IPMA-HR Firefighter Entry Level Exam Preparation
Yedidya Lixenberg

Yedidya, Firefighter Recruitment Expert at JobTestPrep.

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International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR) is a Virginia based company that provides entry level firefighter exams to various firefighter departments throughout the US. Each department can select the exam that best fits their department and may also decide the passing score on the exam.

IPMA-HR has three series of firefighter entry level tests, along with a study packet.

Please note that while we do not provide an exact test simulation, our PrepPack™ is customized in a way that provides excellent comprehensive practice for every type of question that may appear on the actual test. Using our practice resources and study guides will significantly improve your chances of acing the test and securing your place at the top of the eligibility list.

Test Information Packet (TIP)

The 200 and 300 series entry-level firefighter tests include a Test Information Packet (TIP). The TIP was designed to assess your ability to learn, remember, and apply new information. The material found inside the TIP will be written and visual. You will be given 20 minutes to study the TIP. Once the 20 minutes are up the TIP will be collected and then the test booklet will be handed out.

Firefighter Entry Level (FF-EL) 100 Series

The FF-EL 100 was designed to assess your basic abilities necessary to learn and perform the duties of a firefighter, including rescue operations, responding to alarms, providing first aid, entering fire structures, maintaining equipment, hose operations, attending training and ladder operations. The test assesses your knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal characteristics (KSAPs) new firefighters need in order to be successful on the job.

  • Ability to apply situational judgment: Tests your ability to handle day-to-day situations that deal with teamwork, following department rules, interactions with supervisors, co-workers and the public.
  • Ability to read and understand written materials (i.e., reading comprehension): Tests your ability to properly apply job-related materials, such as training texts, manuals, and directions for using equipment.
  • Possess strong spatial sense: Tests to see if you have a good sense of direction, good judgment of distance and heights, and to always be able to orient yourself and find your way, even in new places.

The test contains 90 multiple-choice questions. To further prepare for the exam review test breakdown found in the chart below.

Series 100
  FF-EL 101 (TIP) FF-EL 102 (TIP)
Format Paper Paper
Total Time 2:00 2:00
Total Questions 90 90
Sections Number of Questions
Reading Comprehension 26 24
Interpreting Tables 9 10
Situational Judgement 10 10
Logical & Mathematical Reasoning Ability 14 15
Reading Gauges 3 2
Mechanical Aptitude 5 6
Spatial Sense 9 10
Map Reading 6 7
Vocabulary 7 7

Firefighter Entry Level (FF-EL) 201-NC & 301-NC Series

These FF-EL Non-cognitive tests were designed to assess whether or not you have basic abilities necessary to learn and perform successfully on the job. You will be given 25 minutes to study the TIP. Afterwards, the TIP will be collected and you will have 2 hour and 10 minutes to complete the test booklet, which contains 100 multiple-choice questions. This series has a cognitive and a non-cognitive component.

The cognitive component of the test asks questions based on information found in the TIP, about a hypothetical town, as well as articles and facts about firefighting. It tests your ability to read, comprehend and properly apply technical information such as fire behavior and equipment; the ability to reason and apply logic and sound judgment as problems occur; the ability to develop mechanical aptitude; and whether you are able to work effectively with others and practice good work habits.

The non-cognitive component (NC) uses a Firefighter Interest Questionnaire to assess a variety of personal traits consistent with success on the job, including the ability to get along with others and work as part of a team, interest in community service, conscientiousness, sense of responsibility, and the desire for a career in firefighting.

To prepare review the chart below and start practicing with our custom made practice packs.

Firefighter Entry Level Tests
  FF-EL 201-NC (TIP) FF-EL 301-NC (TIP)
Format Paper Paper
Total Time 2:20 2:20
Total Questions 100 100
Sections Number of Questions
Ability to Learn, Remember & Apply Information (TIP) 35 35
Reading Comprehension 15 15
Situational Judgement 13 12
Logical & Mathematical Reasoning Ability 17 18
Firefighter Interest Questionnaire (NC) 20 20

Firefighter Entry Level (FF-EL) 202 & 302

These FF-EL tests are designed to assess your basic cognitive abilities required to perform successfully on the job. FF-EL 202 and 302 each contain four subtests:

  • Ability to Learn, Remember and Apply Information: Using a detailed description and map of a hypothetical town you will be assessed on how well you are able to absorb and apply new information of the type required on the job.
  • Reading Comprehension: Provides reading passages based on firefighting topics followed by questions that require you to demonstrate your ability to read and comprehend technical information.
  • Situational Judgment: This section assesses your ability to handle day-to-day situations that deal with teamwork, following department rules, and interactions with supervisors, co-workers and the public.
  • Logical and Mathematical Reasoning Ability: This section assesses your ability to reason logically, solve problems, understand and apply basic mathematical data, and apply rules to new situations.

For full test breakdown referred to the chart below.

Firefighter Entry Level Exam
  FF-EL 202 (TIP) FF-EL 302 (TIP)
Format Paper Paper
Total Time 2:05 2:05
Total Questions 80 80
Sections Number of Questions
Ability to Learn, Remember & Apply Information (TIP) 35 35
Reading Comprehension 15 15
Situational Judgement 13 12
Logical & Mathematical Reasoning Ability 17 18

IPMA-HR Exam Preparation with JobTestPrep

We provide you with a complete test format of all IPMA-HR firefighter entry-level tests in order to prepare you for the exam. Familiarizing yourself with the test format will improve your score and better your chances of becoming a firefighter. We have online practice packs to make studying easy.


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