Map Assessment Test: All You Need to Know about the MAP Growth Test

The MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) test assessment, also known as the NWEA Test, is an assessment designed to measure the achievement in math, reading, and language usage of students from kindergarten through 12th grade.

The test adjusts its difficulty based on the student's responses, providing a personalized testing experience with 40-43 questions per section and no time limit.

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What is the MAP Assessment Test?


The NWEA MAP test, or the NWEA Test, is an evaluation assessment for K-12 students that aims to measure their achievement and growth in the core subjects of math, reading, and language usage:

Depending on the grade, The Math section includes topics like Computation and Problem Solving, Measurement, Geometry, Statistics and Probability, Algebraic Thinking, and Data Analysis.

Depending on the grade, the Reading section includes topics like Phonology and Phonics, Word Structure and Meaning, Comprehension, Writing, Identifying Main Ideas, Locating Information, and Drawing Inferences.

Depending on the grade, the Language Usage section includes topics like Punctuation, Spelling, Parts of Speech, Syntax, and Writing Process.

The test includes various question types, such as multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and drag-and-drop. It comprises 40-43 questions per section and has no time limit.

The test is adaptive, meaning that the difficulty of the questions dynamically adjusts based on the student's responses.

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for Kindergarten


Alex had 6 flowers in her garden. She planted 3 more flowers.

How many flowers does Alex now have in her garden?

You can use the pictures to help you solve the problem:

map test kindergarten math





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The correct answer is D (9).
You can solve this problem by turning it into a simple addition exercise: Alex had 6 flowers and planted 3 more, so you add 6 and 3 to get 9 (6 + 3 = 9).
Another approach is to use the pictures: first, count the 6 flowers, then count the 3 additional flowers, totaling 9 flowers altogether.


Read the following sentence:

What is the title of your favorite book

What sign should come at the end of the sentence?





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The correct answer is D (?). ​

The punctuation in answer D is a question mark, which is used to end a question.

The given sentence is a question because it begins with the word "what," a question word, followed by the verb "is."

Therefore, the sentence should end with a question mark.

Answer A uses an exclamation mark, meant to express strong feelings or emphasis, making it incorrect.

Answer B uses a period, which is used to end declarative sentences, so it is incorrect.

Answer C uses a comma, which is used to separate different parts of a sentence, making it incorrect.

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 1st Grade


Look at the following number sequence:

7, 9, 11, 13, 15, ___

What is the next number in the sequence?





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The correct answer is B (17).

This sequence follows a rule where each number is 2 more than the previous one. To find the next number, add 2 to the last number, which is 15. Therefore, 15 + 2 = 17. So, the next number in the sequence is 20.


What is the plural form of the word tooth?





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The correct answer is C (Teeth).

Most nouns in English become plural by adding an “s” at the end. However, some words have irregular plural forms. The word “tooth” is one of these irregular words. The plural form of “tooth” is “teeth.”

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 2nd Grade


In a classroom, there are a total of 15 students. The number of boys is the same as the tens digit in the total number of students, and the number of girls is the same as the ones digit. The rest of the students are sitting at their desks.

What is the correct distribution of students in the classroom?





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The correct answer is A (There are three boys, five girls, and seven students sitting at their desks).

The total number of students is 15. This number has a one in the tens digit and a five in the ones digit. Therefore, there are three boys (tens digit) and five girls (ones digit). Subtracting these from the total gives us:

15 - 3 (boys) - 5 (girls) = 7 students sitting at their desks.

Therefore, the distribution is three boys, five girls, and seven students sitting at their desks.


Read the recipe index for a cookbook:

Apple Pie – pages 10–15
Chocolate Cake – pages 25–30
Pumpkin Soup – pages 16–24
Strawberry Shortcake – pages 31–35
Vanilla Ice Cream – pages 36–40

Based on the recipe index, on which pages would you find the recipe for Pumpkin Soup?





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The correct answer is B (page 16).

A recipe index lists recipes and the pages they can be found on in a cookbook. According to the index, Pumpkin Soup is on pages 16–24. The only page number within this range is page 16. Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

Language Usage

Click on the contraction in which the apostrophe is correctly placed.





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The correct answer is B (can't).

An apostrophe in contractions is used in place of the missing letters. "Can't" is a contraction of "cannot."

  • "Did'nt" is incorrect because the apostrophe is not in place of the missing letter. It should be "didn't" (did + not).
  • "Woul'dnt" is incorrect because the apostrophe is incorrectly placed. It should be "wouldn't" (would + not).
  • "Wer'nt" is incorrect because the apostrophe is not correctly placed. It should be "weren't" (were + not).

