Air Force Officer Qualifying Test Preparation

If you are interested in becoming an officer in the United States Air Force as a new officer as part of the ROTC program, then you will need to take the AFOQT (Air Force Officer Qualifying Test).

The AFOQT exam is challenging for every test taker, with a multitude of tough categories requiring math knowledge as well as advanced verbal skills.

Use JobTestPrep's AFOQT practice tests to improve your score and join the United States Air Force! The Pack includes:

6 analogies tests, 4 synonym tests, 22 reading comprehension tests- Sharpen your verbal skills with realistic test questions.

7 math word problems tests and 24 math tests- refresh your math knowledge and solve word problems just like the ones on the real AFOQT exam.

8 SJTs, personality test practice, science, electronics, visualisation, table reading, and instrument comprehension test practice- Acquire the skills necessary to become an Air Force Officer.

And all these come with detailed explanations, full solutions, and everything you need to succeed.

Keep reading for AFOQT practice questions, and more information!

Interested in some free practice? Check out our Free ASVAB Practice Questions.

AFOQT Practice Test

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  • 6 Analogies tests
  • 7 Math word problems tests
  • 4 Synonym tests
  • 24 Math tests (basic, algebra, geometry…)
  • 22 Reading comprehension tests
  • 8 Situational Judgment Tests
  • 1 Personality test + 30 Single trait practice drills
  • 2 Science tests
  • 8 Mechanical Comprehension tests and a guide
  • 3 Space visualization tests
  • 2 Table reading tests
  • 1 Instrument comprehension test
Shir, Civil Service Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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What is the AFOQT?

The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test is used by the United States Air Force to select applicants for the OTS (Officer Training School) and ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps).

The AFOQT test assesses mathematical and verbal skills, personality traits, and additional qualities that have proven to be predictive of success in officer commissioning programs such as the training program. Therefore, it is not surprising that the AFOQT carries much weight in the selection of candidates. 

The AFOQT includes 13 different parts, which are performed in the following order over almost five hours:

Verbal Analogies, Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Math Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Situational Judgement Test, Self Descriptive Inventory, Demographics, Physical Science, Table Reading, Instrument Comprehension, Block Counting, Aviation Information.

As you can see, the AFOQT is long and measures a wide variety of skills and aptitudes. But how is your scores calculated from all these tests?


AFOQT Composite Scores

Exam results are housed in seven composite scores, each comprised of several subtests:

  • Pilot – (Math Knowledge + Instrument Comprehension + Table Reading + Aviation Information) the pilot composite score evaluates the required knowledge for the completion of both manned and unmanned pilot training.
  • Combat Systems Officer (CSO) - (Word Knowledge + Math Knowledge + Block Counting + Table Reading) measures one’s knowledge and abilities which are necessary for successfully completing CSO training. 
  • Air Battle Manager (ABM) - (Verbal Analogies + Word Knowledge + Table Reading + Instrument Comprehension + Block Counting +Aviation Information) measures expertise and competencies which are needed to effectively complete ABM training.
  • Academic Aptitude – (Verbal Analogies + Arithmetic Knowledge + Word Knowledge + Math Knowledge) assesses one’s verbal and quantitative abilities. This composite does not require a minimum score.
  • Verbal – (Verbal Analogies + Word Knowledge + Reading Comprehension) assesses an individual’s verbal comprehension and knowledge. The Verbal composite has subtests which evaluate the capability to reason, find relationships among words, and make inferences.

  • Quantitative – (Arithmetic Knowledge + Math Knowledge) Evaluates quantitative knowledge and skills. The Quantitative composite has subtests which assess one’s understanding and ability to reason with arithmetic relationships. They also assess how one uses mathematical concepts, formulas, and relationships. 

  • Situational Judgement - (SJT) Measures decision-making skills and abilities to make judgments when responding to interpersonal situations which are based on real scenarios encountered by junior officers (O1-O3). Responses require core competencies of Leadership, Resource Management, Integrity and Professionalism, Communication, Innovation, and Mentoring.

The scoring method is not currently known to the public, but the necessary minimum scores for Air Force jobs are:

Any Officer- Verbal:15, Quantitative:10

Pilot/RPA Operator- Verbal:15, Quantitative:10, Pilot:25, Combat Systems Officer:10

Combat Systems Officer- Verbal:15, Quantitative:10, Pilot:10, Combat System Operator:25

Air Battle Manager- Verbal:15, Quantitative:10, Air Battle Manager:25

AFOQT Format

Your AFOQT score is based solely on the number of correct answers found in each of the 12 subtests provided. Be sure to read over the instructions, questions, and alternative answers for each subtest carefully.

