Free Epic Systems Technical Practice Questions

Are you about to take the Epic Skills Assessment? Working with Epic System using your Epic certification can be rewarding, but the competition for jobs is fierce.

Make the most of your Epic Assessment by walking in fully prepared using our Epic Test Preparation package.

Each of the Epic Systems practice tests below is designed to strengthen your Numerical, Verbal, and Computational skills and includes:

  • 9 Word Problems practice tests that will improve your numerical skills in Result Entering, Equations, Percentages, Ratios, Work-rate, and Travel questions.
  • 18 Verbal Comprehension basic, intermediate, and advanced practice tests that will enhance your English language skills, reading skills, and speed reading skills.
  • A Computational Tools practice will help you boost your engineering computational and Boolean logic skills that are required for use in different programs for performing engineering calculations.
  • A Full Personality theory guide and practice test will expose you to a variety of personality questions that you may encounter during your hiring process.

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Comprehensive Practice Tests with Full Explanations

  • 9 Numerical Word Problems tests
  • 18 Verbal Comprehension tests
  • Complete Computational Tools test
  • Full Personality test & guide
  • 12 in-depth Numerical study guides

On this page, you'll find Epic Systems' test practice for Numerical, Verbal, and Logical Reasoning, along with Computational Tools and interview questions.

David, Wonderlic Test Expert at JobTestPrep
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What is the Epic Systems Assessment?

The Epic Test, or Epic Sphinx Test, was developed by Epic System, a tech company that supplies hospitals and healthcare organizations with electronic health records (EHR) software. This exam helps identify potential employees with high cognitive abilities and good technical skills to operate and maintain the system.

The technical portion of the exam is a cognitive assessment that includes questions on  Logical Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension.

You will also be asked to take an interview. Epic Systems interview questions require you to have some coding and spreadsheet skills.

How to Prepare for the Epic Test?

The following preparation can be helpful for the following Epic System positions

  • Technical Positions - Technical Problem-Solver, and Technical Solution Engineer.
  • Analyst Positions - Analyst, Business Analyst Intern, Data Analyst, Clinical Analyst, and Analytics Systems Administrator.
  • Engineering Positions - Application Engineer, and DevOps Engineer.
  • IT Positions - IT Operations Technician, and IT Manager.
  • Project Manager Positions - Project Manager, and Clinical Project manager.
  • Developer Positions - Software developer, System Developer.

Note: Currently, Logical Reasoning questions are not included in the preparation.

Is the Epic Sphinx Test Hard?

The Epic Assessment Test is considered especially challenging. Since it is a crucial step in the process of becoming Epic certified, you will have to sit it. Proper preparation can go a long way in making the process easier and gaining your Epic certification without too much drama.

Pass the Epic Skills Assessment

JobTestPrep employs a team of psychologists and cognitive specialists who use their know-how to create the most accurate and complete recruitment preparation around.

Each test is thoroughly researched and frequently updated to ensure that you get the most accurate and comprehensive test practice available. 

Take a look at the following sample questions and tips and see if you can answer them.

Numerical Reasoning Questions

This section tests your Algebraic Ability, as well as basic arithmetic, combined with percentages and fractions.  Take a look at the following examples of possible questions from the Epic Assessment Test math section:

Decimal Practice Question

0.29 is the closest decimal approximation for which of the following fractions?





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The correct answer is (B).

In order to solve this question, you must first think of a decimal number close to 0.29 that can be expressed as a simple fraction.

The number 0.29 is close to 0.25, which can be expressed as either 1/4 or 2/8.

0.29 is greater than 0.25. Therefore, either the numerator must be greater than two, or the denominator must be smaller than eight. The closest among the answer choices are 2/7 and 3/7.

However, 3/7 is actually closer to 1/2. Therefore, answer (C) is also incorrect.
In order to solve this question, you must first think of a decimal number close to 0.29 that can be expressed as a simple fraction.

The number 0.29 is close to 0.25, which can be expressed as either 1/4 or 2/8.

0.29 is greater than 0.25. Therefore, either the numerator must be greater than two, or the denominator must be smaller than eight. The closest among the answer choices are 2/7 and 3/7.

However, 3/7 is actually closer to 1/2. Therefore, answer (C) is also incorrect.

