Prepare for the Big Five Inventory

What You'll Get

  • Professional personality practice test
  • "Single Trait Practice" – customized to your needs
  • Personalized feedback report – customized to your job level
  • Theory Guide explaining the right approach to taking the test
  • Professional Guide that includes instructions on how to optimize your answers    
  • Special bonus: Our Motivation and Culture Fit Tests Guide
  • 24/7 access to our personality test practice pack


Kemi Cohen

Kemi, Big Five Personality Test Expert at JobTestPrep.

Have a question? Contact me at:

The Big Five personality test is based on the the Big Five model. The Big Five model is made up of five basic dimensions of personality, often referred to as the "Big 5."
First and foremost, you can read here about these tests.

How Do I Pass the Big Five Personality Test with JobTestPrep?

  1. Read the test instructions carefully.
  2. Take the full test.
  3. Read your personalized report.
  4. Use the complete answer breakdown in our Professional Report to learn how to optimize your answers.
  5. Use our "Single Trait Practice" to improve your specific trait answers that are relevant to your desired position.

"Single Trait Practice"

Our "Single Trait Practice" for all 50 traits offers the following benefits:

  • You can work on each trait independently at your own pace and as you see fit.
  • You can practice each trait to understand its nature and optimize your answer accordingly on the real test.
  • You can save precious time by practicing only the trait for which you need to optimize your answer.
  • You can use our professional guide to receive the full answer breakdown for each one of the traits.
  • You can optimize the way you present yourself on every aspect of your personality profile.

Personality Test Sample Questions

Our online personality test includes many different question formats, as they appear in a variety of popular pre-employment personality tests. Here are two free samples of personality tests that are based on the big-five personality model: 

Free Caliper Test Sample

Free Hogan Test Sample

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