Therefore, the correct contraction with the apostrophe correctly placed is B) can't.

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 3rd Grade


map assessment test 3rd grad math

What is the perimeter of this rectangle?






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The correct answer is C (20 inches).

To determine the perimeter of the rectangle, add together the lengths of all four sides. Since opposite sides of a rectangle are equal, and two sides are marked with lengths of 7 and 3 inches, respectively, you can deduce that the other two sides also measure 7 and 3 inches.

Calculate the perimeter by adding all four sides: 7 + 3 + 7 + 3 = 20 inches. Alternatively, you can double the lengths of the marked sides and add them together for the same result: (2 × 7) + (2 × 3) = 14 + 6 = 20 inches.

Therefore, the correct answer is (C).


Read the passage:

On a bright sunny day, Sarah and her friends gathered at the park for a picnic. They spread out a large blanket under the shade of a tall oak tree and unpacked delicious sandwiches and fruit. As they ate, they watched birds fluttering around, chirping happily. Sarah's friend, Emily, brought a kite with her, and they took turns flying it high into the sky. After a while, they decided to play a game of tag, running and laughing across the grassy field. When the sun started to set, they packed up their things and headed home, tired but happy from their fun-filled day.

What is the best title for this passage?





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The correct answer is A (A Day at the Park).

The best title for this passage should capture the central idea that reflects the overall events described. The passage depicts a day spent at the park, including a picnic, flying a kite, and playing games. The title "A Day at the Park" encapsulates these activities and the setting of the story.

Answer (B) "Flying Kites" is too specific and does not encompass all the activities mentioned in the passage.
Answer (C) "Picnic Adventures" is somewhat close, but it does not fully convey the entirety of the day's activities beyond the picnic.
Answer (D) "Sarah and Emily" focuses only on the names of two characters and does not encompass the broader events of the passage.
Therefore, the most suitable title that summarizes the passage is (A) "A Day at the Park".

Language Usage

Which of the following sentences is structured correctly?





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The correct answer is D (The big brown dog chased the ball across the yard.)

In sentences, the order of words is important to make sense. Usually, we start with who or what is doing something (the subject), then say what they are doing (the verb), and finally describe more about it (details like how or where). In sentence (D), "The cat chased the mouse quickly," we first have the subject "The cat," then the action "chased," and finally the detail "quickly." This order makes the most sense and is the correct way to write the sentence.

Answers (B), (C), and (A) don't follow this order correctly, so they are not correct sentences in English.

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 4th Grade


A school cafeteria served 72 slices of pizza equally among six tables.

How many slices of pizza were served per table?





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The correct answer is B (10 slices).

This problem involves dividing the total number of pizza slices evenly among several groups. 72 slices of pizza were served, and they were divided among six tables. To find out how many slices each table received, divide the total number of slices by the number of tables:

72 ÷ 6 = 12 slices per table.

Therefore, each table received 12 slices of pizza. To verify:

12 slices × 6 tables = 72 slices in total.

Hence, the correct answer is (B) - 10 slices per table.


Read the sentences:

The doctor said the patient was undergoing a gradual recovery. She was improving day by day.

What is the meaning of the prefix gradual?





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The correct answer is A (slow).

The prefix gradual- means "slow" or "step-by-step." Therefore, gradual recovery means the patient is improving slowly over time.

Language Usage

What is the correct definition of a conjunction?





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The correct answer is A (It is a word used to join two sentences together).

Conjunctions are words that join words, phrases, or clauses together in a sentence. Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

Answer B is incorrect because it is the definition of an adjective.

Answer C is incorrect because it is the definition of an interjection.

Answer D is incorrect because it is the definition of a proper noun.

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 5th Grade


map assessment test 5th grade math question






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The correct answer is B (0.28).

Remember the place value positions for decimals. Following the decimal point, the first position is tenths, the second is hundredths, and the third is thousandths. For example, decimals like 0.2, 0.7, and 0.1 only have numbers in the tenths column.

Decimals such as 0.14, 0.57, and 0.99 have numbers up to the hundredths column, following fractions out of 100.

In this grid, there are 100 squares in total, with 28 squares shaded. Therefore, the shaded region can be represented as a fraction: 28/100, which simplifies to 0.28 as a decimal. This decimal extends up to the hundredths place, illustrating the fraction 28 ÷ 100.


Read the passage:

Emily raced through the forest, the sound of leaves crunching beneath her feet. She had been training for this day for months— the annual cross-country race. As she approached the clearing near the river, her heart pounded with anticipation.

Suddenly, she spotted her rival, Maria, sprinting ahead. Emily gritted her teeth and pushed herself harder, determined to catch up. The finish line was just ahead, and Emily could feel her muscles burning with effort.

