possible.

C. Explain that you are understaffed and that you are doing the best you can.

D. Nodding your head slowly when he speaks and responding in a calm manner.


Best response: D
Subject: Upset customers, communication, body language
Competencies: Self-control, developing rapport, social perceptiveness

Explanation: In this scenario, you are serving a customer who is upset and blaming you. You are asked to choose a response that would calm the customer down. Looking at the answer choices, you can see that the question focuses on communication and body language.

Smiling at the customer (answer choice A) when he is upset is too far from the way he is feeling. While this answer choice could seem like a good strategy for calming down upset customers and looks positive, it does not show empathy for the customer’s anger.

Working quickly (answer choice B) would have been a good response if the customer hadn’t missed his lunch. In that case, you would have been responding to his need to complete the purchase quickly. However, since he’s already missed his break, his need right now is for acknowledgment and empathy. Since working quickly won’t help him with his lunch break, it could seem as if you are trying to get rid of him.

Explaining your situation (answer choice C) doesn’t help the customer and could seem like an excuse. This response lacks self-control – you are affected by the situation and respond unprofessionally. Your professional response should be showing appreciation for the customer and helping him with his current needs, not defending your position.

Nodding your head (answer choice D) shows a willingness to listen and empathy. Your calm response can ease the customer’s anger. In fact, these are body language behaviors that establish rapport and use social perceptiveness to calm the customer and show that his feelings are important to you.


The CSR Test is an assessment that is part of the EEI tests, which assess candidates for customer service representative and call center positions. Click to see more information about the CSR exam.


Reading Comprehension - EEI POSS Test Question

Also used in CAST, SOPD, CSR, TVA, and MASS exams.

5. Read the following passage to answer the question below

Electricity and Benjamin Franklin

The first documentation regarding electricity is dated approximately 600 BC. Thales of Miletus described how an amber stone becomes charged with static electricity by simply rubbing it with a cloth. William Gilbert coined the term electricity which derives from the Greek word elektron (meaning: amber).

In 1663, Otto Von Guericke invented the first electric generator which produced static electricity. The device was made of a sulfur globe with an iron rod affixed to it. The rod served as an axle, allowing the globe to rotate. The globe was safely secured on a wooden base and a handle was used to spin it manually. While spinning, the globe was rubbed with a lining fabric which led to a accumulation of static electricity on the surface of the globe. Various phenomena, such as attraction, repulsion, leaping sparks and crackling sounds, were observed during the charging process, all of which we now attribute to static electricity, an inexplicable phenomenon in Von Guericke's time. The discovery of the electricity phenomenon and the beginning of the electrical era is widely associated with Benjamin Franklin.

His success in the business world provided him with financial security which allowed him to dedicate his time to scientific research. Franklin discovered the existence of positive charge and negative charge and in 1749 he built the first electric battery. Franklin's most renowned experiment proved that lightning originates from an electrostatic discharge. In order to determine that lightning was electricity, he proposed extending a conductor into a cloud that appeared to have the potential to become a thunderstorm. If electricity existed in the cloud, the conductor could be used to extract it. And so, Franklin flew a kite into the sky. At the edge of the kite, an iron wire was attached in order to absorb the electric charge from the air. The iron wire stretched down along the kite's rope to where an iron key was attached. The kite collected the aerial electricity and when Franklin brought the knuckles of his hand closer to the iron key he felt the electrostatic discharge.

Whilst Franklin was not the first to discover electricity or even conduct the experiment he proposed, his understanding of the subject and the polarity terms he coined laid the foundations for future electrical researchers.

In the kite experiment, which part was designed to absorb the electrical charge?

A. The iron wire

B. The iron key

C. The rope

D. A piece of cloth that was attached to the kite


The correct answer is option A.

Answer choice A- In the third paragraph (lines 8-9) it states that: "[…] an iron wire was attached in order to absorb the electric charge from the air".

Notice that we have already used this information to answer question 8, only in a slightly different way.
Let's examine the other options:

Answer choice B- The end of the third paragraph reads: "The kite collected the aerial electricity and when Franklin brought the knuckles of his hand closer to the iron key he felt the electrostatic discharge."

Thus, the iron key was used to conduct the absorbed electricity from the kite's wire to Benjamin Franklin's knuckles.

Answer choice C- The rope was used to lift the kite up in the air, it did not play any role in electrical absorption or conduction. Looking at the text, you will find no mention of the rope in connection to electrical absorption.

Answer choice D- This information is not mentioned in the text and therefore it cannot be the correct answer.


The Plant Operator Selection System (POSS) test is the first step toward becoming a plant operator. There are four components to the POSS test: Reading Comprehension, Mechanical Concepts, Mathematical Usage, and Figural reasoning. Click to see more information about the POSS Test.


Graphic Problem Solving - EEI TECH Practice Question

6. Take a look at the following graph to answer the question below.

Graphic Problem Solving TECH Q6

Which product contains the highest amount of Calcium relative to the Net Weight?

A. Blanco

B. Cisco

C. Magic

D. Salty


The correct answer is D.

In order to find the correct answer we must estimate the relative amount of Calcium. One way to do that can be to write the ratio of calcium to net weight as a fraction and reduce it. The fraction of the highest value will mark the product with the highest relative amount of Calcium.

Magic: 4/160 --> 2/80 --> 1/40.
Salty: 6/100 --> 3/50.
Blanco: 6/150 -->2/50 --> 1/25.
Salty: 10/200 --> 1/20.

If two fractions share the numerator, then the one with the lowest denominator has the highest value. Therefore 1/20 is definitely bigger than 1/40 and 1/25.

