TSA Test Prep- Practice ALL Possible Exam Versions [2024 Edition]

 3,054 already enrolled | Updated Aug 11, 2024 

The TSA test is one of the first obstacles on becoming a Transportation Security Officer (TSO). Recently a new version of the test was introduced, featuring a short but highly challenging test. Yet, some candidates are still given the complex X-Ray and English questions.

How Can You Prepare?

To prepare for the exam, you must become familiar with all possible exam formats, as each presents unique challenges. We recommend to focus your practice on the new TSA test materials, as all testing centers will eventually transition to the updated format. 



Based on candidates' valuable feedback, we have developed an online TSA Preparation Course, which includes practice tests, explanations of answers, and detailed score reports. Our course mimics the actual test questions and format of each of the TSA versions and helps you identify the areas you need to focus on to be fully prepared for the exam.

TSA Exam Practice
Less Content

New TSA Test Version
• 2D to 3D shape folding- 3 tests + 3 extra practice tests.
• Connecting the dots- 5 practice tests 
• Image matching- 4 practice tests

TSA CBT X-Ray [Legacy Format]
• Weapons: 14 tests
• Toys, pens, keys, shoes: 10 tests
• Water bottles & tools: 9 tests
• Electronics (cellphones & more): 9 tests
• X-Ray analysis study guide 

TSA English Skills [Legacy Format]
• Reading comprehension: 11 tests
• English (Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms, Spelling): 17 tests
• Writing Skills (fault finding): 2 tests 