Work-Rate Practice Question

A toy factory has three machines that wrap all the toys in boxes. All three machines work at the same rate and finish wrapping a certain amount of toys in 48 hours. If a fourth machine with the same rate was to be added, what would be the new total time of work?






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The correct answer is 36.

In order to solve this problem you need to be familiar with the basic formula:
Work = rate*time
We will insert the given information into the formula in order to form a system of two equations (the variables "work" and "rate" are indicated as W and r, respectively):
(i) W = 3r*48
(ii) W = 4r*t
=> 3r*48 = 4r*t / divide by "r" (we are allowed to do so since we know r≠ 0)
=> t = 3*48/4 = 36 hours.
Another approach to this question would be to understand that since the machines work at the same rate, each one is responsible for one third of the total work done. Meaning the rate of each machine is: r = (1/3)/48 = 1/144. If an additional machine with the same work rate will be added, there will be 4 machines working at the rate of 1/144. Thus, the work completed by four machines will be: w = 4*(1/144) = 1/36 => t = 36 hours.

The preparation pack offered contains full solutions for each one of its hundreds of questions, so you can constantly improve your solving speed and accuracy as your test comes nearer.

Reading Comprehension Questions

This test evaluates your English language skills, reading skills and speed reading skills. The test includes reading passages, each followed by multiple-choice questions. It is designed to assess your ability to comprehend written information, you'll be asked to mark a single correct answer out of the available answer choices.

Reading Comprehension Practice Question #1

In January the first crowds gathered to demand reform, barricades went up and within hours the news was transmitted to millions. Encouraged by what they saw and heard crowds turned out in cities thousands of miles apart to demand votes, jobs, constitutions and their human rights. Governments were caught paralyzed and watched helplessly as troops refused to fire on crowds. Ministers fell and kings fled. The year was 1848, and if you think 2011 has been turbulent, it has a long way to go before it matches the seismic events of 1848, the Year of Revolutions.

In comparison with 1848, events in 2011 were:





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The correct answer is (C).

The passage clearly states that "if you think 2011 has been turbulent, it has a long way to go before it matches the seismic events of 1848" – so events of 2011 were less severe.

Reading Comprehension Practice Question #2

Not only are people living longer, but so many women across the world are now in their childbearing years—1.8 billion—that the global population will keep growing for another few decades at least, even though each woman is having fewer children than she would have had a generation ago. By 2050 the total number could reach 10.5 billion, or it could stop at eight billion—the difference is about one child per woman. UN demographers consider the middle road their best estimate: They now project that the population may reach nine billion in 2045.






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The correct answer is (D).

The passage states that "many women across the world are now in their childbearing years—1.8 billion."

Computational Tools Question

This special section tests your computational and Boolean logic skills, required to use different programs to perform calculations and other tasks.

This part is especially important because it shows your ability to work with electronic medical records- one of the basic skills you will need as an Epic Systems employee.

This section includes spreadsheet-based questions, as well as questions based on a fake programming language.

Programming Language Practice Question

The flowchart for a computer program contains the following segment.

What is the value of VAR at the conclusion of this routine?





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The correct answer is (D).

Initially, VAR = 16. The IF statement checks if VAR > 4. If so, THEN 5 is subtracted from the value of VAR (VAR = VAR – 5). If not, the LOOP ends.

VAR = 16 > 4 à VAR = VAR – 5 = 16 – 5 = 11.
VAR = 11 > 4 à VAR = VAR – 5 = 11 – 5 = 6.
VAR = 6 > 4 à VAR = VAR – 5 = 6 – 5 = 1.
VAR = 1 < 4 à LOOP ends.

Thus, at the conclusion of the LOOP, VAR = 1.

Therefore, the correct answer is (D).

Logical Reasoning

This section is common to most aptitude tests, and measures your pattern recognition skills. It includes questions based on syllogisms- cases in which you must deduce what is true based on given facts.

Syllogisms Practice Question

Employees who close over 6 deals or who are titled 'employee of the month' receive a 10% bonus.
Employee A closed five deals.
Employee B received a 10% bonus after closing seven deals.
Employee C was 'employee of the month' last October.

Which statement must be true?






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The correct answer is B.

Since we are told that 'employees of the month' receive a 10% bonus, and we know that employee C was 'employee of the month' last October, we can deduce he received a 10% bonus for that month.