What point of view is used in the passage?





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The correct answer is D (third person limited).

In the passage, the third person limited point of view is used. This is evident because the narrator focuses on Emily's thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout the race. The narrator describes Emily's perspective ("She had been training for this day for months," "Emily gritted her teeth and pushed herself harder") without revealing the thoughts or feelings of any other characters. The reader experiences the race through Emily's eyes and senses, which is characteristic of third person limited point of view.

Answer (A) is incorrect because first person point of view involves the narrator telling the story from their own perspective using pronouns like "I," "me," and "my," which is not used in the passage.

Answer (B) is incorrect because second person point of view addresses the reader directly using pronouns like "you," which is not used in the passage.

Answer (C) is incorrect because third person omniscient point of view would involve the narrator knowing and describing the thoughts, feelings, and actions of multiple characters, not just Emily's perspective alone. The passage solely focuses on Emily's thoughts and experiences during the race.

Therefore, the correct answer is (D) third person limited. This perspective allows the reader to closely follow Emily's journey and experience her emotions and actions firsthand.

Language Usage

Which of the following sentences is a complex sentence?





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The correct answer is B (Sarah went to the store because she needed to buy groceries).

A complex sentence contains an independent clause (a complete sentence) and one or more dependent clauses (incomplete sentences that cannot stand alone). In answer (B), "Sarah went to the store" is an independent clause, and "because she needed to buy groceries" is a dependent clause. They are connected by the subordinating conjunction "because," which shows the relationship between the two clauses.

Answer (A) is incorrect because it is a simple sentence with no additional clauses.

Answer (C) is incorrect because it is a compound sentence with two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "and."

Answer (D) is incorrect because it is a simple sentence with a prepositional phrase ("On Friday") and a predicate ("We have a test in math class") but no additional clause.

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 6th Grade


Which is the best decomposition to simplify the multiplication 427 x 19?






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The correct answer is C (300 x 19
+ 120 x 19
+ 7 x 19).
Decomposing allows you to simplify complex multiplication problems by breaking down one or both of the factors into easier-to-handle parts.

In this case, 427 can be decomposed as:
427 = 400 + 20 + 7.

Now, to find the product of 427 x 19, you can use the distributive property:
427 x 19 = (400 + 20 + 7) x 19.

This can be expanded and calculated as:
400 x 19 + 20 x 19 + 7 x 19.

Therefore, answer choice (C) correctly decomposes 427 into 300, 120, and 7, making it easier to calculate each part multiplied by 19 and then summing the results.

Answer choice (A) doesn't fully decompose 427 and leaves a large number (400) to multiply by, so it's incorrect.

Answer choice (B) decomposes 427 into 10 and 9, which doesn't help simplify the multiplication of 19 effectively, so it's incorrect.

Answer choice (D) also doesn't fully decompose 427 and leaves 27 to multiply by, which is more difficult, so it's incorrect.

Answer choice (E) decomposes 427 into 200, 20, and 7, which is not the most efficient decomposition for this multiplication problem, so it's incorrect.

Therefore, the best decomposition to simplify the multiplication 427 x 19 is given by answer choice (C).


Read the paragraph:

Mark watched as his friends executed their plan with precision, each person knowing their role perfectly. They moved swiftly through the corridors, communicating silently with hand signals and glances, ensuring no one would notice their presence until it was too late.

What is the meaning of the word "precision"?





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The correct answer is A (with careful accuracy).

The word "precision" means with careful accuracy. In the paragraph, Mark's friends execute their plan "with precision", meaning they are performing their tasks carefully and accurately. They move swiftly but with attention to detail, using silent communication to ensure their actions are coordinated and unnoticed.

Answer (B) is incorrect because while Mark's friends move swiftly, the emphasis is on accuracy rather than speed alone.

Answer (C) is incorrect because the paragraph describes their actions as well-planned and coordinated, indicating preparation rather than lack of it.

Answer (D) is incorrect because the paragraph mentions they communicate silently, indicating they are not making loud noises.

Therefore, the correct answer is (A), as "precision" in this context means with careful accuracy.

Language Usage





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The correct answer is B ("Everyone," Ms. Smith announced, "please gather in the auditorium").

The first word in a sentence should always be capitalized. The second half of a quotation should not begin with a capital letter unless it is a proper noun or title. The only sentence that is capitalized correctly is in answer (B). The first word of the sentence is capitalized, the proper noun (Ms. Smith) is capitalized, and the second half of the quotation does not begin with a capital letter. Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

Answer (A) is incorrect because the second half of the quotation should not begin with a capital letter.

