17 Predictive Index Personality Types - PI Behavioral Assessment
David Meshulam

David, Predictive Index Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep.

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What Are the 17 Predictive Index Personality Types

The Predictive Index 17 reference profiles are created based on the results of the PI behavioral assessment, a unique personality test in which you must select personality characteristics/adjectives from a list of 86 that describe how you see yourself and how you believe you are supposed to behave at work. Based on your choices, a profile is created based on four factors, which are essentially groups of personality characteristics.

Each one of the PI personality types has a different balance of the four factors, reflecting unique workplace characters with different work styles, social preferences, and preferred environments. By learning about the Predictive Index reference profiles and the theory behind them, you will be able to understand what your assessor is looking for, and arrive well prepared to your. 


The Four Factors

The four PI personality factors are categories that each of the 86 personality traits belong to. After completing the test the answers give weight to each of the factors, and through calculating how high or low each factor is, the Predictive Index profiles are created. 

  • Dominance: represents the drive to exert influence on people or events.
  • Extraversion: represents the drive for social interactions with others.
  • Patience: represents the drive for consistency and stability.
  • Formality: represents the drive to conform to rules and structure.

The Predictive Index Personality Types

Within the 17 Predictive Index profiles there is a further division into four types of profiles, which group together the types that have similar scores in the four predictive index factors which are: analytical profiles, social profiles, stabilizing profiles, and persistent profiles.

Analytical Profiles – Predictive Index reference profiles belonging to this group are more task oriented than people oriented, work at a faster pace, and are more dominant and formal than socially extravert.

  • Analyzer – the main personality characteristics for this profile are those connected with assertiveness, pensiveness, intensity, and thoroughness. This reference profile ranks high in dominance and formality, and low in extraversion and patience. Analyzers are highly disciplined, analytical, innovative, and driven, and take ownership of their tasks. They might also be seen as having excessively high standards and requirements that can slow them down.
  • Controller – the main personality characteristics for this profile are autonomy, matter-of-factness, impatience, and precision. This reference profile is high in formality, low in patience, and medium in dominance and extraversion. People belonging to this profile control their work closely and don’t like to delegate, and are conservative and risk-averse. While they are well-organized and results-oriented, they don’t always do well in ambiguous situations.
  • Specialist – the main personality characteristics for this profile are matter-of-factness, precision, acceptance, and efficiency. The specialist reference profile is very high in formality, and low in dominance, extraversion, and patience. Specialists are very disciplined and thorough, but can be overly cautious in their work and have difficulties communicating effectively.
  • Strategist – the main personality characteristics for this profile are related to independence, reflectiveness, intensity, and organization. The strategist reference profile is highest in dominance, slightly high in formality, average in extraversion, and low in patience. Strategists are very results-oriented and driven, with an emphasis on innovation and decisions made on deep analysis. They see the big picture and therefore at good at foreseeing problems and being able to prioritize multiple responsibilities. Interpersonally they might be perceived as hard-headed and impatient.
  • Venturer – born rebels, built for impact. High dominance fuels their drive and assertiveness, pushing them to analyze and conquer big goals. Forget short-term, they crave innovation! While independence thrives, structure stifles. Unleash them, and watch your organization transform.

💡 Learn about the PI Personality Styles in an interactive way by using the practice tests on our PI Prep Course

Social Profiles – Predictive Index reference profiles belonging to this category are relationship focused and highly extraverted in comparison to others.

