Free 2025 SAEE Test Practice: Secret Service Prep with Tips & Study Guides

Trusted by over 2,200 Candidates

Last Updated: January 2025

A role as a Secret Service Special Agent within the United States Secret Service (USSS) is highly coveted but far from effortless.

Following completion of the application process, candidates must undergo the Special Agent Entrance Exam (SAEE): a challenging screening exam that assesses language abilities, logic, memory, and personality traits.

Here, you'll discover comprehensive and current practice questions specifically designed for the Special Agent Exam, along with invaluable insights to enhance your preparation for achieving success as a Secret Service agent.

Note: Anticipate the hiring process to span between 6 to 9 months for completion.

Kemi, Special Agent Expert at JobTestPrep
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SAEE - Everything You Need To Pass

Ace the SAEE: 2025 Secret Service Exam Practice & Tips
Prepare for the 2025 SAEE with our comprehensive guide, featuring practice questions and expert strategies.

If you have any questions about preparing for the SAEE test, feel free to contact us at: We typically reply within 48 hours. 

What Is the Special Agent Entrance Exam or SAEE Test?

  • The Special Agent Entrance Exam (SAEE) is the first obstacle you have to pass to become Secret Service special agent. The test is made up of 5 timed multiple choice sections: Logic-based reasoning, experience inventory (Part 1 and Part 2 of behavioral questions), language usage directions, and detail observation.
  • The test takes between 1.5-3 hours
  • You'll be asked to schedule the SAEE exam within several days from applying, it can be administered in either computerized or paper-and-pencil format. 

Is the SAEE Exam hard?

  • The SAEE test is considered quite hard since it requires sustained alertness and quick thinking for a long duration throughout the test. This difficulty arises from the nature of the questions, which require paying close attention, recalling numerous details, and providing accurate responses within time constraints.
  • Knowing what to expect and being skilled enough to react accurately can help make this test a lot easier. We also recommend arriving with earplugs to the actual test.

Prepare for the Secret Service Special Agent Exam

Our comprehensive prep pack includes full-length practice tests, detailed explanations, and expert tips to help you feel fully prepared for each section of the hiring process. With practice materials that simulate the real test experience, you’ll improve your accuracy, speed, and readiness, giving you the confidence to excel under pressure.

Role and Responsibilities of a Secret Service Special Agent

Secret Service Agents undertake combined roles via investigation and protection in two main areas.

  1. Away from the field: these agents investigate legal violations related to financial crimes and cyber attacks targeting the national banking and telecommunications systems.
  2. On the field: their tasks include devising and executing innovative strategies to reduce threats against national leaders.

The United States Secret Service seeks out top-tier candidates, starting their selection process with the Special Agent Entrance Exam.

Free SAEE Sample Questions  to Become a Secret Service Special Agent

On the SAEE exam, you will find 5 multiple-choice sections:

  • Logic-based reasoning
  • Experience inventory (Part 1 and Part 2 )
  • Language usage directions
  • Detail observation.

SAEE Logic-Based Reasoning Section

  • The logic-based reasoning test section consists of 12 passages. Each passage describes a set of facts and follows one to four questions that require candidates to draw conclusions based on the presented facts.
  • Logical reasoning questions are one of the most challenging Secret Service test sections due to confusing language. Practicing similar questions helps you quickly and confidently find the correct conclusion within the given timeframe.
  • As a secret service agent, you must read carefully, consider provided and missing information, and make quick decisions based on the presented facts and situations.  

Note: You will have 40 minutes to answer a total of 30 Questions.

Sample Question #1

Read the following statements and decide if the conclusion is True, False, or if there is insufficient information: 


  • All field agents hired in the last three years received advanced anti-terrorism training.
  • Only field agents can receive advanced anti-terrorism training.
  • Some field agents have not received advanced anti-terrorism training.
  • Bob was hired last year as a field agent.
  • Patricia has received advanced anti-terrorism training.


Patricia was hired as a field agent within the last three years.




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The correct answer is Insufficient Information to Decide.

According to the first statement, all field agents hired in the last three years received advanced anti-terrorism training.
According to the fifth statement, Patricia has received advanced anti-terrorism training.

However, since no information is provided as to whether field agents hired more than three years ago also could have received advanced anti-terrorism training the correct answer is Insufficient Information to Decide.

