Ace the Korn Ferry & Talent Q Psychometric Test With Free Guide & Practice (Numerical, Verbal, Logical, Personality)

If you're about one of the Talent Q tests (Elements/Aspects), you probably know that they are known for being quite complex due to their strict time limit and questions difficulties. 

To ensure you are prepared for any Talent Q test ahead of you, we have developed an All-Inclusive Talent Q Course, which includes practice tests, answer explanations, and detailed score reports. Our PrepPack will help you identify the areas you need to focus on for the assessment and ensure you are fully prepared and confident. Our PrepPack includes:

  • Korn Ferry Talent Q Assessments Elements & Aspects Prep: Unique practice questions and test simulations in the exact format of those you will be asked to solve the Elements & Aspects (Numerical, Verbal, Logical, Checking, SJT, etc).
  • Korn Ferry Talent Q Assessments  Dimensions Prep: Practice questions and full simulations of the talent q dimensions personality test.
  • Interactive Study Guides for all of the talent q assessments.

During the past 5 years, JobTestPrep prepared more than 3,000 candidates for their Korn Ferry Assessments! We constantly update our PrepPacks to provide the most accurate prep.

-Scroll down for more valuable info, expert tips and Korn Ferry practice tests-

Talent Q All-Inclusive
Less Content
  • Talent-Q Elements:
    3 Numerical Simulations & Tutorial 
    3 Verbal Simulations & Guide
    3 Logic Simulations & Guide
    30+ Additional Practice Drills
    General Elements Interactive Guide

  • Talent-Q Aspects:
    2 Talent Q Aspects Simulations
    10+ Practice Tests (Numerical, Verbal, and Checking) 
    Tailored Study Guides

  • Talent-Q Personality Assessment:
    A Full Personality Test
    Talent Q Dimensions guide

Ira, Korn Ferry / Talent Q Tests Expert at JobTestPrep
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What Are the Korn Ferry Psychometric Tests?

The Korn Ferry Psychometric Tests, formerly known as Talent Q tests, are a collection of pre-employment tests that assess the skills, abilities, behaviours, and traits required from employees in their jobs.

Since 2014, Korn Ferry has been administrating the Talent Q tests, and the names of the Korn Ferry/Talent Q tests are interchangeable. This means that as part of your screening process, you may face a bundle of assessments that can include both Talent Q and Korn Ferry assessments.

There are two types of Talent Q Tests –

  • Cognitive ability assessments – evaluate your cognitive abilities, such as verbal, numerical, and logical reasoning. These include the Talent Q Elements and its constituent sections and the Talent Q Aspects and its sections.
  • Personality assessments – evaluate your work-related behaviours, traits, motivations, and goals. These include the Talent Q Dimensions and the Talent Q Cultural Appraiser.

To summarise, Talent Q's assessment tests are :

Talent Q Elements

 Talent Q Elements Numerical

 Talent Q Elements Verbal

Talent Q Elements Logical

Talent-Q Dimensions

 Talent Q Dimensions Personality Test 

Talent Q Aspects

 Talent Q Aspects Numerical

 Talent Q Aspects Verbal

Talent Q Aspects Checking

Talent Q Cultural Appraiser

 Cultural Appraiser Situational Judgement Test

Talent Q Elements Tests

The Talent Q tests - Elements is a series of 3 cognitive ability assessments designed to evaluate different reasoning competencies required in the workplace.

Watch this video for a quick summary of each of these tests and the questions and challenges ahead of you:

Talent Q Elements – Numerical Assessment

The Talent Q Tests Elements Numerical test assesses your ability to understand numerical data and make deductions and analyses from that data.

You will be presented with tables that include numerical information followed by multiple-choice questions. You will need to make the necessary calculations to reach a correct answer.

The test has 12 questions. There is no overall time limit, but rather an individual time limit for each question: 90 seconds for the first question on each table (or set of tables) and 75 seconds for subsequent questions. The average completion time is 12 minutes.

Let’s see how it looks – 

Table: Reports Given to 18-Years Old Drivers

Type A - $300     Type B - $200     Type C - $100


What was the average fine amount for the month of April across all traffic offenses? (in $)

A. 200 F. 207 M.214
B. 201 G. 208 N. 215
C. 202 H. 209  O. 216 
D. 203  I. 210  P. 217 
E. 204   J. 211 Q. 218 
F. 205  K. 212  R. 219 
G. 206  I. 213   S.220
View Explanation

The correct answer is F. 207.

This question requires calculating a weighted average. This can be done in a few steps:

1. Sum up the percentage of offenses (for the month of April) for each type of offense:
Type A: 15% + 9% + 7% = 31%
Type B: 13% + 13% + 19% = 45%
Type C: 2% + 22% = 24%

2. Multiply each percentage by the amount of the fine:
Type A: 31% x 300 = $93
Type B: 45% x 200 = $90
Type C: 24% x 100 = $24

3. Sum up the amounts of each fine to arrive at the weighted average amount of fines:
$93 + $90 + $24 = $207

Alternatively, after the first step, you can multiply the percentages of each type by 25 million (the number of tickets in April) to get the number of tickets received in this month for this type of offense.

