Practice the Marathon Job Skills Test and Get a Headstart on Your Career

With thousands of employees, a position on the Fortune 500 List, and the biggest oil refinery operation in the United States – Marathon Petroleum Corporation attracts a fair number of job-seekers every year.

To join the ranks of MPC and enjoy its reported high salaries and social benefits, you'll be asked to face a Marathon Job Skills Test to demonstrate that you have the knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and core values the company is looking for. This is an important part of the recruitment process and will determine whether or not your candidacy will continue to be processed.


No matter the position you're applying for, our PrepPack is carefully constructed to help you stand out from the crowd and dramatically improve your chance of receiving that much-coveted MPC interview invitation.

Marathon Aptitude Test Practice
Less Content

The Marathon Job Skills Test PrepPack Includes:


  • 6 measurements, gauges, and charts reading tests
  • 16 math tests, including basic calculations and math word problems
  • 12 mechanical and physical tests
  • 12 logical deduction tests
  • 5 reading comprehension tests
  • 7 study guides and video tutorials for various subjects



What Is the Marathon Job Skills Test (JST)?

Marathon's JST is an all-in-one assessment test that aims to evaluate your grasp of basic math, mechanics, and other essential skills through a barrage of multiple-choice questions. The test contains approximately 90 questions, depending on the position you're applying for, and takes a staggering 3.5 hours to complete. MPC clearly doesn't take this test lightly, and neither should you; proper preparation and a good night's sleep can go a long way in preventing test anxiety and test fatigue.

After filling out an online application form and passing the initial screening stage, Marathon will send you a link to the assessment. The exact contents of your test will differ based on your role and previous experience. A candidate for the job of junior refinery operator will take the Refinery Operator Trainee Basic Skills Test, for example.

MPC also offers positions in the fields of transport, engineering and construction, finance and accounting, IT, marine, health/environment/safety/security, marketing, and midstream operations. Each of these comes with a Job Skills Test tailor-made to evaluate the respective skills and competencies required.

A successful test result remains on file for a period of one year.

Topics covered in the aptitude exam include basic math, reading comprehension, mechanical reasoning, gauge reading, an understanding of how tanks are filled, and a verbal memory exercise. The Marathon Refinery Operator Exam and several other specific job tests include questions on fluid mechanics/physics and a final section involving sets of lines. In this final section, the task is to identify the lines that overlap the other sets. Currently, we do not offer preparation for this specific task.

We've included a few sample questions on this page, for you to get a basic idea of what the test is like.

Sample Questions

Sample Question #1 - Gauge Reading.

Looking at gauges, thermometers, graphs, and other visual representations of data and quickly surmising the information you're looking for is an essential skill for many MPC employees. Read the following gauge and proceed to answer the question:


marathon test gauge reading


• What is the difference between the green lines on the psi scale (approximately)?





The question is about psi pressure, so we have to understand how much psi are 3 and 12.4 KG/cm3. In order to convert this information we have to understand which of the black lines the green lines correlate to. The gap between the black lines is 5 psi, and the green line correlates to the black line which is located before the 50. Therefore the first line equals 45 psi. The second green line correlates to the fourth black line before 200, which means that we have to reduce 20 from 200 (each line is 5 psi, so 4 lines stand for 20) and get 180 psi.

The gap between 180 and 45 is 135.

Sample Question #2 - Basic Math

Having an understanding of math fundamentals is a prerequisite for many of the jobs offered at Marathon. Here's an example:

• Which of the following series lists the numbers in ascending order?





5⁄9 ≈ 0.56

1 1⁄2 = 1.5

1 2⁄3 ≈ 1.67

1 3⁄4 = 1.75

Sample Question #3 - Mechanical Reasoning

These questions are meant to allow you to demonstrate a basic and intuitive grasp of how things move. Answer the following wheels-and-pullies question, for example:


marathon mechanical reasoning


• In which direction should the leftmost wheel turn in order to continuously spin the rightmost wheel?




Should the leftmost wheel turn in a counter-clockwise direction, the center wheel will rise because it is located inside a rail. It will then lose its contact with the rightmost wheel.

However, should the leftmost wheel turn clockwise, it would force the middle wheel to stay at the rail’s bottom, spinning it counter-clockwise. This would then continuously spin the rightmost wheel.

The correct answer is clockwise.

Sample Question #4 - Logical Reasoning

On this type of question, you'll need to read a set of facts, followed by a conclusion. Your task is to mark Definitely True if the conclusion can be drawn from the facts, Definitely False if it can be refuted by the facts, or Not Enough Information if it can't be proven or disproven by the facts. Here's an example:

At a certain company, the candidates for managerial roles must be assertive and/or experienced. There are 25 candidates for the role of department manager, of which 15 are experienced and assertive.

• Conclusion: All 25 candidates for the role of department manager may be experienced.




Candidate = C, assertive = A, experienced = E.

According to the premises, C → (A and/or E), and (25 C)*, (15C + E + A)*.

The conclusion states that possible (25E)*.

You already know with certainty that 15 of the 25 candidates are experienced. It is true you know nothing about the remaining ten candidates, but since the conclusion says, “may be” and not “are”, the conclusion follows, because it says it is possible for all 25 candidates to be experienced, and that is the case.

Make the Best Out of Your JST by Getting Accurate Preperation!

Gain access to sample tests that familiarize you with the style of questions you'll be facing. Each question includes a solution, as well as a detailed and clear explanation.

Marathon Hiring Process

The selection process at Marathon is complex and can take anywhere between several weeks and several months. Your job-related aptitudes, behaviors, medical status, physical fitness, drug use and background information are thoroughly and reviewed. While the hiring process varies to some degree depending on the specific job and location, there is a procedure that is generally followed at Marathon:

  • After filing an Application, you will take an online psychological test. This behavioral assessment involves the traits that are essential for successful job performance at Marathon. The emphasis is on attitudes toward safety, teamwork, willingness to work hard, integrity, openness to lifelong learning and motivation to rise to the top.
  • Pass the personality test, and you will be scheduled to take the Marathon Petroleum Aptitude Test. If this exam is not passed, the application process ends.
    Passing the aptitude test places you in line for an interview. A wide range of subjects are covered such as work experiences, basic analytical chemistry, interpersonal relations and reasons for wanting to work at Marathon. When answering interview questions, you are expected to use the order established by the STAR system: Situation, Task, Action, Result.
  • Following a successful interview, you can expect to receive your tenative acceptance as a candidate, which will be finalized after several types of physical exams and a background check.