Paving Your Way to StarTek

Are you called to the company StarTek yet unsure if you can pass the upcoming aptitude and psychometric tests? JobTestPrep is designed for job seekers who feel overwhelmed with the hiring process. With our guided hand you can learn what proper measures are needed to properly win over your future employer. Furthermore, you can learn how to standout long past your interview date by reviewing our thorough study guides and tips. Build confidence today!

  • Practice test simulations repeatedly to score higher
  • Search through our library of study guides, interview tips, & more

StarTek’s CEB's SHL

Typically, StarTek uses CEB’s SHL as a test provider which is great news for you since we have a test simulation similar to this group of examinations. Within CEB's SHL you’ll find an array of drills that cover topics such as, verbal, mathematical, and more. By self-practicing with JobTestPrep, you will be able to receive feedback to better comprehend your strong suites and further grow your weak traits. So what are you waiting for? Don’t become alarmed on the day of the test, prepare now and eliminate the element of surprise.

StarTek Hiring Process

During the StarTek application process, don’t be confounded if you are called back to the facility serval times to complete various paperwork and aptitude tests. Use this as an opportunity to inspect the area and see if you find the atmosphere enjoyable. Below is a brief breakdown of the recruitment process:

  • Online Resume Submission: You can find a concise list of vacant jobs and StarTek locations across the world. Choose whichever one is best suited for you and wait for the next step.
  • Pre-Employment Telephone Screening: The first contact is typically done through an HR representative. Here she will quickly assess if you are suitable to continue to the following stage.
  • StarTek Assessment Tests: Before you have the in-person interview, you will have a series of examinations to take. These can consist of abstract, mathematical, personality, verbal, and more. You can begin to practice them through us at JobTestPrep.
  • Face-to-Face Interview: It is possible to have a panel interview. In these cases, you will meet other supervisions from various departments. With each manager from a different background, you will likely receive a well-rounded review.

StarTek Interview Questions

StarTek interview questions are typically straight-forward. We recommend responding using the STAR method. Below are a few examples to begin your preparation:

  • Describe a difficult time you have encountered.
  • Why should we choose you over other candidates?
  • What did you favor most about your previous position?
StarTek Subsidiaries
Accent Marketing Services LLCCollection Center, Inc.
Ideal Dialogue Company, LLCRN's On Call, Inc. 

StarTek, Microsoft, and other trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with JobTestPrep or this website.