What about 3/50? We can multiply both the numerator and the denominator of 1/20 by 3, in order to have an easier comparison between the fractions:
1/20 --> 3/60.
Now both fractions share the numerator; hence, 3/50 which has a smaller denominator, has the higher value.

In conclusion, 'Salty' has the highest relative amount of Calcium.


The EEI TECH test, also known as the 5107 Test, is among the seven EEI tests developed specifically for technical occupations. It includes: Graphic Problem Solving, Interpreting Diagrams, Mechanical Concepts, and Reasoning from Rules questions. For more information, see the EEI TECH Assessment page.


Interpreting Table and Graphs - MRAB Sample Question

7. Take a look at the following table to answer the question below.

MRAB Table and Graphs Q7

The lab managers decided to put all of the Homozygous mice from all of the labs in the same cage with all of the knockout mice since they completed their parts in the different experiments.

How many mice are living in the same cage now?

A. 53

B. 21

C. 14

D. 35


To answer this question, we need to sum up the numbers appearing in Homozygous and Knockout rows: 4+5+2+3+3+6+7+5=35. Thus, the answer is D.


The Meter Reader Aptitude Battery Test (also known as the MRAB Test) is an assessment for anyone looking for a job as a meter reader, and it includes two main sections: Interpretation of Table and Graphs, and the topic is Coding. For more information, see the EEI MRAB test page.


Mathematical Usage - EEI MASS Test Prep Question

Also used in CAST, SOPD, and POSS.

8. Please choose the correct answer. If none of the options is the correct answer please choose answer choice e, "N".

Conversion table

0.25 miles = ? fathoms

A. 0.004

B. 1,320

C. 5.28

D. 220

E. N 


The conversion needs to be done is as follows:
According to the table
1 mile = 5,280 feet
1 fathom = 6 feet
Step 1 - find how many feet are 0.25 miles:
Since 0.25 = 1/4, divide both sides of the equation by 4:
1 mile = 5,280 feet / :4
1/4 = 0.25 miles = 5,280/4 = 5,000/4 + 200/4 + 80/4 = 1,250 + 50 + 20 = 1,320 feet
=> 0.25 miles = 1,320 feet
Step 2 - find how many fathoms are 1,320 feet, using the rule of 3:
6 feet = 1 fathom
1,320 feet = x fathoms
x = (1,320*1)/6 = 1,320/6 = 220
=> 1,320 feet = 220 fathoms
0.25 miles = 1,320 feet = 220 fathoms
=> 0.25 miles = 220 fathoms

The correct answer is (D) - 220


MASS is one of seven EEI tests used by companies looking to hire plant maintenance workers. It includes 4 categories: Mechanical Concepts, Assembling Objects Mathematical Usage, and Reading Comprehension. For more information, see the EEI MASS Test page.


Free EEI Test Results


The EEI Tests:

(Click the test that you are looking for)

Are EEI Tests Hard?

EEI are pre-employment tests that measure abilities in math, reading, spatial awareness, technical and mechanical comprehension, problem-solving, and even administrative skills. These topics require training, as you generally don't apply them on a daily basis in the same way they appear on a test, especially not with time restrictions.

While most energy companies refer job candidates to the EEI website for official sample materials, these materials are limited in amount and provide only a partial picture of the topics and difficulty levels found on the actual tests. 

How to Prepare for the EEI Tests?

  • Taking the EEI exam without practice or preparation can lead to anxiety and uncertainty during the test.
  • Practice can help you become familiar with the types of questions and the time pressure of the actual exam.
  • The first step is to identify your strengths and weaknesses and work on areas that need improvement.
  • The EEI Practice tests you use should simulate the actual exam, providing an experience that is as close to the real test as possible.
  • When practicing take the time and really familiarize yourself with exam questions this can increase your chances of success and help you land your dream job in the electric power industry.

Below you'll find preparations of specific companies that use versions of the Edison electric institute test as part of their hiring process.

Companies That Use EEI Tests

  • Dominion Power: A leading energy provider in the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest regions of the United States.
  • DTE Energy: A Detroit-based energy company that provides electricity and natural gas to millions of customers in Michigan and Ohio.
  • Duke Energy: A leading energy provider in the Southeast United States.
  • Entergy: A leading energy provider in the Gulf Coast region of the United States. 
  • Eversource: A publicly traded energy company based in Hartford, Connecticut. It serves customers in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. The company provides electricity, natural gas, and other energy services to over 3 million customers. 
  • Exelon: A Fortune 100 energy company headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. It is one of the largest competitive energy providers in the United States, serving approximately 10 million customers in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. 
  • PSEG: A publicly traded energy company based in Newark, New Jersey. It is one of the largest energy companies in the United States, providing electricity and natural gas to over three million customers in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. 
  • Southern Company: an energy company based in Atlanta, Georgia. It is one of the largest producers of electricity in the United States, serving customers in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

What is The Edison Electric Institute?

The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is a dynamic trade association representing all U.S. investor-owned electric companies. As a leading advocate for the electric industry, EEI is committed to promoting its development and ensuring the affordability and reliability of electricity. In addition to advocacy, EEI offers its members valuable services including research, education, and expert analysis.

One of EEI's most important contributions is developing tests for the electric industry, including the EEI Pre-Employment Tests.

These tests are essential tools used by electric companies to evaluate the skills and knowledge of prospective employees such as engineers, electricians, and technicians. EEI also provides a range of performance tests to electric utilities to help them maintain their service quality and identify improvement areas.