Canada's General Competency Test Level 1 Preparation

Purpose of General Competency Test 1

Canada’s Public Service Commission established the GCT1 as a means of assessing the cognitive ability of candidates to apply reasoning in solving work-related problems. Passages, memorandums and questions contained in the GCT1 involve skills that are necessary for the effective performance of administrative support tasks.

This exam is used by management in the hiring process, training program, career counseling system and assessment of ongoing employees. When utilized as a candidate screening tool, the “Pass” threshold is 18/50.

GCT1 Format

The format of the General Competency Test Level 1 is multiple-choice. There are a total of 50 questions presented in a single exam, within a total timeframe of 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Content of GCT1

You can expect to encounter three cognitive topics, each housing its own type of questions:

  • Understanding Written Material – Short passages or job-related memorandums are presented, each followed by various questions. The tasks involve information recall, analysis, summarization and determination of conclusions, all based solely on the facts contained in the passage/memo.
  • Solving Numerical Problems – Expect to find math word problems that require the application of first-year high school mathematical functions. You will find addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, ratios, simple algebraic equations, fractions, decimals, monetary calculations, percentages and averages. The actual test questions necessitate a two-pronged approach: 1) Determine the arithmetic functions needed to calculate the answer; 2) Apply those functions in calculating the correct response.
  • Drawing Logical Conclusions – Various types of questions comprise the Logical Conclusions assessment in the GCT1. Some items present practical administrative support problems. The task in each question is to select the most logical response to alleviate the situation. Other questions present short passages containing rules and procedures. For these items, you are asked to answer every question by applying the facts provided in the written material. Carefully read the entirety of each passage, question and alternative before marking your answer.

GCT1 Preparation with JobTestPrep

Preparing for the GCT1 will get you familiar with the types of questions and exam format. More importantly, you gain the confidence that comes from knowing you can excel at this test. The more you practice, the more you increase your speed and accuracy. JobTestPrep will soon have a comprehensive exam preparation pack for GCT1.

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