CSR Test - EEI Customer Service Representative Test Preparation

The CSR test is a simulation-based exam that provides applicants with an interactive experience that "looks" like the job. The exam has two main sections to measure the hard and soft skills of an applicant to determine if they have what it takes to deal with customers and the public.

Our EEI CSR Practice Tests are specifically designed to help candidates prepare for the two parts of the test so that they can maximize their score, and it includes:

  • Data entry and error checking practice tests that give you the same style of simulation you get on the real test to improve your hard skills for the job.
  • Customer service situational judgment practice tests that include multiple examples, including explanations, to sharpen your ability before the actual test.
  • Study guides and additional practice tests that enhance your reading comprehension and numerical skills.

Follow the link to learn about more about EEI testing and the prep we offer! 


CSR Test
Less Content
  • 18 Error Checking practice tests
  • 21 Data Entry practice tests: alphanumeric, numerical, cross-referencing, audio, and a typing test
  • 7 Situational Judgment test


Additional Practice Tests:

  • 16 Reading Comprehension tests
  • 8 Numerical Reasoning tests
  • 5 Study guides
  • Interview Preparation
  • Money back guarantee


Shlomik, Mechanical Testing Expert at JobTestPrep
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What is the CSR Test?

The CSR Test is an assessment that is part of the EEI tests, designed to evaluate candidates for customer service representative positions as well as call and payment center roles. The test consists of two batteries, each measuring different skills:

#1 The Job Test Skills

The job skills test is a part of the CSR Test that evaluates your ability to quickly and accurately enter data into a system while checking for errors. This part assesses your hard skills and determines if you have the necessary technical skills to perform the job of a customer service representative or a related position.

Data Entry

As a customer service representative, data entry is an important part of your job. You may need to enter customer information into a database or software system quickly and accurately when taking orders or updating account information. Speed and accuracy are crucial for efficiently resolving customer issues.

Error Checking

The error checking skill is also important for customer service reps. Accuracy is essential in their work because errors in customer information can lead to incorrect billing, delivery delays, or other issues that can negatively impact the customer's experience.

The error-checking questions evaluate a candidate's attention to detail and ability to identify mistakes, ensuring that they can catch errors before they cause problems for the customer or the company.


Overview of the Data Entry Practice

Data entry practice explanation: as you can see in this screenshot, there are two main parts. To the right, you can find the instructions, and to the left is the actual field you need to fill in.


sass data entry practice test


As you can see in the image above, the data entry questions are timed (this one is 2 minutes for this task, as you can see the timer to the top left of the screenshot).

Now let's see another example of a data entry practice from Audio:


Data Entry Practice with Audio

Practice Data Entry with Audio: This customer service practice test question is designed to help you improve your data entry skills while listening to an audio file that provides the necessary data. By clicking on the link provided, a new tab will open, allowing you to listen to the audio narration. The image on the screen shows the data that you need to fill in during the practice test.

Press Play (open a new tab with the audio)

Note: This practice test takes around 11 minutes to complete, but for the purpose of this example question for data entry, where only the first screen is shown, you can listen to the corresponding 2-minute audio to get an understanding of what to expect.



#2 - Situational Judgment

The second part of the CSR Test is the Situational Judgment Questions. This part of the test evaluates your ability to respond to customers, particularly in challenging situations. It presents you with real-life scenarios that you may encounter on the job and assesses your ability to provide appropriate solutions to customer problems.

This part of the test is about measuring your soft skills, including communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and conflict resolution. It evaluates your ability to handle difficult customers, manage conflicts, and provide satisfactory solutions to customers in a professional and courteous manner.

By assessing your situational judgment, the EEI CSR Test can determine whether you have the necessary skills to excel in a customer service representative or related position.

Our EEI Customer Service Representative Practice Test contains 7 unique practice assessments designed to challenge you and improve your confidence. The key to acing this type of test is to thoroughly read and understand the detailed explanations provided for each question, which will help you develop the right mindset.


Here are a few sample questions to help you get started:

Customer Service Practice Test Question # 1

When speaking with an upset customer, which of the following is the most effective response:





Best response: B
Subject: Upset customers
Competencies: Self-control, effective speaking, social perceptiveness

 This question assesses your communication with upset customers. You want to show your self-control - your ability to stay calm and effective when speaking with the customer.

Quoting company policy (answer choice A) is insensitive in this situation. While remaining calm, you want to show the customer that they are important. Reciting policy gives an impersonal impression.

Listening to the customer’s complaints (answer choice B) is an important step in helping them to calm down – it lets them vent their frustration and gives them a sense that their comments and feelings are important. In addition, it provides information on the problem at hand and could help you in solving it. Choosing this option shows social perceptiveness.

In answer choice C, you are trying to calm the customer by defending the company’s name. However, when a customer is upset, they are not likely to agree with you and might be offended that you are not taking their complaint seriously and making an effort to solve their problem.

For similar reasons, asking the customer to calm down (answer choice D) could be insensitive; in fact, it could prove counterproductive and increase their frustration.

Customer Service Practice Test Question # 2

When a customer makes a demand that you can’t comply with due to the company’s policy, what is the best response?






Best response: C
Subject: Rejecting customers/unreasonable requests
Competencies: Persuasion, negotiation, following procedures, problem-solving

Explanation: You are facing an impossible request. The scenario is very general, and we don’t have any details regarding the nature of the request.

In answer choice A, you offer to make an exception. While it is possible sometimes to make an exception, in this scenario, you have no information about the request which would allow you to assume that you can override company policy. This response fails to follow the procedure.

Calling the manager (answer choice B) can be effective. This is a reasonable response, but before you decide to call the manager, you should see if there is any other response that would enable you to handle the situation yourself.

Answer choice C uses persuasion and negotiation to try and satisfy the customer within the boundaries of company policy. This is a good response, as you may be able to satisfy the customer without violating procedures.

Answer choice D is reasonable, yet is not ideal as the customer is left unsatisfied. This response would be better if it included an explanation as to why the request cannot be fulfilled (thus making the response less “cold” and technical), an apology, and an alternative suggestion that does comply with company policy.
Such an answer choice would be ideal, but between the answer choices that we have, answer choice C is the best response

Different types of SJT questions

The basic structure of SJT questions involves presenting a scenario that includes a conflict, followed by response options to the situation.

The format of the questions can be one of the following: 

  • Choose one response: choosing one response from a list of 3-5 options. You may be asked to choose the response that you consider the best or the worst or the response that you think you would most likely take in the situation. Other questions may ask about the proper first response to the situation. 
  • Choosing two responses: choosing the best and worst responses from a list of 3-5 options. 
  • Ranking all responses on a scale of efficiency. For example: “Rate the following responses on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least efficient response to the situation and 5 being the most efficient response to the situation.”


Additional Practice Tests:

By taking our CSR practice test, you will gain access to additional practice tests in reading comprehension and numerical reasoning, as well as an interview preparation section and study guides to enhance your abilities and increase your chances of acing the real assessment test.


How to Ace Your CSR Test

Don't let the CSR test catch you off guard! With our professional CSR test prep, you can be fully prepared to ace the exam and succeed as a service representative. Our program provides your with all the customer service practice tests you need to sharpen your soft skills and improve your hard skills, giving you the edge you need to pass the test with confidence.

So, why wait? Start today and take the first step toward a successful career!

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