Amazon TRMS: Interview & Test Preparation (2024)
Shlomik Silbiger

Shlomik, Amazon Test Expert at JobTestPrep.

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Amazon TRMS Watson Glaser Test

The Watson Glaser test is divided into five sections - Inference, recognizing assumptions, deduction, interpretation, and evaluation of arguments. Each section has its own question type that assesses a particular critical thinking ability.

The test is verbal, and requires a deep and concise understanding of when and to what extent of certainty can one draw conclusions based on given data; the ability to determine whether certain assumptions have been made in a text, be they true or not; and objectively assessing the validity of arguments, regardless of prejudice or personal experience.

The short version, which is commonly used today, includes 40 questions and takes between 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Practicing these types of questions before taking the test is critical, because the differences between some of the sections are minute, and because the rules of deduction of the Watson Glaser test are different from other known deduction tests.


Practice for the Amazon TRMS Assessment Tests

JobTestPrep has composed practice materials containing tests similar to those you will be required to take during your Amazon assessment. If you practice with our carefully comprised preparation pack, you will achieve higher results on your pre-employment assessment and outperform the competition.


Amazon TRMS Hiring Process

To successfully receive an offer from Amazon for the TRMS position, you must pass all stages of Amazon's hiring process. After making sure your resume demonstrates your relevance to the TRMS position, you should submit your application. This will start the application process. Next, you will probably face several online assessment tests. If you pass the assessment tests, you will then be asked to participate in a few interviews.

Amazon TRMS Interview Process

Once submitted, your application will go through the company’s screening process. In the event your resume is matched for the position you have applied for, the company will contact you to participate in several interviews and assessment tests. This lengthy process assists employers in finding the best match for the vacancy within their company.

Be prepared to answer a series of questions regarding your previous work history, availability, and job-specific competencies. It is recommended to research and brush up on the distinct skills you will need for the job prior to going through the assessment and interview process.

Amazon FAQ

What Is the Purpose of the Amazon Aptitude Tests?

Many employers use aptitude tests as part of the recruitment process because they provide employers with the opportunity to gain insight into your cognitive skills, work compatibility, and cooperation and interaction with others. Therefore, preparation for these tests is essential to get one step closer to the job you desire.

What Is the Best Way to Present My Answers in the Amazon Interview?

The best way to present your answers in your interview is with the STAR method: situation, task, action, result. This is the preferable way of answering questions as it presents your answers in a real-life situation which really engages the interviewer.

How Can JobTestPrep Help Me Prepare for the Amazon Assessment Tests?

JobTestPrep's comprehensive preparation package includes hundreds of questions, fully explained answers, solving tips, and study guides. Knowing what to expect in advance will make you feel more confident going into the tests, and practicing beforehand will enable you to get a higher score. The hiring process at Amazon is extremely competitive, so ensure that you do everything you can to get the highest scores you can on these tests.

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