Senior Account Clerk Civil Service Exam Online Practice

What You'll Get

  • 5 Office record keeping tests
  • 13 Understanding and interpreting tabular material tests
  • 5 Supervision tests
  • 8 Arithmetic computation tests
  • 3 Name and number checking tests
  • 12 Detecting errors tests
  • 19 Understanding and interpreting written material tests
  • 3 Clerical operations with letters and numbers tests
  • 15 Preparing written material tests
  • 10 Fundamentals of account keeping and bookkeeping tests
  • Fully detailed explanations teaching the simplest & quickest methods
  • Secured payment
  • Exclusive to JobTestPrep


The test consists of nine different question types:

  • Office Record Keeping - These questions require you to read and interpret information in graphs, tables, and other formats to keep records.
  • Preparing Written Material - These questions require you to properly structure sentences and paragraphs in order to clearly express yourself in writing.
  • Understanding and Interpreting Tabular Material - These questions test your ability to understand and analyze data presented in tabular form.
  • Arithmetic Computation with Calculator - These questions test your ability to perform basic arithmetic functions on a calculator and may ask you to calculate percentages and averages.
  • Understanding and Interpreting Written Materials - These questions assess how well you understand written material. In this section, you will be presented with a passage followed by questions that must be answered based on the information presented.
  • Clerical Operations with Letters and Numbers - These questions test your attention to detail and require you to analyze data down to the letters and numbers of which it is made. 
  • Fundamentals of Account Keeping and Bookkeeping - For these question, you'll have to solve basic problems in account keeping and bookkeeping, recognize related professional terms and concept, and simulate the performance elementary transactions.
  • Supervision – These questions assess your knowledge, behavioral tendencies, and attitudes towards supervisory practices which includes: planning, organizing, and supervising a team of workers.
  • Administrative Supervision – This section evaluates your knowledge of the principles and practices involved in directing the activities of a large subordinate staff, including subordinate supervisors.
  • Name and Number Checking - These questions test your attention to detail and ability to notice small differences between different sets of information.

Prepare with JobTestPrep 

We provide you with many types of questions in order for you to feel comfortable while taking the civil service Senior Account Clerk exam. Our preparation pack provides excellent preparation for all of the sections which appear on the civil service Senior Account Clerk test.

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