Prepare for Virginia Firefighter Exams

Interested in becoming a Virginia Firefighter? JobTestPrep provides test information to prepare you for the exam. Our practice tests and study guides can help you successfully pass the test.

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Yedidya, Firefighter Recruitment Expert at JobTestPrep
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Virginia Firefighter Exams

Each department may choose which firefighter written exam they require you to take. The exam may be provided by an assessment company or the department. Preparing for the exam will get you closer to becoming a firefighter.


To become a firefighter in Alexandria you need to take the CWH Firefighter Exam. The exam is comprised of three areas:

  • Cognitive Skills: includes mechanical, writing, reading comprehension and mathematical skills.
  • Situational Questions: assessing your approach to life’s daily scenarios.
  • Personal Questionnaire: that seek to identify the candidates whose personality traits are best suited for success as a firefighter.


To join the Richmond fire department, you will need to take the two entry-level firefighter test. The written tests are administered by the City of Richmond Department of Fire & Emergency Services. The tests were designed by FPSI to measure critical constructs required for successful job performance as a firefighter. The entry-level firefighter written tests are called the Comprehensive Examination Battery (CEB) and Work Styles Inventory (WSI) tests.

The CEB Test includes:

  • Reading Ability: This section contains 10 multiple-choice questions based on a passage.
  • Mathematical Reasoning: This section contains 16 basic math questions. You will not be allowed to use a calculator.
  • Interpersonal Competencies: There are 74 questions in this section. The questions include: interpersonal skills, teamwork, commitment, honesty, integrity, emotional stability.

The WSI measures a variety of interpersonal competencies or personality work behaviors. There are a total of 85 items on the WSI.


To join the Winchester fire department you need to take the IPMA-HR Firefighter Exam. The written exam is a two (2) hour, 90 question multiple choice test. You need a score of 70% or higher to continue to the next phase of the process. Learn more about the IPMA-HR Firefighter Exam.

Prepare for Virginia Firefighter Exams

JobTestPrep provides customize firefighter practice tests to prepare you for the exam. Familiarizing yourself with the test will prepare you for the exam, and will increase your chances of getting a high score.