The total timeframe of the test itself: 3 hours, 37 minutes. Total timeframe including instructions and breaks: Approximately 5 hours.

Please keep in mind that our PrepPack covers all topics found in the AFOQT test, except for the Aviation Information sections. 

Below is a list of the 13 subtests:

Air Force Officer Qualifying Test Subtests
Subtest Number of Questions Time Limit (Minutes)
Verbal Analogies 25 8
Arithmetic Reasoning 25 29
Word Knowledge 25 5
Math Knowledge 25 22
Reading Comprehension 25 38
Instrument Comprehension 25 5
Block Counting 30 4.5
Table Reading 40 7
Aviation Information 20 8
Physical Science 20 10
Situational Judgment Test 50 35
Table Reading Test 40 7
Self-Description Inventory 240 45

AFOQT Sample Questions

  • Verbal Analogies – This part of the exam highlights synonyms and assesses your ability to find relationships among words. You will have 8 minutes to answer 25 questions.

Verbal Analogies Sample Question

Try answering this question in 20 seconds- that's how much time you'll have in the real test. The words in the first pair are related in a certain way. Choose the word that completes the second pair in the same way.

Fog - Clarity

Crowd - ?






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The correct answer is movement.

fog limits clarity and a crowd limits movement.

When it is foggy outside, things cannot easily be seen. Therefore, it can be said that the fog limits clarity since it makes things less clear. Similarly, when a place is crowded, people can not easily move. Therefore, it can be said that a crowd of people limits their movement since it makes it harder for people to move.

  • Arithmetic Reasoning – This subtest measures your knowledge when using arithmetic to solve numerical problems. You will have 29 minutes to answer 25 questions.

Arithmetic Reasoning Sample Question

Try answering this question in 70 seconds- that's how much time you'll have in the real test.

An airplane flies at a constant speed. It travels 10000 miles to its destination and then returns. On its way back it travels at a double speed. The whole flight duration is 15 hours.
What is the plane's initial speed in miles per hour?






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The correct answer is 1000.

To answer this question, we need to use the following equation:

Distance= Velocity x Time.

The total time is 15 hours.

Study with more sample questions with our Free AFOQT Practice page. You can also visit our Free ASVAB Practice and Free PiCAT Test. 

  • Word Knowledge – Expect to be tested on the meaning of specific words. A word is presented in capital letters. Select the alternative that is closest in meaning to the capitalized word. You will have exactly 5 minutes to answer 25 questions.
  • Math Knowledge – Assesses your ability to understand mathematical terms and principles. Problems must be solved in an efficient and quick manner. You will have 22 minutes to answer 25 questions.
  • Reading Comprehension - Uses the same type of written materials which are necessary in officer Professional Military Education (PME). Consists of 5 passages with around 500-600 words, followed by 4-6 questions. You will have 38 minutes to answer 25 questions.
  • Instrument Comprehension - This subtest measures how well you can determine the position of an airplane while in flight. Make sure you are familiar with the artificial horizon, the compass, and how they relate. This test gives you 12 seconds per question and you will have 5 minutes to answer 25 questions.
  • Block Counting – This subtest assesses your ability to “see into” a 3-dimensional pile of blocks by determining how many other blocks a specifically-numbered block touches. You will have 4.5 minutes to answer 30 questions.
  • Table Reading – Assesses your reading abilities based on how fast and accurate you are. You will have 7 minutes to answer 40 questions.
  • Aviation Information – Evaluates your knowledge of aviation. There are two formats in this subtest: A) Select the alternative that correctly completes a given statement; and B) Select the best answer to a given question. You will have 8 minutes to answer 20 questions.
  • Physical Science – The “General Science” subtest was replaced with “Physical Science”. This section consists of questions which focus on physical science concepts. You will have 10 minutes to answer 20 questions.
  • Situational Judgment Test - Assesses judgment when responding to the types of interpersonal situations frequently encountered by officers. You will have 35 minutes to answer 50 questions.
  • Self-Description Inventory – Evaluates your personal characteristics and attitudes. This personality subtest is formatted in a five-point agreement scale, from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree so there is no such thing as a right or wrong answer. You will have 45 minutes to answer 240 questions.$hrtag$

AFOQT Practice Test

AFOQT prep tools include Air Force Officer Qualifying Test practice tests with Q & A analysis, study guide and helpful exam strategies. Although we do not offer three out of the twelve subtests, we are currently working to provide you with every one of these options in the near future. Our JobTestPrep development team has cultivated an in-depth AFOQT system geared to optimizing your exam results.