Type A: 0.31 x 25 = 7.75 million
Type B: 0.45 x 25 = 11.25 million
Type C: 0.24 X 25 = 6 million

Then, multiply the number of tickets, which was calculated before, by the fine for each type:

Type A: 7.75 x 300 = 2,325 million
Type B: 11.25 x 200 = 2,250 million
Type C: 6 x 100 = 600 million
To find the average fine, sum up the number of tickets (25) and divide by the total amount of tickets.

Note: For simplifying reasons, it is recommended to do the calculations in the smallest units possible, as shown in this explanation. In the last step, the millions cancel down.

Expert Tip: Use a comfortable hand-held calculator. In our experience, most test takers find a hand-held calculator more effective than the calculator built into their computer or smartphone. Additionally, familiarizing yourself with your calculator's memory functions can give you a significant advantage.

With JobTestPreps’ Talent-Q Elements PrePack, you can Improve your ability to quickly solve questions loaded with details and learn how to extract the most relevant information for answering. 

Talent Q Elements – Verbal Assessment

The Talent Q Tests Elements Verbal test assesses your understanding of written information and your ability to draw conclusions based on this information.

The assessment is adaptive, which means that the difficulty of the questions varies according to your answers – they become harder when answering correctly and easier when answering incorrectly.

You will be presented with a short written passage followed by six statements based on the text. After each question, you will be given a range of possible answers.

Sometimes you will need to choose two answers and sometimes only one; in some cases, you will nemusted to decide which one of the arguments presented is true or false based on your understanding of the text.

The test has 15 questions. There is no overall time limit for the test, but there is a time limit for each question: 75 seconds for the first question on each passage of text and 60 seconds for subsequent questions. The average completion time is 12 minutes.

Let’s view an example – 

Labour Crisis

A prolonged labour market recession is in the making as long-term unemployment is on the rise and many workers are becoming excluded from the labour market. The shift to austerity measures has further deteriorated labour market conditions in countries hit by the debt crisis. The depressed employment situation has been accompanied by growing job precariousness for those who have a job. The incidence of part-time work has risen significantly as has that of temporary employment.

Given the significant slowdown in economic growth, job loss can increase severely as businesses tend to decrease expenditure, leading to higher unemployment. At the same time, the crisis has resulted in the contraction of bank credit for small and medium-sized businesses and this, in turn, has reduced the growth in self-employment.
Measures that will increase employment and speed up economic growth should be taken promptly. Given the impossibility of financing expenditures with deficits, one can realistically suggest budget-neutral increases in training programmes and subsidies to businesses. This must be coupled with government programmes to facilitate credit to small and medium-sized businesses, financed with increases in taxes in other areas such as environmental or tourist taxes that will not distort the economy adversely.

Adapted from

Which one of the following is NOT given as a cause of the labour market recession?







View Explanation

The question asks us to identify five causes (or potential causes) of the recession and one that is not a cause. Let us go over the distracters and find the corresponding sections in the text that relate to them:

A is given as a cause: "the shift to austerity measures has further deteriorated labour market conditions".

B is given as a cause: "job loss can increase dramatically as businesses tend to decrease expenditure".

C is given as a symptom: "the depressed employment situation has been accompanied by… part-time work has risen significantly..." In other words, the proliferation of part-time jobs is a symptom of increased unemployment, not a cause of it.

D is given as a cause: "a prolonged labour market recession is in the making as...many workers are becoming excluded from the labour market".

E is given as a result and a consequent cause: "at the same time, the crisis has resulted in the contraction of bank credit for small and medium-sized businesses and in turn reduced the growth in self-employment," which in turn negatively affects the labour market.

F is given as a cause: "a prolonged labour market recession is in the making as long-term unemployment is on the rise".

C is the only answer that is not a cause or a potential cause of the labour crisis.

The correct answer is C

Expert Tip: First, look over the initial five to six words in the paragraph, to get an idea of the topic presented. Afterwards, read the question-and-answer options, to understand what information you need to find. Finally, finish reading over the paragraph to ensure your answer is correct.

Remember, you will be allowed to return to skipped questions. Once you click next, that will be it. You will not be able to revisit a question.

JobTestPreps’ Talent-Q Elements PrePack provides reading strategies and practice tests that improve your ability to fully answer questions on time.

Talent Q Elements – Logical Assessment

The Talent Q Tests Elements Logical test assesses your logical and analytical skills.

You will be presented with a 3x3 table in which each cell contains 1 or more symbols. The symbols create a logical sequence across the rows and columns of the matrix, with 1 square missing so that the fuentirell pattern remains unclear.

You must recognise the pattern that makes the sequence and complete the missing piece out of up to 14 options.