Sample Question #2

Read the following statements and decide if the conclusion is True, False, or if there is insufficient information: 


  • All Secret Service Agents hired in the last 4 years spent some time training in overseas Secret Service training facilities.
  • Most Secret Service Special Agents hired in the last 7 years spent some time training in overseas Secret Service training facilities.
  • Only Secret Service Special Agents can receive training in Secret Service training facilities.
  • Not all Secret Service training facilities are overseas.
  • Daniel was hired as a Secret Service Special Agent 3 years ago.
  • Adam has spent time training in at least one overseas Secret Service training facility.


Adam was hired as a Secret Service Special Agent within the last 7 years.




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The correct answer is Insufficient Information to Decide.

According to the sixth statement, Adam has spent time training in at least one overseas Secret Service training facility.
According to the first statement, all Secret Service Special Agents hired in the last 4 years spent some time training in overseas Secret Service training facilities.
According to the second statement, most Secret Service Special Agents hired in the last 7 years spent some time training in overseas Secret Service training facilities.
Since no information is provided about whether any Secret Service Special Agents hired more than 7 years ago spent some time training in overseas Secret Service training facilities, it is possible that Adam was hired more than 7 years ago.
Therefore, the correct answer is Insufficient Information to Decide.

Interested in More Practice?

Get more accurate online SAEE practice tests that mirror the same format and time limit as the real test. Access the full PrepPack now to continue practice with questions like the ones above which are taken from our complete SAEE PrepPack, accurately simulating the SAEE test format.

SAEE Experience Inventory Sections

Part 1

This section requires rating a set of statements that describe your work and personal preferences and characteristics in specific situations.Your task is to provide the best outcome to said statement. You may encounter situations you have experienced before, along with new ones. You must pick the response that best represents how you have been involved in said circumstances.

Note: You'll have 20 minutes to answer 64 questions

Part 2

You'll be asked to choose the response option that best reflects the extent to which your past supervisors and/or teachers would agree that the statement describes you.

  Note: This time you'll have 30 minutes to answer 96 questions.


Get One Step Closer to Becoming a Secret Service Special Agent

Our prep pack simulates the real exam experience, helping you improve your accuracy, speed, and confidence before taking the official test.

SAEE Language Usage Section

This section includes two categories of documents: memoranda and summary reports. Each document contains intentional errors, and applicants must identify issues related to grammar, syntax, punctuation, word usage, and overall structure. The aim of this section is to guarantee that you can conduct yourself professionally in a written context.

 You'll have 40 minutes to answer 25 questions

Here are a few sample questions (taken from our complete practice) to give you a feel for the real logical questions you'll face. 

1. Answer the question below based on the following text: 

Investigation Report

(1) The incident began on Wednesday, October 3, 1990, at approximately 2:18 p.m., at the vehicle checkpoint to the White House.

(2) Members of the United States Secret Service, Uniformed Division (USSS–UD), encountered a vehicle that was operated by a black female whose unfamiliar to them (hereinafter, “Jane”).

(3) Officers described that Jane refused to stop at the vehicle checkpoint, make a U-turn, and began to flee in the vehicle towards the main road.

(4) A vehicle pursuit began, and the officers chased Jane while she was operating the vehicle erratically, violating several traffic regulations.

(5) Jane enter a traffic circle against the flow of traffic and drove onto a curb in front of Maryland Avenue.

(6) His vehicle was immediately surrounded by police forces, but she did not show any hesitation and started driving in reverse, which resulted in her hitting an officers’ car.

(7) Officers from the USSS–UD than started shooting at the vehicle in order to stop it but did not succeed.

(8) While the officers we’re shooting towards her car, she preceded to drive and got off the curb, going up to Constitution avenue where she abruptly stopped the vehicle.

(9) The vehicle changed it’s direction to reverse, and Jane refused to stop again.

(10) At this point, the officers fired several rounds into the vehicle, striking Jane.

(11) The vehicle came to rest directly behind the guard’s booth on the United States Capitol Grounds.

(12) Jane, along with an uninjured child, was removed from the vehicle.

(13) She have been transported to the Washington Hospital Center where she was pronounced dead by Dr. Taylor Christine of the Medical staff.