Let's go over the rest of the answer choices:

Answer choice A – in order to receive a 10% bonus, employee A needs to close at least 6 deals, while he only closed 5, or be the 'employee of the month', which we do not know that he is. Theoretically, it is possible that there are also bonuses for less than 6 deals, but we have no information about it.

Answer choice C – the only thing we know about the 'employee of the month' title is that it credits the chosen employee with a 10% bonus. We have no information regarding the choosing process, and therefore we cannot say whether this statement is true or false.
Answer choices D and E are not the correct answer for the same reason.

Another type of Logical reasoning question you will encounter in this section is Seating Arrangements. This type of question gives you several facts about how seating or work shifts are organized between several people and tasks you with asking a question based on these facts.

Seating Arrangements Practice Question

  • Thomas and Sam work every other day (Monday through Saturday).
  • Thomas and Sam never work together.
  • Uma, Victor, and Winona work twice a week (Monday through Saturday), but never together.
  • Thomas and Victor cannot both work on the same day.
  • Winona never works on Mondays or Fridays.

    If Thomas works on Mondays, which of the following is a possible weekly work schedule for Uma, Victor, and Winona (Monday through Saturday, left to right)?






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The correct answer is C.

These types of questions can be solved in several different ways. One way is to extract as much information as we can from the question, and then see which answer choice adheres to what we know. For instance in this case, the first thing we can deduce is the working days of Thomas and Sam. Since Thomas works on Mondays, according to the first condition, we conclude the following:


















We know that Winona does not work on Mondays and Fridays. We also know that Victor does not work on the same days as Thomas, who does work on Mondays and Fridays. Since both Winona and Victor do not work on Mondays and Fridays, we deduce that Uma does. The only answer choices that fit this conclusion are C and D. Add that to the fact that Victor cannot work on Wednesdays, either, and you are left with answer choice C as the only possible answer.

Another way to approach this question is to check each of the answer choices, and eliminate the ones which violate the above conditions.

(A) The setup the answer dictates is:






















According to the fourth condition, Thomas and Victor cannot work together. Thus, there is a problem on Friday, which makes this an incorrect answer.

Answer choices D and E are eliminated for the same reason. We are left with answer choices B and C.

(B) The setup the answer dictates is:






















According to the rules, Winona does not work on Mondays and Fridays. Thus, there is a problem on Friday, which makes this an incorrect answer.

We are left with answer choice C as the correct answer. Let's see why it is correct:

The setup the answer dictates is:






















This setup does not violate any of the conditions, and is therefore a possible weekly work schedule.

Each logic problem in the preparation pack comes with a full solution and is a faithful recreation of Epic Systems questions.

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Behavioral Interview Questions

The recruitment process at Epic Systems can take up to a month and typically includes the Epic test as well as two interviews:

  • Phone interview: The phone interview is relatively short, lasting about thirty minutes. After your phone interview, you will receive an invitation to take the Epic Assessment Test.
  • Final interview: If you pass the Epic Test, you will need to pass one final interview before receiving your job offer.

The interviews are mostly skill-based and require you to talk about yourself and about your past experience. When talking to your interviewer about past success, be sure to use the STAR Interview Method. There will also be technical questions requiring you to show a fundamental understanding of data management.

Epic Systems Interview Questions

Here are some Epic Systems behavioral questions you may encounter during your interview.

  • In five years, where do you see yourself?
  • How would you describe your dream job?
  • When it comes to finding a job, what do you look for?
  • Can you tell me about a previous project you worked on?
  • Describe a time when you had to make a decision.
  • Please tell me a little about yourself.
  • Describe five things you aren't.
  • In your opinion, what makes a successful leader?
  • What is the most interesting thing you ever did?
  • Are you more of a big-picture person or a details person?

Passing the Epic System Assessment Exam

There is an average of 3-4% chance of getting a job offer for every applicant who takes the test. By practicing for the Epic Systems Aptitude Test, you will increase your job prospects.

With competitive salaries and great working benefits, it's crucial for you to be part of the top 3% of employees.

Practice materials included in our comprehensive PrepPack™

  • 9 Numerical Word Problems Practice Tests.
  • 18 Verbal Comprehension Practice Tests.
  • A Full Computational Tools Practice Tests.
  • A Full Personality Test And Guide.
  • 12 Numerical Study Guides.