Full Guide to The Situational Judgment Test(SJT) 2024

Facing a Situational Judgment Test exam? We have compiled a variety of preparation resources to aid you in your journey to pass the SJT exam. Resources that are unique to the specific position you are applying for.

Including detailed explanations for each question, tips for time management, and the best study materials on the market.

If you’re interested in practicing a variety of free Situational Judgment Questions, press the free SJT practice button there you’ll find the most common SJT questions applicable to most positions and roles.

Here you'll find a breakdown of various situational judgment tests(SJT) types including management, supervision, civil service, customer service, etc.


Choose Your SJT Assessment

What Is a Situational Judgment Test(SJT)?

SJTs evaluate an individual's response to work-related dilemmas by providing them with a range of multiple-choice options. Participants choose the action they deem most likely to result in a desired outcome. Every test situation corresponds to the position the candidate is applying for.

SJTs are used in many fields, including management, supervision, customer service, administration, medicine, and civil service.

Read on to find out more about each SJT type and find the preparation that is most suitable for your needs.

SJT Tests Further Breakdown

The following are the most popular types of SJT Exams.

Supervisory SJT Test

When you take on the role of a supervisor, you become responsible for the overall success and efficiency of the projects within your unit.

This means you'll need to pay close attention to the microelements and handle any issues that arise.

Additionally, the Supervisory SJT places a strong emphasis on:

  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Innovation.
  • Decision-making abilities.
  • Organizational thinking.
  • Other key leadership competencies.

These are all essential skills for a supervisor to possess in order to lead his team to success.

Press the following link to access the full Supervisory SJT preparation.

Management SJT Test

Managerial SJT is a type of test that presents you with a scenario and multiple-choice questions. The scenarios are based on real-life problems that managers commonly face in their work.

Here are some examples of professionals that purchased the JobTestPrep Management Prep:

  • Director.
  • Senior Management.
  • General Manager.
  • Head of HR\IT|Public Affairs.
  • Operations Manager.
  • Regional Sales Manager.
  • Team Leader.
  • Vice President.

Press the following link to access the full Management SJT preparation.

Civil Service SJT Tests for Police Officers

When you're taking a Situational Judgment Test as part of your written police exam, it's essential to keep in mind that you're supposed to think like a police officer.

The test wants to see if you can think in a simple and straightforward manner and if you're able to take effective actions with quick decision-making.

To answer police questions correctly, make sure you keep in mind these three fundamentals:

1. Common Sense.
2. Police Priorities.
3. Police Hierarchies.

By keeping these in mind, you'll be able to answer these questions with confidence.

Here are some examples of professionals that purchased the JobTestPrep Civil Service Police SJT Prep:

  • Corrections Officer.
  • Deputy sheriff.
  • Entry-level police officer.
  • Police Officer.

Press the following link to access the full Civil Service SJT Police preparation.

Civil Service SJT Tests for Fire Fighters

Unlike cognitive firefighter tests that focus on specific skills or knowledge, a firefighter situational judgment test is an aptitude test that is used to assess an individual's decision-making abilities in fire service jobs, during various stressful situations.

It is similar to a personality test in that you will be presented with hypothetical (yet realistic!) firefighter-related scenarios and descriptions of common firefighter practices.

Each question requires you to do one of three things:

  1. Choose the best course of action.
  2. Rank the options in order of effectiveness.
  3. Provide a written explanation of your reasoning.

Here are some examples of professionals that purchased the JobTestPrep Civil Service Firefighter Prep:

  • Entry Level Firefighter.
  • Fire Fighter.
  • Lieutenant.
  • Paramedic.

Press the following link to access the full Civil Service Firefighter SJT preparation.

Customer Service SJT Test

Customer Service Situational Judgment questions are designed to assess competencies and skills, that will give the employer an idea of whether or not a candidate has what it takes to excel in a customer service role. These skills include:

  • Communication skills.
  • Negotiation skills.
  • Flexibility.
  • Interaction and collaboration with co-workers.
  • The incentive to meet the needs of customers.
  • Handling challenging requests and interactions with clients.
  • Adaptability in specific realistic situations.

Here are some examples of professionals that purchased the JobTestPrep Customer Service Prep:

  • Call Center Worker.
  • Customer Service Representative.
  • Claims Adjuster.
  • Health Care Payment Representative.

Press the following link to access the full Customer Service SJT preparation.

Administrative SJT Test

When applying for an administrative position, you should be aware of some of the key administrative characteristics employers are seeking and that you should exhibit when answering an administrative SJT. These include:

  • Ability to plan and organize the workload.
  • Dependability.
  • Integrity.
  • Effectively handling the needs of callers, visitors, and coworkers.
  • Adaptability.
  • Initiative.

Here are some examples of professionals that purchased the JobTestPrep Administrative Prep:

  • Administrative Assistant.
  • Support Clerk.
  • Receptionist.
  • Executive Assistant.
  • Taxpayer Services Agent.

Press the following link to access the full Administrative SJT preparation.

SJT Tests for Medicine

Med SJTs like the AAMC Situational Judgment Test are based on hypothetical situations that students may encounter in medical school. During the exam, candidates are asked to assess the effectiveness of their behavioral responses to each scenario.

This exam aims to help admissions officers assess your readiness to learn about issues related to medical school.


Each situational judgment test has a different format. It can be found in written, audio, and/or video form.

There is usually no time limit to complete the questions. You will first be presented with scenarios.

You can expect to find between 25 – 50 scenarios on any given SJT. The scenarios are usually engaging and challenging.

After you are presented with a scenario you will then have to either find the most (or least) suitable response to the scenario or rank/rate the responses in order of effectiveness.

A situational test counts as psychological when it presents test takers with hypothetical situations involving psychology-related decision-making like communication, teamwork, interpersonal relationships, emotional stability, and adaptability.

Yes, in case your answers don't match what the recruitment team is looking for. Every SJT test is different and it really depends on the position you're applying for and the characteristics your employer wants to see.

Characteristics important for a managerial position differ from the traits you need for an administrative position. This is why it is so important to pick a preparation that tests for the position you are applying for and if not at least tests for similar characteristics.

Yes, there are usually a few common styles of SJT multiple-choice questions: Classic multiple-choice, Best and Worst multiple-choice, and a ranking multiple-choice.

A classic multiple-choice SJT Question requires picking one correct answer.

A Best and Worst multiple choice requires picking the best and worst answers for the situational question.

Ranking multiple choice requires organizing the multiple-choice questions from best to worst.

Go to the following SJT page to practice all types of SJT multiple-choice questions.

The scenarios presented on SJTs always ask for a resolution of a given conflict which, although hypothetical, might very much rely on, or represent, realistic situations that occur in a workplace.

You will then be asked to choose a preferred method of action out of a number of possible options. The conflict/scenario may involve supervisor-subordinate relationships, stress, and disagreement between work colleagues, etc.

The situations described may vary according to the role one is applying for. Managers, police officers, sales representatives, etc. are all likely to receive different questionnaires, as they are being evaluated for specific traits and aptitudes.

You are encouraged to choose your responses spontaneously, based on intuition; however, analyzing the scenarios and choosing responses that highlight your skills will allow you to better present yourself on the test.


If you are looking for a different test, or are not sure which test is relevant for your position, please  contact us, and we will do our best to ensure you get the most accurate preparation for your upcoming assessment.