Pass the Traffic Enforcement Agent Exam 2024 Version [Full Guide]

The NYPD Traffic Enforcement Agent exam is a multiple choice test with 10 sections, similar to other civil service exams.

Get an accurate simulation of the real exam with realistic questions of all categories: Personality, Reading Comprehension, Police Form Tests, Reasoning, Spatial Orientation and more. All practice tests are based on efficient use of insider information to help you pass the test.

  • Accurate preparation for all 10 sections in the exact same format as the real Traffic Enforcement Agent Exam. As close to actual exam questions as you can get!
  • Comprehensive video tutorials and PDF study guides, written by our test experts.
  • Thorough explanations for every question, to help you learn from your mistakes and improve your score.

[Updated 5/9/22] The next traffic enforcement agent exam is open for filling until 5/24/2022! Make sure you register and get enough practice before the exam.

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Traffic Enforcement Agent Test Practice
Less Content
  • Written Comprehension practice tests
  • Written Expression practice tests
  • Memorization practice tests
  • Problem Sensitivity practice tests
  • Information Ordering practice tests
  • Spatial Orientation practice tests + 3 extra practice tests
  • Deductive and Inductive Reasoning practice tests
  • Mathematical Reasoning practice tests
  • Number Facility practice tests
  • Study Guides & Video Tutorials
Shir, Civil Service Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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What Is the Traffic Enforcement Agent Exam?

To become an NYPD Traffic Enforcement Agent, you must take the Traffic Enforcement Agent (TEA) exam. When you apply to become an NYPD Traffic Enforcement Agent or any other position in the civil service field in New York City, then the application process will most likely be through the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS). The DCAS exam schedule is posted during the fiscal year and is updated on a monthly basis, in order to keep candidates up-to-date on any relevant changes.

Some of the duties of the job include issuing summonses to illegally parked vehicles, directing traffic at intersections, testifying at administrative hearing offices and court, and preparing required reports, as well as sometimes even being called upon to operate a motor vehicle.

Receiving a high score on the TEA exam increases your chances of becoming an agent. The starting salary for a Traffic Enforcement Agent is $29,217, which increases to $33,600 after two years. Other benefits of the job include paid vacation and sick leave, medical and dental plans, and a 401K.

The Traffic Enforcement Agent exam contains ten sections. The questions are in the multiple-choice format, and you need a score of 70% to pass. Becoming familiar with the test will help increase your score as well as your chances of becoming a Traffic Enforcement Agent.


Traffic Enforcement Agent Exam Sections

The exam measures the skills needed to be a successful Traffic Enforcement Agent. The exam is computerized and consists of multiple-choice questions. The following job-related qualities are measured:

  • Written Comprehension – These questions test your ability to understand written sentences and paragraphs.
  • Written Expression – You are tested on your ability to convey a clear written message in English.
  • Memory questions – This section measures your memory for information expressed in words, numbers, pictures, and procedures.
  • Problem Sensitivity – These questions test how well you identify a problem and its elements, and whether or not you can detect an error.
  • Information Ordering – The questions test your ability to comply with a rule or a set of rules and arrange things or actions in a certain order. For example, to perform mathematical or logical operations and to arrange numbers, letters, words, pictures, procedures, sentences, etc.
  • Spatial Orientation – You are tested on your understanding of spatial relativity between an object and yourself.
  • Deductive Reasoning – This section tests your ability to apply general rules to specific problems and to come up with logical answers.
  • Inductive Reasoning – This section assesses your ability to combine together separate pieces of information or specific answers to problems, thus forming a general rule or conclusion.
  • Mathematical Reasoning – These questions test your ability to understand and organize a problem, as well as determine the suitable mathematical method or formula that will produce a solution.
  • Number Facility – You are assessed on your ability to solve simple mathematical operations—adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing—as well as finding percentages and taking square roots.

Traffic Enforcement Exam Sample Questions

Written Comprehension Sample Question

Read the following paragraph and answer the question.

Although not acknowledged by any country as an official currency, Bitcoin is recognized and used as currency in e-trading worldwide, with a cap of 21 million Bitcoin units total. Authorities and financial experts alike have been dumbfounded by the arrival of this new element and are currently struggling to adjust their mindset and devise appropriate plans in dealing with Bitcoin. Bitcoin has been the cause of great concern on the part of banks as well, due to its potential status as a competing currency. All of the problems facing these different players in the economy are compounded by the potential of criminal elements dealing in e-trade, which has already been the cause of new legislation. 

What is one of the aspects of Bitcoin that has been difficult for financial experts to deal with?





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The correct answer is A.

This is what the first line of the text states. We can definitely say that this is a difficult aspect even though this isn’t laid out in the text. Answer D, the closest other option, cannot be correct as the passage states that they are finding it hard to deal with, not that they cannot deal with it at all.

Problem Sensitivity Sample Question

Read the following rule and answer the question.


A correctional officer whose life is not being threatened may not shoot a violent inmate with a rifle or handgun unless it is a .22 caliber rimfire using rubber, sand, or rock-salt ammunition.

 Which of the following is in violation of the rule?





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The correct answer is (D).

"A correctional officer whose life is not being threatened may not shoot a violent inmate with a rifle or handgun unless […]" – Buckley shot a violent inmate with a handgun while not under life threat."“[…] unless it is a .22 caliber rimfire using rubber, sand, or rock-salt ammunition.” – Buckley's handgun is a .22 caliber rimfire, but he used .22 Short ammunition, which does not comply with the RULE.

In answer (A), just as in (D), Jerry's life was not threatened. However, in answer (D) the officer used the correct ammunition.

In answer (B), Officer Adams's life was threatened. Since the RULE only addresses shootings when the officer's life is not threatened, no violation occurred.

Notice that answer (C) does not mention whether the officer's life was threatened; either way, there was no violation of the RULE:

  • If Officer Kelly's life was threatened, then there could be no violation of the RULE, just as in answer (B).
  • If Officer Kelly's life was not threatened, no violation of the RULE had occurred, since the correct ammunition was used.

Mathematical Reasoning Sample Question

Answer the following question- you may use a calculator.

 Two round balls are sliding down a smooth slope at constant speeds. Ball A rotates at 12 revolutions per minute and ball B rotates at 57 revolutions per minute. If both balls were thrown (i.e. began rotating) at the same time, how many seconds will pass until ball B has completed exactly 6 more revolutions than ball A?






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The correct answer is C - 8 seconds.

We will insert the information we have organized in the table into the formula: 
Work = rate*time
(i) x = (12/1)*t
(ii) x+6 = (57/1)*t
=> 12t + 6 = 57t
=> 6 = 45t
=> t = 1/7.5 minutes
In order to convert to seconds we will multiply by 60:
t = 60*1/7.5 = 8 seconds.

Solving tip: 1 minute = 60 seconds
Therefore, in order to convert from minutes to seconds we had to multiply by 60.
Note that to convert from seconds to minutes the opposite operation is required- dividing by 60.