Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Exam Preparation

Interested in becoming a police officer in Las Vegas? JobTestPrep provides you with test materials to prepare for the exam. With the test information that we provide along with our practice tests, we will help you get one step closer to becoming a police officer.

  • Total Questions: 700+
  • Topics Covered: Written comprehension, memorization skills & more
  • Includes: Comprehensive explanations & solving tips
Las Vegas Police Exam Practice
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  • Two Personality Tests with a complete breakdown of the ideal Law Enforcement profile
  • Over 700 Writing Ability practice Questions & Answers, including:
  • 15 Reading with Understanding practices
  • 6 Written Comprehension Skills drills 
  • 3 Observation and Memorization drills
  • 3 Understanding and Writing Police Forms drills
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The hiring process to join the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD), consists of the following:

  • Application Process
  • Physical Fitness Test
  • Knowledge-Based Examination
  • Oral Board
  • Background Investigation

The order of the Physical Fitness and Knowledge-Based Examination may differ with each hiring process.

The LVMPD Knowledge-Based Examinations

There are two types of knowledge-based exams that you need to take, depending on the type of recruitment, to become a police officer for the LVMPD.

  • Video-Based Exam
  • Traditional pencil and paper, multiple-choice Written Exam


The Video Test

You may be asked to take the ErgoMetrics FrontLine Test. The test has three components.

  • Situational Judgment and Human Relations Video Test: This test is a multiple-choice test that simulates situations commonly faced in law enforcement. You will be required to analyze situations and make quick judgments about how to respond.
  • Written Report Writing Video-Based Test: This test is a multiple-choice test that assesses your ability to factually and logically report situational events.
  • Reading Test: This test is a multiple-choice test that measures your competency to read at the level of common written materials provided on the job.

Written Exam

The written exam is a traditional pencil and paper, multiple-choice written exam. The written exam is provided by Darany & Associates. The test consists of 169 questions broken down into four components:

  • Ability to observe and recall facts and details: This section tests how well you observe things and how well you remember what you observed.
  • Written communication skills: This section tests your knowledge of the English language, grammar, spelling, and punctuation to communicate. It also tests your ability to use the English language in writing to communicate thoughts, ideas, direction and instructions clearly and concisely.
  • Ability to demonstrate reading comprehension to understand written information: This section tests your basic reading skills.
  • Ability to demonstrate organizational citizenship (Biographical Inventory): This section of the test checks the similarities between your work preferences and experiences and those of those who have been successful in a community policing organization. It is designed to measure your potential for success as a Police Recruit.

LVMPD Physical Fitness Exam

The Physical Fitness Exam is comprised of the six exercises.

  • Vertical Jump: This exercise measures the dynamic strength and muscle power in the legs.
  • Agility Run: This exercise measures coordinated movement and speed.
  • Sit-Ups: This exercise measures muscular endurance of the abdominal muscles, which is important for many physical tasks and injury prevention.
  • Push-Ups: This exercise measures the muscular endurance of the upper body (chests, shoulders, triceps).
  • 300 Meter Run: This exercise measures your anaerobic power.
  • 1.5 Mile Run: This exercise measures your cardiovascular endurance or aerobic power.

Prepare for the LVMPD Test

JobTestPrep provides practice tests and study guide for the LVMPD Written Tests. Our practice packs will help you get one step closer to becoming a police officer in Las Vegas.