The test has 12 questions to answer in 15 minutes (75 seconds per question).

Let’s take a look –

Logical assessment sample question

Can you identify the missing shape?

View Explanation



The correct answer is alternative F.

What pops up: The top cell in each column is a mirror image of the bottom cell (and the left cell in each row is a mirror image of the right cell). Following this logic, the correct answer must be alternative F.
The complete Explanation: All the symbols in the left and right (i.e., outer) cells are different parts of a cross symbol (┼). In each row, the symbol in the middle cell is a combination of the symbols from the outer cells so that the middle symbol consists of a duplication of the overlapping part of the outer symbols (e.g. in the top row - the upper part of the vertical line; in the middle row - the entire vertical line).
Thus, the missing symbol must share a part with the right symbol in its row, which should be the lower vertical line. 

Expert Tip: If there is more than one symbol in a cell, the way they’re ordered inside the cell might matter. Be sure to consider this possibility before answering a question.

Use your time wisely: Even though this test doesn’t allow you much time to answer each question, doing so before your \allotted time is up will not add more time for the next question either. You are better off using every second of your 75 to answer each question as best as you can.

Talent Q Aspects Tests

The Talent Q tests Aspects are a series of 3 aptitude assessments designed to evaluate your reasoning abilities when performing under time pressure.

The assessments are adaptive, which means that the difficulty of the questions varies according to your answers – they become harder when answering correctly and easier when answering incorrectly.

Talent Q Aspects – Numerical Assessment

The Talent Q Aspects Numerical assessment evaluates your ability to analyze and interpret numerical information and use mathematical procedures to solve numerical problems.

You will be presented with numerical data in the form of tables. You will need to make calculations to reach the correct answer.

The test has 12 questions to answer in 10 minutes.


Talent Q Aspects – Verbal Assessment

The Talent Q tests Aspects Verbal assessment evaluates your ability to understand textual information and make inferences.

You will be presented with a written paragraph. You will need to read the text and answer a multiple-choice question referring to the text's information.

The test has 12 questions to answer in 8 minutes.


Talent Q Aspects – Checking Assessment

The Talent Q Aspect Checking assessment evaluates your comparison competencies and ability to identify minor shifts and changes.

You will be presented with two tables that include similar data. You will need to compare the tables and check if there are any changes between them.

The test has 8 questions to answer in 6 minutes.

Talent Q Cultural Appraiser Assessment

The Talent Q assessments Cultural Appraiser assessment is a Situational Judgment Test designed to evaluate your work-related behaviours and approaches to examine if you match the characteristics of the job you applied for and if you fit the organization’s culture.

You will be presented with workplace scenarios, followed by various reactions and responses. You will need to choose the options that are most and least effective.

The Talent Q assessments Cultural Appraiser assessment has two versions – one with only text and the other with video and audio.

Both versions of the test have 15 questions.


The Talent Q assessment, administrated by Korn Ferry, is a generic term that refers to a selection of cognitive and personality tests used by employers as part of the screening process of candidates. 

Talent Q Elements is a series of tests designed to assess the abilities required in the workplace – logical reasoning, numerical reasoning, and verbal reasoning.

Both Talent Q Elements and Talent Q Aspects are pre-employment tests that assess various reasoning abilities needed in the workplace. However, they differ in two main respects –

Tested skills:

  • Talent Q Elements – Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, and Logical reasoning
  • Talent Q Aspects – Verbal Reasoning, Numerical reasoning, and Checking abilities

Assessment goal:

  • Talent Q Elements – assesses your skills
  • Talent Q Aspects – assesses your performance under a strict time-limit

The Talent Q Dimensions is a personality assessment designed to profile your traits, characteristics, and work-related behaviours and skills. This assessment examines whether you are a good match for the job and the organization’s environment.

Each of the Talent Q tests can be quite challenging and has unique obstacles you need to overcome to receive a good score. However, the most difficult of them all is the Talent Q Elements assessment –

  • These questions are probably very different from anything you’ve experienced before. That means your university or high school experience will not help you here. There aren’t many difficult calculations but specific skills that need to be sharpened.
  • The questions include a lot of unnecessary information, which makes the questions much harder to understand. Extracting the relevant data from a specific question is one of the main challenges you'll face.
  • Every question is timed. That means that once you’ve answered a question, you can’t change your answer, and you can’t go back to previous questions you struggled with.
  • In the Logical assessment, there are up to 14 answers to choose from. Thus, it is almost impossible to guess (and not very recommended).

Talent Q Cultural Appraiser Assessment

The best way to ensure you pass the Talent Q tests is to know which assessment you are about to take. Talent Q offers several pre-hiring tests, as well as Korn Ferry, which administrates the Talent Q tests.

Once you figure that out, you need to familiarize yourself with the test’s structure and types of questions and be prepared for its unique challenges by practising as much as possible accurate practice tests.

Other Korn Ferry Assessments and Information