(14) The involved vehicle are currently in the custody of the Secret Service.

(15) Based on the above facts and circumstances, the Secret Service officers will examine the vehicle and collect physical evidence to help investigate the defendant’s motives.

Which of the following sentences contains an error in grammar or subject-verb agreement?





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The correct answer is (D) - Sentence 14.

This is true because sentence 14 contains an error in subject-verb agreement, as “are” should be “is,” referring to one vehicle.

Answer (A) is incorrect because sentence 2 contains an improperly used word (“whose” should be “who was”).

Answer (B) is incorrect because sentence 3 contains an error in verb tense (“make” should be “made”).

Answer (C) is incorrect because sentence 9 contains an error in apostrophe use (“it’s” should be “its”).

2. Answer the question below based on the following text: 

Investigation Report

(1) On May 8, 2010, agents from the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) received information from Sgt. Douglas Schmidt of the Richmond Heights, Missouri Police Department.

(2) The information provided was about a 20-year-old female who were performing acts of prostitution.

(3) The suspect is believed to be executing identity theft crimes, in which she steals the identity and credit card details of previous clients'.

(4) She then use it to book hotel rooms and make other purchase. 

(5) Sgt. Schmidt provided the SIU with documentation for farther investigation, consisting of a record check on his name (Elizabeth Bane), a photo, and numerous “” advertisements listed in St. Louis Adult Entertainment.

(6) On June 5, 2010, agents located the most recent online posting regarding Elizabeth Bane.

(7) The advertisement depicted photographs that we're, according to the agents, one and the same person as the female suspect.

(8) The posting reflected an Alias name of “Sarah,” a telephone number, and extra information regarding her services.

(9) An undercover agent calls the advertised telephone number and made an appointment with “Sarah.”

(10) “Sarah” did not give directions at this time and requested to call her upon “getting close to the Highland intersection,” at which time she would provide directions to her residence.

(11) On there meeting day, the agent started his journey to the intersection, equipped with a monitoring device.

(12) He then contacted “Sarah” to get his exact location.

(13) Soon after his arrival, he signaled the Surveillance and arrest team to enter.

(14) Upon completing the arrest, agents found evidence consisting of names and credit card details of previous clients, along with the purchases she made with them.

(15) This case is another example of the Secret Services excellent work, aiming to reduce the rates of identity theft crimes as its principle priority.

Which of the following sentences contains an error in subject-verb agreement?





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The correct answer is (D).

Answer (D) is correct because sentence 2 contains an error in subject-verb agreement (“were” should be “was,” describing the female).

Answer (A) is incorrect because sentence 8 contains an error in capitalization (“Alias” should be “alias”), and an error in the use of plurals (“informations” is an incorrect plural form).

Answer (B) is incorrect because sentence 6 does not contain errors.

Answer (C) is incorrect because sentence 9 contains an error in the verb’s tense (“calls” should be “called”).

SAEE Detail Observation Section

In this section, you are presented with a series of photographs followed by distracting and recall questions. This section contains three photographs and three sets of accompanying questions. You will have to answer a series of unrelated questions while keeping the details you saw in mind to answer the following memorization questions. 

Note: You can expect this part of the test to take approximately 40 minutes to complete.

Secret Service Exam Photograph Sample

The photographs depict images that may be seen when working as a special agent, such as this scenario.



After viewing the photographs, you must answer a series of unrelated questions such as: 

Proofread the following sentence:
The judge listened intent as the suspect pleaded for his innocence and the victim began to weep and to accuse her supposed attacker.





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Answer (A) is correct because an adverb describes how an action is performed. This sentence describes the manner in which the judge listened and "listened" should be followed by an adverb.

Only after those, you will be asked a series of questions about the photograph, such as:

How many hats in total are worn by people in the image?





View Explanation

Tip: The challenge in picture analysis or memorization questions is learning how to pay attention to those details you could be asked about and to answer distracting questions while keeping those details in mind. Practice is extremely important here as it helps learning and implementing memorization strategies.

Pass The SAEE With Confidence

Maximize your performance by practicing with materials that mirror the real test and cover every critical topic you’ll encounter. With consistent practice, you’ll feel more confident and ready to succeed.

What Is a Passing Score on the Secret Service Exam?

