Situational Judgement Test Tips (SJT)

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About Situational Judgment Tests

There are many job types that may require a Situational Judgement Test. Some examples include law enforcement and public service positions, different management positions, and more. Regardless of the field, the SJT is designed to discern your ability to make responsible and accurate decisions. It also aims to gain an understanding of your work capacity and your comprehension of an organization’s hierarchical structure.

SJT Tips On How to Answer Situational Judgement Tests

These six tips are specifically useful for answering questions on Situational Judgement Tests

  1. Before taking the test, read about the employer. Companies usually publish an agenda, or they highlight in their publications their views of service and sales. Try to determine the competencies that are highly valued by the employer in the position you are applying for.
  2. In reality, the situations that appear on an SJT don't have right or wrong answers. Remember that you are being asked to choose the response that best suits the situation and that demonstrates competencies that are valued by the employer.
  3. Keep in mind the context of the test and the scenario. Choose the response that best suit your position and the situation described.
  4. Assume that the optional responses are all possible; you will not be presented with impossible responses.
  5. The responses listed may not reflect all potential responses. What you believe is the best or most appropriate response may not be listed.
  6. Responses may be appropriate in the short term versus the long term and vice versa. It is important to consider responses regardless of the time frame as a response may be appropriate, even if it is something that cannot be done right away.


SJT Question Types

During the test, you are presented with various challenging situations that employees may come across in the workplace. You are provided with several responses and asked to select the most or least effective ones, or to rank the effectiveness of all of the responses. Below are some tips to help you on the various question types found on the SJT.

  1. If the question asks you to rank the responses, compare them to each other. However, keep in mind that all the responses may be effective or that they may all be ineffective. Your task is to rank the responses, not to decide if they are right or wrong.
  2. On rating questions, consider each response independently of the others. Note that on some rating questions, a rating can be used several times or not at all (e.g., no response is "highly desirable").
  3. Read the situation first and try to understand the dilemma you are facing: a professional one, a relational one, or both. Then, try to find a response that best resolves the dilemma/s.


How to Answer Situational Judgment Questions?

These five general test-taking tips will help you answer SJT questions and succeed on both SJTs and any other tests you may be asked to take.

  1. Read each of the given scenarios and each possible response carefully before answering. Though one answer choice may seem correct, there may be another one that is more appropriate.
  2. Use only the given information and do not assume any information that is not provided in the question.
  3. Treat each of the responses individually. Think about what each response says about you as an employee, and consider whether choosing it represents your qualities.
  4. Use the SJT to present your best self. When responding, choose what you should do and not what you are likely to do.
  5. As with any important test, be sure to read all instructions carefully. If there is a question you are unsure of, mark it and move on. If you have time at the end of the test, you can return to it.

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