Answer (C) is incorrect because the proper noun in the second half of the quotation ("Linda") should be capitalized.

Answer (D) is incorrect because the first word of the sentence ("that") should be capitalized.




MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 7th Grade


What is the correct order for the time measurements below to go from lowest value to highest?





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The correct answer is B (2,700 seconds, 45 minutes, 0.75 hours, 1/4 of a day).

To compare different units of time, convert them into a common unit. Here, we will convert all measurements to minutes:

  • 45 minutes is already in minutes
  • 2,700 seconds = 2,700 / 60 = 45 minutes
  • 0.75 hours = 0.75 * 60 = 45 minutes
  • 1/4 of a day = (24 hours / 4) = 6 hours = 6 * 60 = 360 minutes

Now that all the units are in minutes, the order is: 45 minutes, 45 minutes, 45 minutes, and 360 minutes. Since 45 minutes appear three times, we keep them in the original order for simplicity.

Therefore, the order is: 2,700 seconds, 45 minutes, 0.75 hours, 1/4 of a day.


Read the passage:

Technological innovations have profoundly transformed our lives, yet we often overlook the remarkable changes they bring. Consider the invention of the electric light bulb: before its creation, people relied on candles and oil lamps for illumination, which were dim and required frequent maintenance. Similarly, the advent of the washing machine revolutionized laundry, a task that previously took an entire day of manual scrubbing and rinsing by hand.

Another significant innovation is the refrigerator. Before refrigerators were common household items, people preserved food by salting, smoking, or storing it in iceboxes, which were cooled by large blocks of ice delivered by an iceman. This method was inconvenient and unreliable, as the ice would eventually melt, leading to spoilage.

The modern microwave oven is another example of an often underappreciated advancement. Before its invention, reheating leftovers required using a stovetop or oven, which was time-consuming and energy-intensive. Today, we can simply pop food into a microwave and have it hot and ready in minutes.

One more fascinating piece of technology that is often overlooked is the dishwasher. Before dishwashers became standard kitchen appliances, washing dishes was a tedious chore done entirely by hand. This took a considerable amount of time and effort, especially after large meals or gatherings.

In the past, dishwashing was a manual task performed by households or hired help. Early dishwashers were manually operated and not very efficient. It wasn’t until the mid-20th century that automatic dishwashers became more reliable and widely available, drastically reducing the time and labor involved in cleaning dishes.

What is one logical reason, according to the passage, for the significant impact of refrigerators on food preservation?





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The correct answer is A (They eliminated the need for salting and smoking food.)

According to the police report, John Smith mentioned that after the collision, the train traveled about 250 feet before it came to a complete stop.

According to the passage, before refrigerators, people preserved food by salting, smoking, or using iceboxes. The refrigerator made these methods obsolete by providing a reliable and convenient way to keep food fresh.

Answers (B), (C), and (D) are incorrect because the passage does not suggest that refrigerators were easier to clean, more aesthetically pleasing, or that they made food taste better. The primary impact described is their ability to replace older, less reliable methods of food preservation.




Language Usage

Read the sentence:

The blue car is much faster than the red car.

Which word is modified by the adjective "faster"?





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The correct answer is A (car).

Answer (A) is correct because the adjective "faster" modifies the noun "car." You can figure this out by asking "What is faster?" It is the car that is faster.

Answer (B) is incorrect because the adjective "faster" does not modify the verb "is." An adjective can only modify a noun or pronoun, not a verb.

Answer (C) is incorrect because the adjective "faster" does not modify the word "much." Instead, "much" is an adverb that modifies the adjective "faster," indicating the degree to which the car is faster.

Answer (D) is incorrect because the adjective "faster" does not modify the conjunction "than." The conjunction is used to make the comparison, but it is not being described by the adjective "faster."

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 8th Grade


map test 8th grade math question

What is the value of α?





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The correct answer is D (85°).

According to the Exterior Angle Theorem, the measure of the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of the remote interior angles.
In this question the exterior angle is ∢BCD, therefore it equals the sum of ∢ABC and ∢BAC:
60° + α = 145° → α=85°

Exterior Angles
An exterior angle is formed by extending one of the sides of the triangle. The angle formed between the extended side and the other side is the exterior angle:

Alternative Solution
This question can also be solved using the inner angles of the triangle. ∢ACB and ∢BCD are supplementary angles and therefore they add up to 180°. Thus:
∢BCD + ∢ACB = 180° → 145° + ∢ACB = 180° → ∢ACB = 35°
Looking at the triangle ∆ABC you now have two angles whose value you know, and the missing value of α. In a triangle the angles add up to 180°, therefore:
∢BAC + ∢ABC + ∢ACB → α + 60° + 35° = 180° → α = 85°






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The correct answer is C (involving three sides).

