Master the Chevron Assessment Test: Free Practice and Guide 2024
Shlomik Silbiger

Shlomik, SHL Test Expert at JobTestPrep.

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What Is the Chevron Assessment Test?

The Basic Chevron assessment test is a two-part test that includes the SHL Mechanical Comprehension test which examines your ability to comprehend mechanical concepts and the SHL OPQ Personality test which evaluates your personality traits, thinking style, skills, workplace behavior, and preferences.

The assessment time is 15 minutes and the total expected time of 41 minutes is based on the time required for instructions, practice exercises, and completion of the assessment for both operation and maintenance positions.

The Chevron Operation assessment test also includes a 12-minute gamified process monitoring section that currently is not included in the JobTestPrep preparation.

Let’s try to solve some free maintenance and chevron operator assessment test questions.

Chevron Assessment Test Practice

The questions below are samples taken from the JobTestPrep PrePack and are very similar to what you’ll find in the real exam.


Mechanical Practice Questions

In this section, you will employ your aptitude for comprehending mechanical principles. You'll encounter visuals depicting straightforward machinery, tools, or common items, and your task will involve making predictions about their outcomes and how the displayed objects would interact.

SHL Mechanical Devices Interaction Question

How will each of the horses behave when pushed forward?

A. Both horses will move forward

B. Both horses will move forward, but Horse B will also move up and down.

C. Horse A will move forward, Horse B will move up and down.

D. Both Horses will move forward and up and down.

Mechanical Devices Interaction Answer


While the four large wheels on the base will move both horses forward, Horse B will also move up and down.

Here's why:

The front axis of horse B is not straight (as opposed to horse A) and has an arm in the perpendicular direction. Therefore, it will convert some of the wheel rotation to an up-and-down movement, as depicted in the following diagram (side view):

SHL Mechanical Comprehension Test Answers

The arm rotates "inwards," pushing the horse leg up as it goes up (black) and down as it goes down (dashed grey).

Mechanical Force and Torque Question

Which shelf is less likely to bend?

A. Shelf A 

B. Shelf B

C. Both shelves equally

D. It depends on the material the shelves are made of.

SHL Mechanical Comprehension Test Answers


The bending of the shelf is influenced by the load and the distance to the fixed points. That is due to the law of the lever, which states that the longer the arm the load is applied on, the greater force it exerts.

If the load on the shelf is farther from the fixed points, it will exert a large load on the shelf, causing it to bend more.

In that case, although shelf B is longer, the distance between the load and shelf A's fixed points is larger, and therefore it will bend more.

Answer D is incorrect. While the extent to which the shelves will bend does depend on the material they are made of, shelf A will still bend less than shelf B.

The correct answer is A

SHL Mechanical
Gears Question

In which direction will the grey wheel rotate?

A. Clockwise

B. Counterclockwise

C. It will not rotate

D. Cannot determine

SHL Mechanical Comprehension Test Answers


An intuitive look at the problem can also help see that two rotations are applied on the light cogwheel (marked red) – clockwise from the left and counterclockwise from the right. The light cogwheel is mashed between the two, unable to move (and so is the entire system).

SHL Mechanical Comprehension Test Answers

However, this question can also be solved in the traditional way of "counting gears":

Count the gears from the origin to the target (excluding origin):

  • A dual number of gears – the same direction.
  • An odd number of gears – the opposite direction.

In that case, we can count one gear (the target gear meshes against the origin gear) or two gears, as shown below (red means counterclockwise, blue means clockwise):

SHL Mechanical Comprehension Test Answers

OPQ Personality Questions

The OPQ32 is an online occupational personality questionnaire developed by SHL. It assesses personality traits, thinking styles, skills, and workplace behaviors and preferences to forecast job performance.

The OPQ32 uses an interactive format. For instance, you'll be asked to select the statement that best describes you, labeled as 'most'.


*Source - JobTestPrep OPQ Test Guide.


After you select a statement (highlighted in bold) that best describes you, it vanishes from the screen. You then continue by choosing from the remaining statements to determine the next one that fits you best.


*Source - JobTestPrep OPQ Test Guide.

OPQ Test Sample Question

Take a look at the following question and reflect on your response:


*Source - JobTestPrep OPQ32 Test Practice Course. 

How Should You Respond to This OPQ Question?

Every job demands specific traits. It's crucial to recognize the essential qualities of your role in order to select the most suitable answers.

In our comprehensive preparation course, we guide you in identifying these key qualities and teach you how to tailor your responses effectively.

SHL Process Monitoring Test

This test will ask you to engage in and operate a computer-based simulation. The goal is to test your ability to keep an eye on safety, work towards production goals, monitor product quality, be mindful of environmental impact and maintain efficiency.

The process involves two steps: a training and an assessment.

During the training, you’ll be given a brief 5-8 minute run-down. You'll learn is how to manage the control panel which is divided into 5 zones:

  • Power Control Zone
  • Stabilizer Zone
  • Temperature Control Zone
  • Air Control Zone
  • System Reset Zone

Make sure you understand the instructions and can respond appropriately when things get a bit off course!

Following the training, you’ll take a 12-minutes test where you’ll need to delicately balance all 5 zones at once.

This test requires good multitasking skills, attention to detail, working memory, and quick decision-making skills.

What Is the Difference Between the SHL Process Monitoring Test and The COBRA Test?

The COBRA test (Console Operator Basic Requirements Assessment) is a much more complex computer-based simulation test that is mainly used in the oil and gas industry to assess the candidate's ability to handle complex and high-stress situations.

In this test, the candidate will have to monitor and control the processes of a simulated pipeline system or petrochemical plant in real-time.

The COBRA test evaluates a candidate's control operation skills including decision-making, problem-solving, and situational awareness. The candidate is expected to react to various mechanical failures or changes in the operation conditions, striving to meet the productivity goals while minimizing risks like potential spills or flares.


What Is the Timeframe Provided to Complete the Assessment?

You have 3 days to finalize the assessment.

How Long Is It Recommended to Allocate for The Assessment?

It is advisable to allocate a maximum of 45 minutes for the assessment, ideally in a single session.

Can It Be Completed in Multiple Sessions?

Yes. your progress will be automatically saved if you need to exit.

How Long Will the Assessment Score Remain Valid?

Your assessment score will remain valid for 180 days.

What Happens if I Reapply for Another Job Requisition Within that Period?

If you reapply for another Job Requisition within this timeframe, you will need to complete the application process again and click on the assessment link, which will resubmit your prior results.




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