  • Altruist – high on collaboration and efficiency, Altruists thrive in fast-paced, social environments. Forget dominance, they excel with organization and good work ethic, building cohesive teams. Expect frustration if they can't interact and collaborate – freedom to connect fuels their fire!
  • Captain - the main personality characteristics for this profile are related to competitiveness, enthusiasm, drive, and nonconformity. Captains thrive when asked to solve problems, and in environments where there is change and innovation. They are also strategic thinkers, who focus on the big picture. They are outgoing and sociable, able to handle pressure, and tend to be natural leaders.
  • Collaborator - the main personality characteristics for this profile are cooperation, empathy, casualness, and patience. The collaborator personality type is high in patience and extraversion and low in dominance and formality.  Collaborators are great team players who are highly friendly, understanding, and willing. They like to bring others into their decisions and are highly approachable and open to helping colleagues. They also dislike risks and tend to be more reactive than proactive, and don’t handle pressure or unsupportive work environments well.
  • Maverick - the main personality characteristics for this profile are enthusiasm, drive, and adventurousness. This reference profile is most high in dominance, slightly less high in extraversion, a little below average in patience, and low in formality. Mavericks are innovative and are not scared of failing while looking for creative solutions. They respond well to pressure and are very goal-oriented, while also being good team players who delegate freely and like to influence others. They also don’t always react well to strict authority or structure, and may be intolerant of things that slow them down.
  • Persuader - born influencers, built for results. Confidence + casualness = change agents! Persuaders are risk-taking motivators who thrive on open, dynamic environments. High extraversion and dominance make them team-building powerhouses, driving results with a proactive, casual charm. Expect rule-bending, not rule-following, but trust their ability to avoid stagnation and get things done!
  • Promoter - the main personality characteristics for this profile are patience, flexibility, collaboration, and openness. People belonging to this reference profile are high in extraversion, average in patience, lower than average in dominance, and low in formality. Promoters are highly gregarious and thrive in social situations, meaning they are good team workers that increase harmony. They are outside-the-box thinkers and good motivators, so they can often be the source of new directions in the workplace. Their extraversion and need for acceptance can also be a source for frustration, if they feel unappreciated.

💡 Practice using our PI Prep Course or, if you are taking it along with the PLI Cognitive Assessment, use our PI bundle pack.

Stabilizing Profiles – Predictive Index profiles belonging to this category are low in dominance and extraversion, and high in formality. People belonging to PI stabilizing profiles profiles work well in highly structured and formal environments.


  • Adapter – the main personality characteristics for this profile are versatility and flexibility, and people belonging to this reference profile are average in all four factors. Adapters are good bridge builders in a team since they have a strong drive that causes friction with others. They can easily work with a variety of people and in a variety of situations, adapting themselves to fit what’s needed for the mission at hand. Since they are so adaptable and don’t have strong preferences they put first, they might appear hard to understand on a deeper level meaning.
  • Craftsman - analytical, deliberate, meticulous: Craftsman thrive on planning, accuracy, and structure. Forget extraversion, they shine in quiet, detail-oriented roles. Think problem-solving wizards, communicating clearly and foreseeing issues. Give them structure, and they'll deliver flawless results. Ambiguity and criticism? Not their forte.
  • Operator - the main personality characteristics for this profile are cooperative, pragmatic, stable, and thorough. People belonging to this reference profile are high in patience, above average in formality, below average in extraversion, and low in dominance. Operators are excellent team players since they have a lot of respect for others’ ideas, and have a relaxed and cooperative work style. They are highly patient and conscientious, meaning they have the ability to get tasks done effectively and without fuss. Their focus on getting tasks done can sometimes be perceived as being too narrow and lacking in strategic thinking.

Persistent Profiles – Predictive Index profiles belonging to this category are high in the dominance and patience factors and low in extraversion. people belonging to these profiles are very detail oriented, and prefer having high levels of control over their work.


  • Individualist - Confidence + analysis + nonconformity = progress pioneers! Individualists are persistent, results-driven mavericks, fueled by independence and low extraversion/formality. Get ready for change! They push boundaries and avoid stagnation, but collaboration and open-mindedness might clash with their stubborn individuality.
  • Scholar - the Scholar personality type is highly analytical, introspective, and independent. Scholars crave quiet mastery in their chosen field. Think data-driven, meticulous, and disciplined experts, happiest with solo projects demanding technical depth. While the scholar personality type might find teams challenging, their strong dominance and patience make them invaluable assets for organizations seeking accuracy and innovation.