Here is the word trilateral used in a sentence: The trilateral agreement was signed by three different countries. See the Study Guide for a list of prefixes to indicate numbers. Here are other words using the prefix tri-:

  • tri + cycle (wheel) = tricycle = a vehicle with three wheels
  • tri + pod (foot) = tripod = a three-legged stand
  • tri + angle (angle) = triangle = a shape with three sides
  • tri + lingual (language) = trilingual = knowing three languages
  • tri + annual (year) = triannual = occurring three times a year

Language Usage

Read the following sentence:

The teacher’s voice was a soothing melody, calming the anxious students before the big exam.

Which of the following poetic and literary devices is used in the sentence above?







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The correct answer is A (Metaphor).

A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two different things by stating that one thing is another. In the sentence, the teacher's voice is compared to a soothing melody, which is a metaphor.

"Simile" is incorrect because a simile compares different things figuratively by stating their likeness using words such as "like" or "as." The sentence does not use these words to make the comparison.

"Hyperbole" is incorrect because hyperbole involves exaggerated statements that are not meant to be taken literally. There is no exaggeration in the sentence.

"Alliteration" is incorrect because alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of closely connected words. There is no significant repetition of consonant sounds in the sentence.

"Personification" is incorrect because personification involves giving human attributes and abilities to non-human entities. The sentence does not attribute human characteristics to non-human things.

"Onomatopoeia" is incorrect because onomatopoeia refers to words that mimic the sound they describe, such as "buzz" or "boom." There are no such words in the sentence.

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 9th Grade


map assessment test 9th grade math question

What is the perimeter of Triangle A (on the left) based on the images' given data?





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The correct answer is B (34).

he key to solving this problem is to identify that the two triangles are congruent. Triangles are considered congruent when they have the same three sides and angles.

To check if the two triangles in this problem are congruent, use the AAS (angle, angle, side) criterion: If two triangles have two pairs of equal angles and one pair of equal sides, they are congruent. Remember that the angles in a triangle sum up to 180°, so if two pairs of angles are equal, the third pair will also be equal.

From the image, you can see that the triangles have two pairs of equal angles:
∠BAC = ∠EDF = 59° and ∠ABC = ∠DEF = 86°

Additionally, they share a pair of equal sides (AB = DE = 8). Therefore, based on the AAS criterion, we can conclude that the two triangles (a and b) are congruent.

Knowing that the triangles are congruent allows us to find the missing side of Triangle a (AC), which is equal to side DF of Triangle b:
DF = 14, and since DF = AC, we have AC = 14.

With all the sides of the Triangle known, we can calculate the perimeter:
8 + 12 + 14 = 34



Read the following passage from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice:

Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley. He had always intended to visit him, though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go; and till the evening after the visit was paid she had no knowledge of it. It was then disclosed in the following manner. Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat, he suddenly addressed her with:

"I hope Mr. Bingley will like it, Lizzy."

"We are not in a way to know what Mr. Bingley likes," said her mother resentfully, "since we are not to visit."

"But you forget, mamma," said Elizabeth, "that we shall meet him at the assemblies, and that Mrs. Long has promised to introduce him."

"I do not believe Mrs. Long will do any such thing. She has two nieces of her own. She is a selfish, hypocritical woman, and I have no opinion of her."

"No more have I," said Mr. Bennet, "and I am glad to find that you do not depend on her serving you."

Mrs. Bennet deigned not to make any reply, but, unable to contain herself, began scolding one of her daughters.

"What is your principal object in coming?" said Elizabeth to Mr. Darcy, who was to be engaged in conversation with her.

"Your conjecture is totally wrong, I assure you. My principal object is to see you and to judge, if I can, whether I might ever be capable of loving you."

Which of the following is a plot point that is advanced by dialogue in the passage?





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The correct answer is D (Development of Mr. Darcy’s feelings).

A plot point is something that happens in the story. Dialogue refers to the words spoken between two characters. Plot points are advanced by dialogue when the reader is informed that these things happened, not by a narrator saying that they did, but from the conversations that the characters have. The reader learns about Mr. Darcy’s feelings when he says to Elizabeth, “My principal object is to see you and to judge, if I can, whether I might ever be capable of loving you.” In other words, the plot point of Mr. Darcy revealing his feelings is advanced by the reader reading what Mr. Darcy said to Elizabeth, not by a narrator saying that Mr. Darcy has feelings for Elizabeth.

