Interested in working in employment in the Canadian government? You will likely need to take a Situational Judgement Test (SJT). JobTestPrep is here to help you prepare and provide access to online practice questions.
There are a few Situational Judgement Tests (SJT) that Canada’s PSC has to offer. There is the SJT-318, SJT-R and the SJT-M. All of Canada’s SJT assess judgement required for solving problems in work-related situations. Preparing for the test will help you successfully pass the exam.
The Situational Judgement Test (SJT-318) has been replaced with the new PSEE - Test of Judgement (TOJ 375).
The TOJ-375 assesses your judgement, required for solving problems in work-related situations for officer-level positions. In comparison to the SJT-318, the TOJ-375 uses a broader scope of competencies and situations to assess judgement.
The test contains hypothetical and challenging situations that you might encounter at work. The situations involve communication, interpersonal skills, initiative, decision making, analytical thinking and action management. Each situation is followed by a potential response to the situation. Your task on the test is to judge the effectiveness of a response in contributing to a solution to the problem presented. The TOJ consists of 40 multiple choice questions with a time limit of 1 hour.
To give you an idea of the type of questions found on the exam, take a look at the sample question below.
Situation: You just completed a course at the request of your supervisor. While at the course you learned that some the office procedures are not in line with official government policies. Everyone at the office, including your supervisor has taken this course, but no action has been done to fix the problem. You would be the first to draw attention to the problem.
Response: Speak with your supervisor immediately to quickly address the issue and implement correct procedures.
How effective is this response?
The Canada Revenue Agency administers two different Situational Judgement Tests. They are the Situational Judgement Test - Recruitment Version (SJT-R) and the Situational Judgement Test - Management Version (SJT-M).
The test presents a number of challenging situations that an employee might encounter at work. These situations may include managing conflicts, serving clients, and dealing with ethical issues. Each situation is followed by five possible actions that you might take in response to the problem described. The SJT-R has 102 questions and a time limit of 2 hours and 20 minutes. The SJT-M has 35 questions with a time limit of one hour.
We provide test structure and content to prepare you for the SJT Exam. We are working on a customized practice pack to include questions and answer similar to those found on the Canada SJT test so that you can successfully pass the exam.
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