The Secret Service exam passing rate is estimated as quite low

Even though the Secret Service doesn't reveal the SAEE pass rate or passing score, many candidates who didn't expect to fail report failing the exam. And it is known that each section requires a different passing score.

Depending on which test version you take (pen or paper) - if you underwent a computerized evaluation then you will learn if you PASSED or FAILED. 

What Happens If You Fail the SAEE Exam?

In case of failing the SAEE, you have to wait 6 months before you can re-apply (depending on availability of open vacancies), submit an application again, and retake the test.

Note: To minimize the waiting time and since the hiring process is so uncertain, many candidates who apply for the USSS 1811 also apply for other special agent 1811 positions such as an FBI Special Agent.

The 2025 Secret Service Hiring Process Revealed

The Secret Service hiring process lasts about 6-7 months. However, it varies greatly and could be relatively fast (2-3 months) or very long.  To become a Secret Service Special Agent, you must go through a two-phased hiring selection process:

Phase 1 - Competency Checks

  1. Job Opportunity Announcements Posted on USA Jobs
  2. Qualifications/Resume Review
  3. Written Exam (SAEE) 
  4. Applicant Physical Abilities Test (APAT)
  5. Interview
  6. Conditional Job Offer

Phase 2 - Security Checks

  1. Security Interview/Credit Checks
  2. Polygraph Exam
  3. Medical Exam/Psychological Exam
  4. Background Investigation
  5. Hiring Panel

How to Pass the SAEE And Become a USSS Special Agent?

To ensure you get a good grasp of each of the SAEE test topics, we've created accurate SAEE practice tests simulating each of the five timed sections. Our SAEE test prep includes everything you need to pass the test:


- Realistic SAEE practice questions closely simulate the actual test.

- Step-by-step explanations for every question allow you to quickly learn from your mistakes.

- Dedicated study guides to brush up on your grammar skills and sharpen your memory and recall skills.

- Full Special Agent Biodata Inventory Guide, Full Personality Practice Test, Guides and Single-Trait Practice.

Interested in a law enforcement career? Check out our dedicated Police Exam Practice Test or visit our tailored preparation for FBI Special Agent positons and prepare accordingly.

If you are looking for a different test, or are not sure which test is relevant for your position, check out our Civil Service Practice Questions.

Special Agent Entrance Exam FAQs

Have you wondered what you should wear to the SAEE test? The best advice is to wear a business appropriate outfit. For men – wear a suit, neutral color shirt, and a tie. For women – the equivalent of the men’s outfit. And if your hair is long, make sure to put it up.

The study guide given by the Secret Service is a nice start, but it will only get you so far.

First, its practice questions are untimed (as it’s a study guide), meaning you’re unable to prepare with real time constraints.

Second, there are only several sample questions for each section, and there are two sections that don’t have sample questions at all (Experience Inventory).

And lastly, test specific solving tips are not provided, but rather just generic test-taking tips.

On the other hand, JobTestPrep's complete SAEE practice includes dozens of timed practice tests, allowing you to improve your test-taking abilities under real-time pressure.

It also has numerous practice questions with full explanations covering each and every SAEE test section. Moreover, you’ll get unique study guides and SAEE-related solving tips to give you an extra push.

The Secret Service remains secret also when it comes to revealing your SAEE score. The only result you’ll get after you finish the exam is Pass or Fail. If you take the computerized version, this result will be shown instantly, and if it’s paper-and-pencil, it might take several days to weeks.

After you pass the SAEE test, you’ll get an email from the Secret Service Talent and Employee Acquisition Management Division inviting you to the next hiring stage. This stage is called the Applicant Physical Abilities Test (APAT).

Although it’s recommended to take more than 2 days to practice, passing it is still achievable! After you take our first SAEE practice test, you’ll get an instant score report showing you exactly which areas to focus on. Then, you’ll get focused practice drills that retarget these weaker areas, allowing you to quickly improve your performance and boost your exam score.

Additionally, every practice question is coupled with a thorough explanation, teaching you the most efficient solving strategies. So, even if you don’t have time to practice all the questions, you’ll still be able to use these solving methods on the real exam.


Your results will be available immediately after completing the SAEE at the test center. If you pass, the Secret Service Talent and Employee Acquisition Management Division will send you a notification with next steps.