Pre-Recorded Interview Prep Tips 2024
Gal Jacobi

Gal, Pre-Recorded Interview Expert at JobTestPrep.

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What Is a Pre-recorded Video Interview?

A pre-recorded interview has become a common practice in the recruitment processes of some of the most renowned organizations such as Deutsche Bank, Boeing, and Point72. This method evaluates various aspects of your personality, abilities, competencies, drives, and motivations.

It is important to note that the pre-recorded interview does not replace the traditional face-to-face interview but serves as a way to establish an initial impression of candidates and assess their work-related hard and soft skills.

During the pre-recorded interview, there is no direct interaction with an interviewer. Instead, you will be alone in front of the camera, responding to pre-recorded or written questions and assignments. This format allows you to hone your interview skills and ensures you are well-prepared for your video interview.

Video Interview

The number of questions in pre-recorded video interviews can vary depending on the specific position and organization. Typically, these interviews consist of 5 to 8 questions and generally take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete. You'll have a designated time frame of 30 seconds to 2 minutes for preparation before responding to each question, and up to 3 minutes to record your answer.

It's important to note that the questions and tasks you'll encounter are customized specifically for the role you're applying for, which means they will differ from one organization and position to another. For instance, if you're seeking a managerial role, the questions will revolve around your leadership skills and experience in managing teams. On the other hand, if you're applying for a customer service position, the questions will emphasize qualities such as persuasion, empathy, and interpersonal abilities.

While most pre-recorded interviews include open-ended questions, they often contain a series of job simulation assignments, such as a case study, role-playing, virtual job tryouts, and situational judgement tests. This combination of pre-recorded interviews and job simulations is used in the hiring process of leading banks and finance firms, such as Deloitte, HSBC, EY, and BDO.

The interview can take place through an online platform such as HireVue or Amberjack, or you might be required to capture a video using your phone or computer and share it with your recruiters.

You have the flexibility to record your interview using your computer, smartphone, or tablet, at a location and time that suits your convenience, within the specified timeframe for completion.

After you've submitted your interview, it will be reviewed by your recruiters, who will then determine whether you will proceed to the next stage of the hiring process.

Begin your practice today using JobTestPrep's exclusive and extensive interactive Video Interview Guide, which replicates authentic pre-recorded interview questions!

Types of Pre-recorded Video Interview Questions

The pre-recorded video interview will feature a range of questions designed to gain a deeper understanding of you, both on a personal and professional level. These questions fall into several categories that you should be prepared for:

1. Professional Experience Questions: You will be expected to discuss your previous professional roles, the challenges you've encountered in your career, notable successes, your relationships with coworkers, your comprehension of the position you're applying for, and an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.

2. Situational Judgment Questions: You'll be presented with work-related scenarios and asked to articulate your response and the actions you would take in each situation.

3. Scenario Simulations: You'll be given work-related scenarios and tasked with simulating and demonstrating your response within the given context.

Below, you'll find the top 10 frequently asked pre-recorded interview questions. –

1. Summarize yourself in three words.
2. Explain the reason for leaving your current job.
3. Share your interest in this position.
4. Detail your relevant experience for this role.
5. Highlight your qualifications for the job.
6. Describe your approach to handling pressure.
7. Discuss your most significant professional accomplishment.
8. Share a story of managing workplace pressure and how you overcame it.
9. Explain your conflict resolution approach with colleagues.
10. Describe your career goals for the next five years.

💡 See more popular Pre-recorded video interview questions

Interested in learning more about how to get ready for your pre-recorded interview? contact us! 

How Does a Pre-recorded Interview Work?

You'll be receiving an email invitation from your recruiter, complete with a link to access the online interview platform like HireVue. The invitation will also provide clear instructions for recording the interview and specify the deadline for completion.

Upon clicking the link, you may be prompted to input personal information, such as your name and email address. Subsequently, you'll be presented with a brief introductory guide, explaining how the platform operates and outlining what to anticipate during the pre-recording interview procedure.

The system will automatically assess your audio and webcam settings, displaying how they appear on your screen. To help you familiarize yourself with the platform and prepare for the interview, you'll have the option to take a practice question. It's worth noting that this practice question won't be recorded or forwarded to your recruiters.

Once you feel prepared, simply press the "start" button to commence your interview. Generally, these interviews consist of anywhere from 5 to 8 questions. You'll have approximately 30 seconds to formulate your response and up to 3 minutes to record it. Some platforms may allow you to pause your recording, but please be aware that once you submit your answer, there is no going back.

After you've completed your interview, the recording will be transmitted to your recruiters for their evaluation. They will use this assessment to determine whether you'll proceed to the next stage of the hiring process.

Become a Pre-recorded Interview Pro with JobTestPrep's Interactive Guide, which includes:

Thoughtfully curated standard pre-recorded interview queries.

Utilize expert advice and practical examples to effectively address your interview queries.

Ways to improve your overall performance during a video interview.

Interview practice questions tailored to specific topics to utilize the techniques outlined in the guide.

Pre-recorded Video Interview Tips

Video interviews, though they may initially feel awkward and unfamiliar, now play a crucial role in the contemporary job market, providing you with the chance to establish a favorable initial impression. Embracing the novelty of this situation and concentrating on optimizing your interview performance will give you a distinct advantage over your competitors. To help you begin, here are some valuable tips:

Prepare Yourself
Similar to any typical job interview, it's crucial to conduct thorough research and understand the challenges ahead. Review the job description, familiarize yourself with the company and its values, and gain insight into the expectations for the role.

Dress Up
While you won't have direct interaction with a person during the interview, your recruiters will be watching closely and paying attention to every aspect, not just your responses. Therefore, it's important to dress appropriately and maintain a clean appearance, just as you would for an in-person one-on-one interview.

Organize Your Environment
Select a peaceful setting with ample lighting and minimal disturbances. Regardless of how adorable Mr. Cuddlepuff may be, it's best to ensure they stay out of the camera's view.

Equip Yourself
Make certain that all your equipment is in optimal condition: ensure a strong internet connection, set up your camera and microphone, and ensure your battery is fully charged, among other things.

Mind Your (Body) Language
Sit up straight, maintain direct eye contact with the camera, refrain from making any facial expressions, articulate your words clearly and logically, and maintain a warm and welcoming smile. Prior to your appearance, it's advisable to rehearse these elements, become at ease in front of the camera, and utilize the practice questions to confirm your preparedness for the task.

Use Your PrepTime
Make the most of the time you have to prepare for each question by jotting down notes and organizing your key talking points. Doing so will enhance your fluency, coherence, and boost your confidence when delivering your response.

Be Genuine
You are the one and only you in the world. Strive to excel while staying true to yourself; you want to be hired for your authentic self.


Have any questions about your upcoming pre-recorded interview? contact us! 


What is a pre-recorded interview?

A pre-recorded interview is a common step in the hiring process of many companies, where you find yourself in front of a camera, answering predetermined questions or completing assignments provided by the recruiters without direct interaction.

How long should a pre-recorded video interview be?

The durations of pre-recorded videos can vary depending on the organization and role. Nonetheless, pre-recorded interviews typically consist of 5-8 questions. You will be given approximately 30 seconds to prepare for each question and up to 3 minutes to record your responses. This generally results in a total interview duration of 20-30 minutes.

What questions are asked in a pre-recorded interview?

The majority of pre-recorded interviews typically include inquiries that are open-ended and pertain to your professional background, career aspirations, motivations, work methodologies, and professional relationships.

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