Preparation for McCann Firefighter Test

JobTestPrep prepares you for the McCann Firefighter Test with practice tests, study guides, and detailed answer explanations to ensure you really understand the material.

McCann Firefighter Test Practice

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  • Over 1250 practice questions & answers
  • Reasoning skills for "Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, & Information Ordering
  • Reading Comprehension for "Verbal Reasoning & Reading Comprehension"
  • Tables and graphs & numeracy skills for "Mathematics"
  • Spatial aptitude for "Spatial Orientation"
  • Situational judgement questions
  • Additional practice in flexibility of closure, mechanical aptitude, logical reasoning, reading measures, and tools
  • Original study guides
  • Comprehensive explanations and solving tips for all questions
  • Immediate online access, practice 24/7 

Through its Measured Success flagship, McCann Associates provides basic Public Safety selection solutions. The Measured Success assessment is a computer-based exam. The McCann Measured Success test battery includes four subtests:

  • Interpreting Text Material
  • Reasoning Ability
  • Observation Test
  • Map Reading Test

The McCann Firefighter Test is a wholly separate entity consisting of cognitive aptitudes that address the skill set needed for firefighting tasks.

Please note that while we do not provide an exact test simulation, our PrepPack™ is customized in a way that provides excellent comprehensive practice for every type of question that may appear on the actual test. Using our practice resources and study guides will significantly improve your chances of acing the test and securing your place at the top of the eligibility list.

McCann Entry Level Firefighter Exam

The McCann Firefighter test consists of 100 questions with a time period of 2 hours. Expect a wide range of skills and abilities including:

  • Information Ordering – The task is to place components of procedures, comments and statements into proper order.
  • Deductive Reasoning – This skill concerns the application of a rule to a set of circumstances.
  • Situational Judgment Questions – Work behaviors and reactions to various police scenarios are assessed in questions requiring the selection of the best course of action to follow in a given firefighting situation.
  • Reading Comprehension - You will be asked to recall information, analyze and draw conclusions based upon written material presented.
  • Inductive Reasoning – Expect to supply the rule or connecting link present within a series of events, people or objects.
  • Spatial Orientation (Maps) - These questions assess your abilities to use maps and understand where you are in relation to other objects.
  • Mathematics – Included in the math skillset are questions involving percentages, decimals, fractions, minute/hour conversions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simple algebraic equations, applying given formulas and word problems.
  • Verbal Reasoning

Other elements of the McCann Firefighter Exam involve the interpretation of tables and texts, teamwork in conjunction with compatibility, mechanical aptitude (including graphic displays and text descriptions), and spatial orientation. See sample questions and answers in our Firefighter Test Practice

JobTestPrep Advantage

Practicing with McCann sample tests, reviewing a study guide, and using Q&A analysis will familiarize you with the types of questions and the exam format. Knowing what to expect goes a long way in reducing exam anxiety and increasing your speed and accuracy. JobTestPrep provides a complete McCann firefighter exam preparation focused on successful test results.