A is incorrect because the narrator tells us that Mr. Bennet visits Mr. Bingley; we do not learn this from dialogue.

B is incorrect because Elizabeth trimming a hat is described by the narrator, not through dialogue.

C is incorrect because while Mrs. Bennet criticizes Mrs. Long, this does not significantly advance the plot. The key plot advancement is Mr. Darcy’s revelation of his feelings, which is crucial to the story’s development.

Language Usage

Read the following sentence and choose the correct spelling for each word in the brackets:

The lecture was [unbearable/unbearible] and the speaker's voice was hardly [audable/audible].





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The correct answer is B (unbearable/audible).

These words end with the suffixes “able” and “ible.” Both suffixes mean the ability to do something. Typically, "able" is used when the suffix is added to a complete word (like "bear" to form "unbearable"), and "ible" is used when forming a word with affixes and Latin roots, or when you need to remove a vowel at the end of the word before adding the suffix (like "aud" to form "audible").

  • “Bear” is a complete word, so "able" is added to form “unbearable.”
  • “Aud” is not a complete word on its own, so "ible" is added to form “audible.”

Note: There are more complicated rules and exceptions to these guidelines, so use them as a general rule of thumb.

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 10th Grade


2X + Y = 10

X - 2Y = -4

Which of the following coordinates represents the solution to the system of equations?





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The correct answer is B (4, 2).

First, solve the second equation (X - 2Y = -4) for X:
X - 2Y = -4 -----> X = 2Y - 4

Next, substitute the value of X from the second equation into the first equation and solve for Y:
2X + Y = 10
2(2Y - 4) + Y = 10
4Y - 8 + Y = 10
5Y - 8 = 10
5Y = 18
Y = 2

Now, substitute the value of Y back into the expression for X:
X = 2Y - 4
X = 2(2) - 4
X = 4 - 4
X = 2

Thus, the solution to the system of equations is (X, Y) = (2, 2), which corresponds to the coordinates (4, 2).

Answer (A) is incorrect because it represents (X, Y) = (2, 4), meaning X = 2 and Y = 4. In the notation for coordinates, the value of X always comes first in the parentheses.

Answer (C) is incorrect because it represents (X, Y) = (3, 1), meaning X = 3 and Y = 1.

Answer (D) is incorrect because it represents (X, Y) = (1, 3), meaning X = 1 and Y = 3.

Another way to solve this system is to use the elimination method by multiplying the second equation by 2 and subtracting it from the first equation, which results in a single-variable equation. After finding the value of Y, you can substitute it back into one of the original equations to find the value of X.





Read the passage and answer the question:

Marie Curie is renowned for her groundbreaking research on radioactivity, a term she coined herself. Born Maria Skłodowska in Warsaw, Poland in 1867, Curie moved to Paris to study at the Sorbonne, where she earned degrees in physics and mathematics. She married Pierre Curie, and together they discovered the elements polonium and radium.

In 1903, Marie Curie, along with Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their collective work on radioactivity. Marie Curie made history again in 1911 when she won a second Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry, for her discovery of radium and polonium.

Curie's relentless dedication to her research came at a personal cost. She died in 1934 from aplastic anemia, a condition linked to prolonged exposure to high levels of radiation. Despite the challenges and obstacles she faced as a woman in science, her contributions have had a lasting impact, and she remains an inspiration to scientists around the world.

What type of text is this passage considered?





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The correct answer is D (Biography).

A biography is a text that describes someone's life in the third person. It usually includes details such as time and place of birth, education, work, family life, and either time of death or current whereabouts. The passage gives readers these details, and it is written in the third person. Therefore, it is a biography.

Answer A is incorrect because a memoir usually covers one specific aspect of the author’s life or one period of time, while the passage focuses on the chronology of Curie's life. A memoir is also typically written in the first person.

Answer B is incorrect because an autobiography is written by the author in the first person, while the passage is written in the third person.

Answer C is incorrect because fiction is an imaginary story, but the above passage does not appear to be imaginary, as it refers to real dates and events, and explains how significant scientific discoveries were made.

Language Usage

The gift was given to ________ at the ceremony.

Which of the following options completes the sentence properly?





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The correct answer is C (my friend and me).

"I" is used as a subject, and "me" is used as an object. In this sentence, the gift was given to someone, making the recipients the object of the verb "given." Therefore, "me" is used instead of "I." Additionally, when referring to oneself along with another person, the other person should be mentioned first. These rules lead us to option C, "my friend and me."

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 11th Grade






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The correct answer is B (I=0.9(3000+0.02s).

