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The police vocabulary test is a multiple-choice test intended to evaluate the candidate’s vocabulary and reading comprehension in conditions of artificially induced stress, which is created by means of adding a time component to the test. This means you will usually have about a minute or two to answer each question.
The questions themselves are multiple-choice. You will be provided a sentence with a word, or two, missing and must select the answer that best fills the gaps. Some of the words in the answers will be misspelled on purpose, so you must select the answer where the words are both semantically appropriate and spelled correctly.
The detective ordered the police officer to ________ his behavior.
A grand jury has ________ not to _________ Police Officer Jake Summers in the death of Mike Chang.
Most people would agree that it is a ____ , well- ____ measure.
If you want to try out a few more sample questions, a collection of free sample questions for law enforcement tests is available here.
Many of the suggestions that are useful for preparing for vocabulary tests and multiple-choice tests in general also apply to law enforcement exams.
Use the most comprehensive police exam prep material available today to prepare for your test, including the vocabulary section!
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