Interested in a Machinist Apprenticeship? JobTestPrep provides practice materials to prepare you for the exam. Familiarizing yourself with sample questions and test content will get you closer to a Machinist apprenticeship. Start practicing and preparing today and apply with confidence.
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The Machinist Aptitude Test measures the basic skills needed to succeed as an apprentice. Preparation for the Machinist Apprenticeship is an essential factor in your test results. You are more likely to improve your score through preparation. JobTestPrep provides the information you need to get you closer to the apprenticeship you desire.
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Depending on where you are taking the test you can most likely encounter a multiple-choice, paper & pencil format.
The Canadian test has a three-hour time limit where you will need to complete 100 multiple-choice questions. The American apprenticeship tests vary in the number of questions and timeframe. Some may or may not have a time limit.
All pre-apprenticeship tests aim to ensure that every apprentice possesses the fundamental educational requirements to begin on-the-job technical training.
Canadian Trade Entrance Exams are grouped into five clusters, each containing the trades that involve a similar level of skills and aptitudes. The Machinist exam is within Cluster 4; therefore, if you are applying for a Machinist apprenticeship you will take Entrance Exam 4. You will need at least a 70% score to pass. The apprenticeship exam administered in Canada consists of the basics of math, science and reading comprehension.
Preparation for the exam will help you achieve your goal of passing the Machinist aptitude exam.
When taking the U.S. Machinist aptitude test, you will encounter a basic skills test. Each test may include various sections. The typical test sections include mathematics, reading and writing.
A general machinist is a skilled craftsperson who uses blueprints to set up and operate precision metal cutting and grinding machines such as lathes, milling machines, drills, shapers, boring mills and grinders. A machinist may use any of those machine equipment to manufacture, install, operate, adjust and repair machine tools and other machines in common use. As a Machinist apprentice you will learn skills through union or manufacturer sponsorships to ensure you have the personal attributes for the job.
Becoming a machinist requires attention to detail as well as good math and computer skills. Machinists use sophisticated computer equipment to make metal parts and pieces. A mechanical aptitude may also be required for the job because machinists operate a variety of machines on a manufacturing floor.
Familiarizing yourself with the Machinist Aptitude test content and format will help you gain a passing score on the exam. Practicing and preparing with our practice test and study guide will get you one step close to a Machinist apprenticeship.
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