First, Maria's commission on her total sales is 2%. Percentages are parts out of a hundred, meaning that 2% is 2 out of a hundred: 

If Maria earns a monthly salary of $3,000 plus 2% of her total sales, it means that before the tax reduction, she earns 3000+0.02s3000 + 0.02s.

Maria pays a 10% tax on her total wage (Note: 10%=0.1010\% = 0.10). She needs to reduce 10 out of 100 percent of her total wage (which is 3000+0.02s3000 + 0.02s) and is left with 90% (100−10=90100 - 10 = 90), which is 0.900.90. Her monthly income after tax is therefore 0.9(3000+0.02s)0.9(3000 + 0.02s).

The correct answer is (B) because it represents this exact equation.

Answer (A) would have been correct if Maria's commission on her sales was 20% (20%=20/100=0.220\% = 20/100 = 0.2).

Answer (C) is incorrect because the 10% reduction excludes the tax on Maria's commission.

Answer (D) is incorrect because the ss (sales) component is missing.


Apple Inc., the tech giant, is known for revolutionizing the technology industry with its innovative products and groundbreaking designs. It might be surprising to learn that the company once faced near bankruptcy in the 1990s before a major turnaround with the release of the iMac. This period marked a resurgence in Apple's fortunes, which led to its current status as a leader in technology.

What is the connotation of the word “giant” as it is used in the opening paragraph of the passage?





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The correct answer is A (A highly influential and dominant company).

The word "giant" in this context connotes a highly influential and dominant company. While "giant" can refer to something very large or tall, this passage is used to highlight Apple's immense influence and dominance in the technology industry.

Option B is incorrect because the word "giant" does not refer to physical height or an imposing figure.
Option C is incorrect because the context does not imply that Apple moves slowly; rather, it suggests dominance and influence.
Option D is incorrect because, while Apple does provide high-quality products, this is not the connotation of the word "giant." The term emphasizes Apple's size and power in the industry rather than the quality of its products.

Language Usage

If you don't start your project soon, you might not finish it on time.

Which of the following is true about the sentence above?






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The correct answer is A (It has at least one subordinate clause).

Option A is correct because the sentence contains a subordinate clause ("If you don't start your project soon") and an independent clause ("You might not finish it on time"). The subordinate clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence, while the independent clause can. Option B is incorrect because, although the sentence does contain an independent clause, option A is more specific and directly relevant to identifying the presence of a subordinate clause. Option C is incorrect because the sentence is not a run-on; the clauses are properly connected. Option D is incorrect because the sentence is complete and not a fragment. Option E is incorrect because the sentence does not give a command; it makes a conditional statement.

MAP Assessment Test Practice Questions for 12th Grade


Inside a bag are twelve marbles of different colors: four blue, six white, and two black.
Four marbles are chosen randomly from the bag without replacement.

What is the probability that none of them is black?





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The correct answer is D (10/33).

To solve this question, start by finding the probability that one non-black marble is chosen. Then find the probability that a second non-black marble is chosen from the remaining marbles, and continue this process for the third and fourth marbles (Note that there is no replacement—a marble that has been chosen is not returning to the bag and cannot be chosen again).

Since there is a total of 12 marbles in the bag (4 blue + 6 white + 2 black = 12) and two black marbles, the probability of randomly choosing a marble that is not black is:
10/12 (number of non-black marbles ÷ total number of marbles)

After one (non-black) marble is chosen, the bag still has 11 marbles, 2 of which are black. The probability of choosing another marble that is not black is:

After two non-black marbles are chosen, the bag still has 10 marbles, 2 of which are black. The probability of choosing another marble that is not black is:
8/10 = 4/5

After three non-black marbles are chosen, the bag still has 9 marbles, 2 of which are black. The probability of choosing another marble that is not black is:

Finally, multiply all the probabilities you have found together to discover the probability that none of the chosen marbles from the bag is black:
(10/12) × (9/11) × (4/5) × (7/9) = (10 × 9 × 4 × 7) ÷ (12 × 11 × 5 × 9) = 2520 ÷ 3960 = 10/33

→Therefore, (D) is the correct answer.


Read the following two sentences and determine the definition of the underlined word that appears in both of them:

The artist was known for his avant-garde style, constantly pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms.

Even though her music was considered avant-garde, it quickly gained popularity among the youth.






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The correct answer is B (Experimental or innovative, especially in the arts).

“Avant-garde” is an adjective that describes something that is experimental or innovative, especially in the arts. This can be inferred from the context of the sentences where the artist is pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms, and the music, though unconventional, gains popularity for its innovative nature.

All of the other answer choices can be eliminated by studying the details of the two sentences. The context implies something about their style or approach itself, not about any particular conformity or quality.