Prepare for The PI Behavioral Assessment

The Predictive Index personality types are a convenient way of framing the results of the PI Behavioral Assessment and selecting the most appropriate candidates. Although there are no right or wrong answers in this test, making informed choices is highly important to ensure you show your strengths for the position.

Our team of psychologists has developed a detailed preparation course that helps you understand the theory behind the test, identify which adjectives are positively viewed for your job, which adjectives are more and less important, and how to make sure your answer reflects that.   

The Online PI Behavioral Test Preparation Course Includes:  

  • Thorough study guides with tips on how many adjectives to choose, the difference between the two lists, and the rationale behind the test.
  • Guidance and practice tests for classifying adjectives into each of the 4 assessed personality factors.  
  • Guidance and practice in analyzing job descriptions and identifying which are the more and less important qualities for your position.


If you are about to take both the PI behavioral and Cognitive assessments get full coverage with our PI Assessments Bundle Pack.

Understanding Your Predictive Index Test Scores 

Predictive Index test scores in the behavioral test are very different than those in the cognitive test. While in the former attributes such as being self disciplined, being a team player, your ability to delegate tasks or be a go to person are evaluated, in the cognitive test the scoring resembles what you may know from other IQ tests. 

Learn more on our Predictive Index Test Scores Page.  

The Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment

Employers are often interested in measuring cognitive ability to complete the profile provided by personality tests. Therefore, there is a good chance you will also need to prepare for the Predictive Index cognitive assessment.

Check out JobTestPrep's PI Cognitive Assessment PrepPack, which includes extensive PI cognitive assessment practice resources that will help you land that job. We also have a Free PI Cognitive Test for you to test your skills!

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Predictive Index 17 Personality Types FAQ

How Many Personality Types Are There In Predictive Index?

The Predictive Index identifies 17 unique Reference Profiles, each representing a distinct combination of behavioral drives and needs. These profiles were carefully crafted by the PI Science Team after analyzing millions of Behavioral Assessments, essentially creating a "behavioral map" for different types of people. Think of these Reference Profiles as easily understandable groups that categorize individuals based on their shared workstyle preferences and motivations. So, while there isn't a single personality "type" label assigned, the 17 Reference Profiles offer a more nuanced and accurate picture of individual work styles.

What Is A Good Score On The Predictive Index?

What matters most is how your individual score aligns with the target score for the specific job you're applying for. For instance, if the target score for a role is 300 and you score 290, that might be considered a good fit. However, a score of 300 wouldn't necessarily be "good" for a different position with a target of 250.

Remember, the PI assessment focuses on behavioral drives and needs, not cognitive ability. Understanding your Reference Profile, which emerges from your score, gives valuable insights into your ideal work environment and motivations, helping you find roles where you can excel and be satisfied.

What Is The Predictive Index Personality Type Scholar?

Forget personality types, think workstyle! The Scholar in Predictive Index craves expertise, tackling tasks with laser focus and meticulousness. They're analytical data wizards, thriving in structured, independent roles like research or data analysis. While disciplined and persistent, their cautious nature may mean they prefer solo dives over team sprints. Overall, Scholars shine in environments that fuel their expertise journey with autonomy and clear structure.

What Are the 4 Areas of the Predictive Index?

The Predictive Index focuses on understanding workstyles through four key behavioral drivers:

  1. Dominance (Drive A): This measures your desire to influence and lead, reflecting assertiveness and a focus on results.
  2. Extraversion (Drive B): This gauges your need for social interaction and collaboration, indicating how much you enjoy working with others.
  3. Patience (Drive S): This assesses your preference for stability and consistency, reflecting how comfortable you are with routine and structure.
  4. Formality (Drive C): This measures your adherence to rules and procedures, indicating your comfort with established processes and hierarchy.

Popular Personality Tests 

Click the links below for accurate practice for some of the personality tests most commonly used in the recruitment process of leading companies: 

Want to try sample questions that will give you a taste of what the test is all about?Click here for our PI behavioral assessment questions page.

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