Free ADEPT-15 Assessment Personality Practice Guide [2024]
Kemi Cohen

Kemi, Adept-15 Assessment Expert at JobTestPrep.

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What is ADEPT-15 Assessment?

The Adaptive Employee Personality Test is a test designed to assess work-related traits and is often taken alongside other AON/cut-e ability tests.

ADEPT-15 is designed to evaluate your personal characteristics, behavior tendencies, and preferences by examining 15 different dimensions of personality traits. These dimensions are integral in predicting your work performance, approach, and mindset.

During the assessment, you will encounter pairs of statements. Each statement ranges from "strongly agree" to "slightly agree." You'll need to select the statement you resonate with more and indicate the degree of your agreement.

The assessment is structured into 150 questions, divided into sets of 5 per page. You can take as much time as you need to complete it, typically requiring about 25-30 minutes.

At the top of the screen, you'll find a progress bar that shows your advancement through the test.

Let's take a look at how the test appears!

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Adept-15 Sample Questions

adept personality question 1
Adpet Personality Question 2
Adept Personality Question 3
Adept Personality Question 4
Adept Personality Question 5

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ADEPT-15 Measured Personality Traits

The ADEPT-15 evaluates your work-related behaviors and preferences by examining six overarching work styles that encompass 15 different aspects of personality traits.

1. Task Style: This style measures two aspects of how an individual approaches tasks.

  • Drive: Balancing between being relaxed versus being focused.
  • Structure: Preferring to see the big picture versus focusing on details.

2. Teamwork Style: This style evaluates how an individual works with others.

  • Cooperativeness: Being independent versus being team-oriented.
  • Sensitivity: Being stoic versus being compassionate.
  • Humility: Being proud versus being humble.

3. Adaptation Style: This style looks at how an individual deals with change and complexity.

  • Conceptual: Being practical versus being abstract in thinking.
  • Flexibility: Being consistent versus being flexible.
  • Mastery: Focusing on doing versus focusing on improving.

4. Emotional Style: This style assesses how an individual manages emotions.

  • Composure: Being passionate versus being calm.
  • Positivity: Being concerned versus being hopeful.
  • Awareness: Being insulated versus being self-aware.

5. Achievement Style: This style gauges an individual's drive for success.

  • Ambition: Being contented versus being striving for more.
  • Power: Being a contributor versus being a controller.

6. Interaction Style: This style measures how an individual interacts socially.

  • Assertiveness: Being cautious versus being socially bold.
  • Liveliness: Being reserved versus being outgoing.

The ADEPT-15 includes a more concise variant known as ADEPT-7, which evaluates seven key competencies, emphasizing the fundamental characteristics needed for the position.

How to Answer the ADEPT-15 Questions?

The ADEPT-15 personality assessment is designed to build a detailed profile aligning with specific job criteria. Answering the ADEPT-15 effectively necessitates a holistic approach.

JobTestPrep's ADEPT-15 Prep Pack provides guidance on adopting this wider viewpoint, tailored to your specific role. It includes complete simulations, in-depth explanations, and Study Guides customized for various positions.


ADEPT-15 Personality Assessment Tips

Similar to other personality assessments, the Adept-15 might initially appear confusing, but adequate preparation and understanding of what's ahead can be highly beneficial. Here are several useful suggestions:

There are no incorrect answers
Your responses are valuable as long as they are genuine and represent your true self. This assessment measures your inclinations and preferences towards a particular work style, recognizing that each characteristic has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Read the room
While it's true that there aren't definitively right or wrong responses, it's important to take into account the specific role and organization you're applying to as you respond to the questions. Reflect on the behaviors that are more or less favorable in that particular job and how they correspond with the company's values and culture. Keep in mind that your behavior in various situations will be influenced by the context, the individuals your interact with, and the specific circumstances of each case.
In situations where you encounter statements that both appear equally acceptable or unacceptable, it can be challenging to select the most accurate response. During such times, it's important to refine your answer and opt for the one that most closely represents your true character.
It won’t be easy
The ADEPT-15 is designed to be adaptive, as indicated by its name. This means that the statements you encounter will vary based on your previous answers, potentially increasing in complexity and challenge as you make choices and rate them. 
Be attentive
Repeatedly providing only average or extreme responses can suggest that you are not thoroughly reading the statements and not thoughtfully considering your responses. It's important to stay attentive, carefully read each statement, and respond authentically. 

No regrets
Each page contains five sets of statements. You have the flexibility to alter and adjust your responses while on the current page, but once you proceed to the next page, your answers on the preceding pages become unchangeable.

ADEPT-15 Workstyles Report

After you complete the ADEPT-15 assessment, you will obtain a workstyle report. This report will mirror your unique personal traits, attitudes, and preferences, and link them to your work conduct, as well as leadership and managerial capabilities.

The report is structured around the 15 traits assessed, offering insights into your behavior by drawing parallels with others who have responded similarly.

It's important to interpret your results in the broader context of the test, avoiding undue focus on any single conclusion. Nonetheless, particular emphasis should be placed on areas highlighting your strengths and potential areas for growth, as these insights can aid in your personal and professional development.

Please note that access to your test results is time-bound, tied to the validity period of the assessment. This means your results will no longer be accessible after the final response date of the test passes.


What is the ADEPT-15 exam?

The ADEPT-15, developed by AON/cut-e, is a personality assessment tool designed to measure work-related behavior. It assesses six different work styles and evaluates fifteen distinct personality traits.

What is AON personality assessment?

Aon/cut-e provides a range of personality and integrity assessments designed to evaluate an individual's characteristics, traits, tendencies, and preferences. These evaluations are integrated into the recruitment process to determine a candidate's suitability for a position and their alignment with the company's cultural values.

Is the ADEPT-15 assessment hard?

The ADEPT-15 assessment may appear simple since it involves expressing personal preferences, but it's important to keep in mind the characteristics needed for the job you're applying to and the values of the company. Additionally, you'll come across statements where your level of agreement or disagreement is balanced, adding complexity to how you respond.

💡 Discover more about Aon/cut-e tests, understand their specific challenges, and find out the best ways to prepare for each type of assessment.

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