Option 1 can be eliminated because it contradicts the context of both sentences. An avant-garde style, by definition, does not conform to established customs and traditional methods.

Option 3 can be eliminated because it does not make sense in the context of either sentence. Avant-garde implies a high degree of creativity and innovation, not mediocrity.

Option 4 can be eliminated because it is the opposite of the context provided. Avant-garde is anything but old-fashioned or out of date; it is cutting-edge and forward-thinking.

Option 5 can be eliminated because it does not fit the context of either sentence. Avant-garde artists or works often attract attention and are not characterized by being reserved or avoiding the spotlight.

I hope this clarifies the question and answer choices for you! Let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else you'd like to explore.




Language Usage

Identify the sentence type:

"He loved the book, despite its controversial themes and challenging language."





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The correct answer is B (Complex sentence).

The sentence "He loved the book, despite its controversial themes and challenging language." is a complex sentence because it contains one independent clause ("He loved the book") and one dependent clause ("despite its controversial themes and challenging language"). The dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence, so it is dependent on the independent clause to complete its meaning. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

MAP Assessment Test Scores

The NWEA MAP assessment test scores utilize the RIT scale (Rasch Unit). Unlike traditional grading based on correct answer percentages, in the MAP assessment test, students are evaluated according to the difficulty level they can tackle.

An RIT score indicates the level at which a student is anticipated to answer questions correctly half of the time. As the scale offers an unbiased measure of progress across all grade levels, students in higher grades naturally attain higher scores; what may be an advanced score for a 3rd grader could be an average score for a 5th grader. This method allows schools and students to track academic advancement and growth from year to year.

MAP Assessment Test Tips

  • Read the question carefully: Take the time to fully understand the question before selecting your answer.
  • Don't hesitate to skip: If you find a question challenging, move on and return to it later.
  • Employ process of elimination: If uncertain, eliminate answers you know are incorrect to improve your chances of choosing the correct one.
  • Review your answers: review your responses to catch any errors before submitting the test.
  • Focus on keywords: Questions often include key phrases that indicate what type of answer is required (e.g., "main idea," "compare and contrast").
  • Apply logical reasoning: Think critically about the information presented in the question and answer choices.
  • Guess if unsure: There is no penalty for guessing on the MAP test, so make an educated guess rather than leaving a question unanswered.
  • Keep in mind: The NWEA Test is intended to track your growth, not to penalize errors. Give it your best effort, stay composed, and concentrate on showcasing your knowledge!


The NWEA MAP Assessment Test is an adaptive evaluation for K-12 students that measures achievement and growth in math, reading, and language usage. The test adjusts its difficulty based on student responses, providing a personalized experience with various question types and no time limit. Using the RIT scale, it tracks academic progress over time and helps educators tailor instruction to each student's needs.

The NWEA MAP Assessment Test evaluates K-12 students' achievement and growth in math, reading, and language usage. It adapts to each student's performance, providing a personalized assessment experience. The test uses the RIT scale to track academic progress over time. This test helps educators tailor instruction to individual student needs and compare student performance to local, state, and national standards.

A good NWEA MAP test score depends on the student's grade level and the subject under assessment. Typically, scoring at or above the 50th percentile suggests average performance, while scores above the 75th percentile indicate above-average achievement, reflecting strong academic skills. Educators often rely on grade-specific benchmarks and RIT (Rasch Unit) scores for a detailed assessment of what qualifies as a good score, which can signal readiness for more challenging academic tasks and overall academic excellence.

The typical NWEA MAP assessment test score varies depending on the student's grade level and the specific subject evaluated. Generally, a score near the 50th percentile signifies average performance, aligning with national peer standards.
Scores notably above this percentile indicate stronger-than-average achievement, whereas scores below may highlight areas where additional support or teaching adjustments could be beneficial.

Identifying a gifted score on the NWEA MAP assessment test can differ based on the grade level and specific subject. Typically, achieving a score well above the average, often in the 90th percentile or higher, might suggest exceptional abilities in that subject area. However, identifying giftedness involves assessing various factors beyond test scores, such as creativity, critical thinking skills, and overall academic achievement. Educators and parents should evaluate MAP test results alongside other pertinent information to effectively determine a student's academic placement and opportunities for enrichment.

The availability and pricing of the NWEA MAP assessment test can differ based on the educational institution and its partnership with NWEA, the test provider. While some schools and districts may include the MAP test as part of their educational assessments at no additional cost to students, individual students or parents conducting the test independently or outside of school settings might incur fees. To determine if the MAP test is free or requires payment, it's advisable to inquire directly with your child's school or district administration.