DDI Leadership Assessment Test Online Prep: Practice & Info
Shir Enzer

Shir, Leadership and Management Tests Expert at JobTestPrep.

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DDI takes a holistic approach to testing for leadership potential. Several tests have been developed highlighting various traits of successful leaders.

Leader Career Battery (LCB)

Within a single testing session, multiple job-related abilities are assessed. The Leader Career Battery test is generally utilized during the initial phase of the hiring process. The test is administered to new job candidates as well as to existing employees seeking a promotion. LCB has proven itself to accurately predict not only job performance, but also the period of time between the initial hire and the onset of productivity.

Leadership Insight Inventory (LII)

This particular test was formulated to identify leaders who possess the essential traits confirmed as critical to job success. The Leadership Insight Inventory test is generally used for positions that carry a high level of complexity, such as development planning. The LLI exam yields a detailed view of the candidate’s personal disposition.

Leadership Readiness Assessment (LRA)

Job-related behavioral abilities are measured through the Leadership Readiness Assessment test. Leadership development needs are the test focus. This exam is often administered by entities that are searching for leaders who will produce the best return on development investment. Take a Leadership Readiness assessment practice test with JobTestPrep.

Health Care Leader Career Battery

The focus of the Health Care Leader Career Battery questions are on personal attributes. This is a multi-format inventory that is often administered to first-level supervisors.

Leader3 Ready (L3R)

This test was developed in order to determine Mid-Level leaders who are ready to take the next step and become executives. Not only it is a test but it also creates a plan of development actions that enables the taker to enhance their skills. This PrepPack™ isn't geared towards the Leader3 Ready test. However, it does cover some of the subject matter.

Several of the differences between the PrepPack™ and the actual test are:

  • Different question formatting
  • The questions on the L3R are presented as short videos, whereas the questions on the PrepPack™ are given as text.
  • Scenarios may differ between the L3R and the PrepPack™

Manager Ready

As the name suggests, the DDI Manager Ready assessment aims to assess candidates who can become frontline leaders. In the assessment, you are presented with many varied tasks, such as answering emails, responding to crises, managing schedules and the like. As well as this, you have to explain why you are making these decisions. This particular test isn't covered in this PrepPack™. However, many of the scenarios that you will find in it will be similar to the real thing. We are sure you will benefit from using this PrepPack™. Whilst not a complete preparation, it will definitely give you a better understanding of what to expect.

Three Core Competencies

The three main facets of personal attributes noted by DDI as being highly predictive of successful performance in leadership positions include.

Personal Competence

Personal Competence is assessed on DDI leadership tests through past experience. The sub-factors comprising this characteristic involve:

  • Initiative
  • Effective performance in a leadership position
  • Coaching experiences
  • Continual managerial studies
  • Approach to new employment situations such as new computer applications

In measuring this core trait, DDI presents many short statements, each containing a job-related experience. The task is to select the alternative that best describes your prior experience: limited experience, moderate experience, or extensive experience.

Effective Judgment and Decision-Making

Work-related problematic scenarios are presented. After each scenario, some items require you to distinguish between effective and ineffective actions in responding to the scenario. Other items request that you rate the effectiveness of each action.

Interpersonal Relations and Managing Self

The characteristic subsets of this main competence involve:

  • Positive disposition
  • Decision-making style
  • Dispositional stability

The items that focus on interpersonal relations highlight work preferences, personal reactions to workplace changes, communication with associates and customers, pace of work, place of instinct in decision-making. Each work-related statement is followed by five agreement-degree alternatives, from strongly disagree to strongly agree.

The Primary Tasks of Organization Leaders

Driving the Bottom-Line

Those who score high on the DDI Assessment tend to perform their job well, and quickly begin a productive pattern. The elements that comprise the concept of the “bottom line” include increased production, improved customer loyalty, lower operating cost and higher profitability.

Mastering Interpersonal Skills 

The competencies that reflect strong interpersonal skills include relating well to others, communicating effectively, and prioritizing equality and respect.

Improving Retention, Morale and Engagement

Establishing a trusting, goal-oriented and inspirational bond with your team is the way to succeed as a leader. You can expect DDI assessment test questions involving empathy; the ability to listen; and the openness to share with employees the exchange of ideas, solutions to problems and suggestions for change.

Motivation to Lead

Knowledge, experience, abilities and motivation to lead are the four essential aspects of successful leaders. Those who possess the motivation to assume the challenges of leadership positions, including the implementation of change, development of employees and handling of irate customers, are the bottom line to corporate success. Therefore, you will encounter a significant number of DDI assessment test questions that reflect the essential motivation to lead.

Prepare for the DDI Leadership Assessment Test 

Test preparation is the key to becoming comfortable and familiar with exam questions and format. A thorough exam prep through JobTestPrep provides a better, more successful testing experience. JobTestPrep has a customized Preparation Pack to help you succeed on the DDI Leadership exams. Start practicing for the DDI exams with practice tests and study guides. DDI also offers various exams which may interest you.

Companies Which Use DDI Leadership Testing 


Company Position(s)
ABB Project Director
Eaton Group Manager

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